This is the documentation source hosted at
This documentation has three components:
The manual, which uses mkdocs. The CSharp API documentation, which uses doxygen. The Lua API documentation, which uses ldoc.
Note all of the build scripts are written for Linux (windows is a fucking pain), so if you are on Windows, you can use WSL to run the scripts.
To build the manual, you need to have material for mkdocs installed. You can install it with pip:
pip install mkdocs-material
Now you can just run ./
to build and serve the manual.
first and then run
, the documentation files will be generated at build/api/cs/client
and build/api/cs/server
First make sure you have Lua 5.2, Lua headers and Luarocks installed in your system.
, the documentation files will be generated at build/api/lua/