Telegram inline bot to search VulcanVerse NFTs
Change TOKEN variable in the script to the bot token received from BotFather
To run the script requires the following python modules (pip install module)
- python-telegram-bot
- requests
- pickled
As an inline bot, the bot can be used anywhere similar to @gif
@vvnftbot search term You can search keywords or token id numbers
- @vvnftbot 15100
- @vvnft kopis
- @vvnft notus
- @vvnftbot helm of the death dealer
- @vvnftbot gods
- @vvnftbot death dealer
- @vvnftbot Olympian
- @vvnftbot Titan
- @vvnftbot berserk
- @vvnftbot coddlepets
- @vvnftbot geocats