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subfish-zhou committed Sep 23, 2024
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Showing 3 changed files with 61 additions and 151 deletions.
143 changes: 48 additions & 95 deletions lean/extra/03_pretty-printing.lean
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@@ -1,48 +1,28 @@
/- # Extra: Pretty Printing
The pretty printer is what Lean uses to present terms that have been
elaborated to the user. This is done by converting the `Expr`s back into
`Syntax` and then even higher level pretty printing datastructures. This means
Lean does not actually recall the `Syntax` it used to create some `Expr`:
there has to be code that tells it how to do that.
In the big picture, the pretty printer consists of three parts run in the
order they are listed in:
- the **[delaborator](**
this will be our main interest since we can easily extend it with our own code.
Its job is to turn `Expr` back into `Syntax`.
- the **[parenthesizer](**
responsible for adding parenthesis into the `Syntax` tree, where it thinks they would be useful
- the **[formatter](**
responsible for turning the parenthesized `Syntax` tree into a `Format` object that contains
more pretty printing information like explicit whitespaces
## Delaboration
As its name suggests, the delaborator is in a sense the opposite of the
elaborator. The job of the delaborator is to take an `Expr` produced by
the elaborator and turn it back into a `Syntax` which, if elaborated,
should produce an `Expr` that behaves equally to the input one.
Delaborators have the type `Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator.Delab`. This
is an alias for `DelabM Syntax`, where `DelabM` is the delaboration monad.
All of this machinery is defined [here](
`DelabM` provides us with quite a lot of options you can look up in the documentation
(TODO: Docs link). We will merely highlight the most relevant parts here.
- It has a `MonadQuotation` instance which allows us to declare `Syntax` objects
using the familiar quotation syntax.
- It can run `MetaM` code.
- It has a `MonadExcept` instance for throwing errors.
- It can interact with `pp` options using functions like `whenPPOption`.
- You can obtain the current subexpression using `SubExpr.getExpr`. There is
also an entire API defined around this concept in the `SubExpr` module.
### Making our own
Like so many things in metaprogramming the elaborator is based on an attribute,
in this case the `delab` one. `delab` expects a `Name` as an argument,
this name has to start with the name of an `Expr` constructor, most commonly
`const` or `app`. This constructor name is then followed by the name of the
constant we want to delaborate. For example, if we want to delaborate a function
`foo` in a special way we would use ``. Let's see this in action:
/- # 额外内容:美观打印
Lean 的美观打印器用于向用户呈现已繁饰的术语。这是通过将 `Expr` 转换回 `Syntax`,然后再转换为更高级的美观打印数据结构来完成的。这意味着 Lean 实际上不会记住它用来创建某些 `Expr` 的 `Syntax`:必须有代码告诉它如何执行此操作。
- **[反繁饰器](**
这是我们主要感兴趣的部分,因为我们可以轻松地用自己的代码扩展它。它的任务是将 `Expr` 转换回 `Syntax`。
- **[括号添加器](**
负责在 `Syntax` 树中添加括号,它认为在某些地方括号会有帮助。
- **[格式化器](**
负责将加了括号的 `Syntax` 树转换为包含更多美观打印信息(如显式空格)的 `Format` 对象。
## 反繁饰
顾名思义,反繁饰器在某种意义上是繁饰器的反面。反繁饰器的任务是将由繁饰器生成的 `Expr` 转换回 `Syntax`,如果再次繁饰,应该生成一个与输入行为相同的 `Expr`。
反繁饰器的类型是 `Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator.Delab`。这是 `DelabM Syntax` 的别名,其中 `DelabM` 是反繁饰 monad。所有这些机制都定义在[这里](。`DelabM` 为我们提供了很多选项,您可以在文档中查看(TODO:文档链接)。这里我们只强调最相关的部分。
- 它有一个 `MonadQuotation` 实例,允许我们使用熟悉的引用语法声明 `Syntax` 对象。
- 它可以运行 `MetaM` 代码。
- 它有一个 `MonadExcept` 实例用于抛出错误。
- 它可以使用 `whenPPOption` 等函数与 `pp` 选项交互。
- 您可以使用 `SubExpr.getExpr` 获取当前的子表达式。`SubExpr` 模块中还围绕这个概念定义了整个 API。
### 创建我们自己的反繁饰器
像元编程中的许多事情一样,反繁饰器基于属性,在这种情况下是 `delab` 属性。`delab` 期望以 `Name` 作为参数,这个名称必须以 `Expr` 构造函数的名称开头,最常见的是 `const` 或 `app`。此构造函数名称后面跟着我们想要反繁饰的常量名称。例如,如果我们想以特殊方式反繁饰函数 `foo`,我们将使用 ``。让我们来看一下实际操作:

import Lean
Expand All @@ -56,12 +36,10 @@ def delabFoo : Delab := do

#check foo -- 1 : Nat → Nat
#check foo 13 -- 1 : Nat, full applications are also pretty printed this way
#check foo 13 -- 1 : Nat, 整个应用同样被这样打印出来了

