Instructions to download and install necesaary software and data:
In this workshop, we will be using Python 3 with some of its most popular scientific libraries. Although one can install a plain-vanilla Python and all required libraries by hand, we recommend installing Anaconda, a Python distribution that comes with everything we need for the workshop. Detailed installation instructions for various operating systems can be found on Anaconda documentation.
- Visit the Netflix Movies and TV Shows dataset page on Kaggle: netflix_titles
- Click on the "Download" button to download the dataset file (e.g., netflix_titles.csv)
- Create a folder named lucy-python on your Desktop.
- Move the downloaded csv file to the lucy-python folder.
To start working with Python, we need to launch a program that will interpret and execute our Python commands. A Jupyter Notebook provides a browser-based interface for working with Python. If you installed Anaconda, you could launch a notebook in two ways:
Launch Anaconda Navigator. It might ask you if you’d like to send anonymous usage information to Anaconda developers: Make your choice and click the “Ok, and don’t show again” button.
Find the “Notebook” tab and click on the “Launch” button: Anaconda will open a new browser window or tab with a Notebook Dashboard showing you the contents of your Home (or User) folder.
Navigate to the lucy-python directory by clicking on the directory names leading to it: Desktop, lucy-python,
Launch the notebook by clicking on the “New” button and then selecting “Python 3”:
- Navigate to the lucy-python directory:
Unix shell: If you are using Unix shell application, such as Terminal app in macOS, Console or Terminal in Linux, or Git Bash on Windows, execute the following command:
cd ~/Desktop/lucy-python
Command Prompt(Windows): On Windows, you can use its native Command Prompt program. The easiest way to start it up is pressing Windows Logo Key+R, entering cmd, and hitting Return. In the Command Prompt, use the following command to navigate to the data folder:
cd /D %userprofile%\Desktop\lucy-python
- Start Jupyter Notebook:
Unix shell: execute the following command:
jupyter notebook
Command Prompt(Windows): execute the following command
python -m notebook