Wallme is a python tool to change your wallpaper every day based on websites. You can check WEBSITES.md for a full list ad supported websites (comming soon).
Download the latest release on github.
Double click the exe file to open the GUI.
From PyPi :
pip install wallme -U
pip uninstall wallme
Open the GUI:
Display the help:
wallme -h
List all the available websites:
wallme -list
Open the webpage on which the image is taken from:
wallme -info <website>
Retrieve the image url from the website:
wallme -url <website>
Change the wallpaper:
wallme -set <website>
Change your wallpaper on startup:
wallme -set-startup <website>
Stop changing your wallpaper on startup:
wallme -unset-startup
Prank your friends:
wallme -prank
Create a new branch and checkout
Create a new file from template
# coding: utf8
from .website import Website
class Nasa(Website):
key = 'nasa'
description = 'Pictures related to Nasa\'s missions'
url = 'https://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery/iotd.html'
def process(self, date, subkey):
json = self.get_json_from_url('https://www.nasa.gov/api/2/ubernode/_search?size=1&from=0&sort=promo-date-time%3Adesc&q=((ubernode-type%3Aimage)%20AND%20(routes%3A1446))&_source_include=promo-date-time%2Cmaster-image%2Cnid%2Ctitle%2Ctopics%2Cmissions%2Ccollections%2Cother-tags%2Cubernode-type%2Cprimary-tag%2Csecondary-tag%2Ccardfeed-title%2Ctype%2Ccollection-asset-link%2Clink-or-attachment%2Cpr-leader-sentence%2Cimage-feature-caption%2Cattachments%2Curi')
uri = json['hits']['hits'][0]['_source']['master-image']['uri']
return "https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/styles/full_width_feature/public/" + uri.replace("public://", "")
Import your file in
Create a new test from template
# coding: utf8
from .test_website import TestWebsite
class TestNasa(TestWebsite):
def test_info(self):
def test_url(self):
def test_set(self):
def test_set_unset_startup(self):
- Test your code by calling
pytest test/test_nasa.py
- Commit and pull request
Please contact @LucBerge for more informations.