This is obviously not a good delaborator since reelaborating this `Syntax`
will not yield the same `Expr`. Like with many other metaprogramming
attributes we can also overload delaborators:
这显然不是一个好的反繁饰器,因为重新繁饰此 `Syntax` 不会产生相同的 `Expr`。像许多其他元编程属性一样,我们也可以重载反繁饰器:

Expand All @@ -71,65 +49,48 @@ def delabfoo2 : Delab := do
#check foo -- 2 : Nat → Nat

The mechanism for figuring out which one to use is the same as well. The
delaborators are tried in order, in reverse order of registering, until one
does not throw an error, indicating that it "feels unresponsible for the `Expr`".
In the case of delaborators, this is done using `failure`:
确定使用哪个反繁饰器的机制也是相同的。反繁饰器按照注册的相反顺序依次尝试,直到其中一个没有抛出错误,表明它「不对这个 `Expr` 负责」。在反繁饰器的情况下,这是通过使用 `failure` 来完成的:

def delabfoo3 : Delab := do

#check foo -- 2 : Nat → Nat, still 2 since 3 failed
#check foo -- 2 : Nat → Nat, 还是 2 因为 3 失败了

In order to write a proper delaborator for `foo`, we will have to use some
slightly more advanced machinery though:
为了为 `foo` 编写一个合适的反繁饰器,我们将不得不使用一些稍微高级一点的机制:

def delabfooFinal : Delab := do
let e ← getExpr
guard $ e.isAppOfArity' `foo 1 -- only delab full applications this way
guard $ e.isAppOfArity' `foo 1 -- 只能像这样反繁饰整个应用
let fn := mkIdent `fooSpecial
let arg ← withAppArg delab
`($fn $arg)

#check foo 42 -- fooSpecial 42 : Nat
#check foo -- 2 : Nat → Nat, still 2 since 3 failed
#check foo -- 2 : Nat → Nat, 还是 2 因为 3 失败了

Can you extend `delabFooFinal` to also account for non full applications?
## Unexpanders
While delaborators are obviously quite powerful it is quite often not necessary
to use them. If you look in the Lean compiler for `@[delab` or rather `@[builtin_delab`
(a special version of the `delab` attribute for compiler use, we don't care about it),
you will see there are quite few occurrences of it. This is because the majority
of pretty printing is in fact done by so called unexpanders. Unlike delaborators
they are of type `Lean.PrettyPrinter.Unexpander` which in turn is an alias for
`Syntax → Lean.PrettyPrinter.UnexpandM Syntax`. As you can see, they are
`Syntax` to `Syntax` translations, quite similar to macros, except that they
are supposed to be the inverse of macros. The `UnexpandM` monad is quite a lot
weaker than `DelabM` but it still has:
- `MonadQuotation` for syntax quotations
- The ability to throw errors, although not very informative ones: `throw ()`
is the only valid one
Unexpanders are always specific to applications of one constant. They are registered
using the `app_unexpander` attribute, followed by the name of said constant. The unexpander
is passed the entire application of the constant after the `Expr` has been delaborated,
without implicit arguments. Let's see this in action:
你能扩展 `delabFooFinal` 来处理非完整应用的情况吗?
## 反扩展器
虽然反繁饰器非常强大,但很多情况下并不需要使用它们。如果你查看 Lean 编译器中的 `@[delab` 或 `@[builtin_delab`(编译器使用的 `delab` 属性的特殊版本,我们对此不关心),你会发现它们的出现次数很少。这是因为大多数美观打印实际上是由所谓的反扩展器完成的。与反繁饰器不同,反扩展器的类型是 `Lean.PrettyPrinter.Unexpander`,这实际上是 `Syntax → Lean.PrettyPrinter.UnexpandM Syntax` 的别名。正如你所看到的,它们是 `Syntax` 到 `Syntax` 的转换,类似于宏,区别在于它们应该是宏的逆向操作。`UnexpandM` monad 比 `DelabM` 弱得多,但它仍然具有:
- 支持语法引用的 `MonadQuotation`
- 能够抛出错误,尽管错误信息并不十分详细:`throw ()` 是唯一有效的错误
反扩展器始终针对一个常量的应用进行。它们通过 `app_unexpander` 属性注册,后面跟着该常量的名称。反扩展器在 `Expr` 经过反繁饰后被传递整个常量应用,而不包含隐式参数。让我们看看这个过程如何操作:

