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Chef cookbook to install nginx & Passenger from Phusion's repository

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This cookbook installs nginx and Passenger using packages compiled by Phusion. If you want to do extensive nginx configuration, you may want to use the Opscode nginx cookbook instead.

Currently the cookbook is only written for Ubuntu, since it assumes apt for package install.

The default recipe adds the Phusion repository and installs the passenger and nginx packages.

Configuration Attributes

  • use_passenger_4: If true, use Phusion's Passenger 4 repo rather than the main one (which is now Passenger 5). Default false.
  • sites_dir: Directory in which to write our virtualhost files. Defaults to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled.
  • nginx_workers: NGINX worker count. Defaults to 4.
  • nginx_connections: NGINX worker connection count. Defaults to 768.
  • catch_default`: If true, add an empty virtualhost file that catches all requests for hosts other than the ones explicitly registered in virtualhost files. Defaults to false.
  • log_dir: Directory for nginx and site log files. Defaults to /var/log/nginx
  • certs_dir: Directory for cert files. Defaults to /etc/nginx/certs
  • ruby: Default Ruby interpreter. Defaults to /usr/bin/ruby
  • max_pool_size`: Max number of passenger instances. Defaults to 8.
  • max_instances_per_app: Max number of passenger instances for a single app. Defaults to 0 (unlimited).
  • min_instances: Passenger config for default minimum instances of all apps. Defaults to 2.
  • pool_idle_time: Max number of seconds a Passenger process may be idle. Defaults to 300.
  • max_requests: Max number of requests a Passenger process will handle. Defaults to 0.
  • cert_databag: What databag should we look for SSL certs in? Defaults to ssl_certs
  • redirect_to_https: If a site supports https, should we redirect http requests there? Defaults to true.
  • site_min_instances: Passenger config for minimum instances of each app. Overrides default min_instances. Defaults to 2.
  • site_max_body_size: Maximum body size for uploads. Defaults to 8M
  • keep_env_path: Tell nginx to pass the PATH environment variable through. Defaults to true
  • default_log_format: What logging format should be used? Defaults to "combined". Also available is combined_timing, which adds request time and upstream response time.
  • maintenance_page: Default path to a maintenance page. Defaults to nil
  • maintenance_check: Default path to a maintenance check. Defaults to nil


The nginx_passenger_site resource is used to add a Passenger-enabled site to nginx.

For instance:

nginx_passenger_site "ewr" do
  action :create
  dir    "/web/ewr/current"
  server ""

That call would create an nginx config file at /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ewr pointing to an app installed at /web/ewr/current. Because it's Passenger, the nginx root is actually set to /web/ewr/current/public.

There are several other attributes that can be set on the resource:

  • name: The site key. "ewr" in the example above.
  • dir: The base directory for the application.
  • server: The nginx server_name
  • rails_env: Set the Passenger rails_env setting
  • cert: Key that specifies an SSL certificate that should be downloaded and installed for the app. Uses a databag specified in node.nginx_passenger.cert_databag.
  • generate_cert: If you do not have a certificate but want your site to be served over https, setting this to true will cause the a key and cert to be automatically generated for you. Note that this certificate will be self signed and should probably not be used in production environments! You can set node.nginx_passenger.cert_authority if you wish to change the certificate authority shown on the certificate, which ships as 'Self Signed'.
  • http: Should HTTP be supported? If no cert is provided, the answer will be yes, regardless of the value of this flag. If a cert is provided (and HTTPS is therefore enabled), this setting determines whether the app should also be served up over HTTP. If not, you can optionally have HTTP access redirect to HTTPS based on the value of node.nginx_passenger.redirect_to_https.
  • template: If you would like to specify custom nginx / Passenger configuration, you can specify its name here. By default, the resource will use a stock config that is included.
  • min_instances: Passenger's passenger_min_instances setting. By default, set to the value of node.nginx_passenger.site_min_instances, which ships as to 2.
  • max_body_size: Nginx client_max_body_size setting. Defaults to node.nginx_passenger.site_max_body_size, which ships as '8M' (8 megabytes).

If site resource specifies a maintenance_page, traffic will be redirected there if a given maintenance check file is present. By default, we look for (dir)/IN_MAINTENANCE_MODE, but a custom file can be specified with the maintenance_check attribute.


This cookbook was written by Eric Richardson, loosely based on practices developed putting together cookbooks for Emcien.


Chef cookbook to install nginx & Passenger from Phusion's repository






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