Some work needed, debug stuff still dotted around. Devoloped on Ansible 2 which lacks a systemd module. Firewalld needs implementing. Unneeded number of handlers...
On a fresh device after cloning the repo:
yum install python2-pip -q -y
pip install ansible==2
pip install --upgrade Jinja2
ansible-playbook -i "localhost," -c local site.yml -e 'magento_archive=https://insert-url-to-the-file/Magento-CE-2.2.4_sample_data-2018-05-01-09-51-36.tar.gz magento_install=true magento_cache_hosts="" mysql_innodb_buffer=32M redis_maxmemory=16M'
This will use the given "Magento-CE-2.2.4_sample_data-2018-05-01-09-51-36.tar.gz" archive, performing a Magento 2 install. For the sake of example, the InnoDB buffer pool and Redis maxmemory variables are set low (to avoid OOM when testing on smaller servers). See magento.yml
for more configurables.
Once this completes, you should now be able to browse your new Magento site at http(s)://<your ip>/
The admin path can be shown via the magento command-line tool:
su - magento -c 'php /var/www/vhosts/ info:adminuri'
Admin URI: /admin_<random_string>
The admin username is “admin” and the password is “_admin”.
Initally written by Joseph Chapman, continued here with my own opinions