def myid {α : Type} (x : α) := x

@[app_unexpander myid]
def unexpMyId : Unexpander
-- hygiene disabled so we can actually return `id` without macro scopes etc.
-- 禁用语法卫生,这样我们实际上可以返回 `id`,而不涉及宏范围等。
| `(myid $arg) => set_option hygiene false in `(id $arg)
| `(myid) => pure $ mkIdent `id
| _ => throw ()
Expand All @@ -138,15 +99,10 @@ def unexpMyId : Unexpander
#check myid -- id : ?m.3870 → ?m.3870

For a few nice examples of unexpanders you can take a look at
### Mini project
As per usual, we will tackle a little mini project at the end of the chapter.
This time we build our own unexpander for a mini programming language.
Note that many ways to define syntax already have generation of the required
pretty printer code built-in, e.g. `infix`, and `notation` (however not `macro_rules`).
So, for easy syntax, you will never have to do this yourself.
关于一些反扩展器的不错示例,你可以查看 [NotationExtra](
### 项目示例
像往常一样,我们将在本章末进行一个迷你项目。这次我们将为一个迷你编程语言构建自己的反扩展器。请注意,许多定义语法的方法已经内置了生成所需的漂亮打印代码,例如 `infix` 和 `notation`(但不包括 `macro_rules`)。因此,对于简单的语法,你不需要自己手动编写这些代码。

declare_syntax_cat lang
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -180,8 +136,7 @@ instance : Coe Ident (TSyntax `lang) where

As you can see, the pretty printing output right now is rather ugly to look at.
We can do better with an unexpander:

@[app_unexpander LangExpr.numConst]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -218,7 +173,5 @@ def unexpandLet : Unexpander

