Stay away from OCR , convert your words into image which can not be recognized easily.
- 文字单独随机旋转角度
- 干扰线
- 文字设置大小
- 生成图片自适应大小
- 每行字数设置
- 添加橫格綫
- todo:文字随机大小
- todo:干扰线粗细随机
- todo:火星文替换
- todo:文字拉升变形
Put this project in anywhere you can visit, then open index.html
with your browser.
Example: Recognized Result by PandaOCR:
- 添加一键复制图片功能
- 添加github action,自动部署demo
- 美化頁面結構(by chatGPT)
- 添加橫格綫,讓生成的圖片更加整齊