That's much better! As always, we encourage you to extend the language yourself
with things like parenthesized expressions, more data values, quotations for
`term` or whatever else comes to your mind.
这样就好多了!一如既往,我们鼓励你自己扩展语言,比如添加带括号的表达式、更多的数据值、对 `term` 的引用,或其他你能想到的内容。
67 changes: 12 additions & 55 deletions lean/main/04_metam.lean
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Expand Up @@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ def myAssumption (mvarId : MVarId) : MetaM Bool := do
### 元变量深度
元变量深度也是一个较为小众的特性,但有时会派上用场。每个元变量都有一个*深度*(一个自然数),并且 `MetavarContext` 也有一个相应的深度。Lean 只有在元变量的深度等于当前 `MetavarContext` 的深度时才会为其赋值。新创建的元变量继承 `MetavarContext` 的深度,因此默认情况下,每个元变量都是可赋值的。
元变量深度也是一个较为小众的特性,但有时会派上用场。每个元变量都有一个**深度**(一个自然数),并且 `MetavarContext` 也有一个相应的深度。Lean 只有在元变量的深度等于当前 `MetavarContext` 的深度时才会为其赋值。新创建的元变量继承 `MetavarContext` 的深度,因此默认情况下,每个元变量都是可赋值的。
Expand All @@ -305,57 +305,21 @@ def myAssumption (mvarId : MVarId) : MetaM Bool := do
这种模式封装在 `Lean.Meta.withNewMCtxDepth` 中。
### Metavariable Depth
## 计算
Metavariable depth is also a niche feature, but one that is occasionally useful.
Any metavariable has a *depth* (a natural number), and a `MetavarContext` has a
corresponding depth as well. Lean only assigns a metavariable if its depth is
equal to the depth of the current `MetavarContext`. Newly created metavariables
inherit the `MetavarContext`'s depth, so by default every metavariable is
计算是依值类型理论的核心概念。项 `2`、`Nat.succ 1` 和 `1 + 1` 在计算出相同值的意义上是等价的。我们称它们为**定义等价**。从元编程的角度来看,问题在于定义等价的项可能由完全不同的表达式表示,但我们的用户通常期望适用于 `2` 的策略也适用于 `1 + 1`。因此,当我们编写策略时,必须做额外的工作,以确保定义等价的项得到类似的处理。
This setup can be used when a tactic needs some temporary metavariables and also
needs to make sure that other, non-temporary metavariables will not be assigned.
To ensure this, the tactic proceeds as follows:
### 完全标准化
1. Save the current `MetavarContext`.
2. Increase the depth of the `MetavarContext`.
3. Perform whatever computation is necessary, possibly creating and assigning
metavariables. Newly created metavariables are at the current depth of the
`MetavarContext` and so can be assigned. Old metavariables are at a lower
depth, so cannot be assigned.
4. Restore the saved `MetavarContext`, thereby erasing all the temporary
metavariables and resetting the `MetavarContext` depth.
我们能对计算做的最简单的事情就是将项标准化。对于某些数字类型的例外情况,类型为 `T` 的项 `t` 的标准式是 `T` 构造函数的应用序列。例如,列表的标准式是 `List.cons` 和 `List.nil` 的应用序列。
This pattern is encapsulated in `Lean.Meta.withNewMCtxDepth`.
## Computation
Computation is a core concept of dependent type theory. The terms `2`, `Nat.succ
1` and `1 + 1` are all "the same" in the sense that they compute the same value.
We call them *definitionally equal*. The problem with this, from a
metaprogramming perspective, is that definitionally equal terms may be
represented by entirely different expressions, but our users would usually
expect that a tactic which works for `2` also works for `1 + 1`. So when we
write our tactics, we must do additional work to ensure that definitionally
equal terms are treated similarly.
### Full Normalisation
The simplest thing we can do with computation is to bring a term into normal
form. With some exceptions for numeric types, the normal form of a term `t` of
type `T` is a sequence of applications of `T`'s constructors. E.g. the normal
form of a list is a sequence of applications of `List.cons` and `List.nil`.
The function that normalises a term (i.e. brings it into normal form) is
`Lean.Meta.reduce` with type signature
将项标准化(即将其带入标准式)的函数是 `Lean.Meta.reduce`,其类型签名为:
reduce (e : Expr) (explicitOnly skipTypes skipProofs := true) : MetaM Expr
We can use it like this:

def someNumber : Nat := (· + 2) $ 3
Expand All @@ -367,18 +331,11 @@ def someNumber : Nat := (· + 2) $ 3
-- Lean.Expr.lit (Lean.Literal.natVal 5)

Incidentally, this shows that the normal form of a term of type `Nat` is not
always an application of the constructors of `Nat`; it can also be a literal.
Also note that `#eval` can be used not only to evaluate a term, but also to
execute a `MetaM` program.
The optional arguments of `reduce` allow us to skip certain parts of an
expression. E.g. `reduce e (explicitOnly := true)` does not normalise any
implicit arguments in the expression `e`. This yields better performance: since
normal forms can be very big, it may be a good idea to skip parts of an
expression that the user is not going to see anyway.
The `#reduce` command is essentially an application of `reduce`:
顺便说一下,这表明类型为 `Nat` 的项的标准式并不总是 `Nat` 构造函数的应用,它也可以是一个字面量。此外,注意 `#eval` 不仅可以用于计算项,还可以用于执行 `MetaM` 程序。
`reduce` 的可选填参数允许我们跳过表达式的某些部分。例如,`reduce e (explicitOnly := true)` 不会归一化表达式 `e` 中的任何隐式参数。这可以带来更好的性能:由于标准式可能非常庞大,跳过用户无须看到的表达式部分可能是个好主意。
`#reduce` 命令本质上就是 `reduce` 的一个应用:

#reduce someNumber
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lean/main/10_cheat-sheet.lean
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Expand Up @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ let goal_type ← goal.getType
* 抛出错误信息:`Lean.Meta.throwTacticEx name mvar message_data`
其中,`name : Lean.Name` 是策略名,`mvar` 包含错误信息
用法:`Lean.Meta.throwTacticEx `tac goal (m!"unable to find matching hypothesis of type ({goal_type})")`
用法:`Lean.Meta.throwTacticEx` tac goal (m!"unable to find matching hypothesis of type ({goal_type})")`
其中,`m!` 格式化用于构建 `MessageData`,以便更好地打印项。
TODO: Add?
Expand Down

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