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Levitezer Protocol

Please note: Levitezer Protocol is under development, definitions are subjected to be changed

Table of contents

Message Structure

Any message between two systems is compound of


There is 2 Modes for the Messages:

  • Standard Mode
  • Binary Mode

The byte order is always "little endian". Meaning the least significant byte is always first in any parameter. For example a 16 bit integer must be transmitted like this

    int16 n = 0xF137;
    byte data[]{
        n & 0xFF,  /* this is 0x37 */
        n >> 8     /* this is 0xF1 */

Then on the other end it can be reassembled:

int16 n = (data[0] | data[1] << 8);

Message Example

starting bytes device id device type counter mode Data Checksum
0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0x07 0x02 0x71 0x00 0x02 0xAA 0x92 0x33 0x41 0x00 0x00 0x2C 0x02

This message is in standard mode, is meant for Camera id 7 and contains 2 parameters in the data payload


Header is the firs 6 bytes of the message and it tells "who" sent this message (or "who" should receive it) and how to read it.

Field bit size valid byte range Observations
<Starting_Bytes> 8+8+8 255-255 Just a sequence of 3 decimal "255" or hexadecimal "FF"
<Device_ID> 8 0-254
<Device_Type> 8 0-254
<Counter> 7 0-127
<Mode> 1 0-1 0: Standard Message, 1: Binary Message
  • Starting_Bytes: this is a sequence of 3 bytes which values are always 255 or FF in hexadecimal. This identifies the starting of the message.

  • Device_ID: Identifies the device which will receive the message (or from which the message came). This id can be given by the user

  • Device_Type: it can be one of the following:

Type Name Type
Gimbal - BaseCam Serial API v2 1
Camera - Blackmagic SDI and Bluetooth Camera Control Protocol v1.3 2
Controller (i.g. Joysticks) 3
Levitezer Lens Control 4
Reserverd 5-9
Camera - Blackmagic SDI and Bluetooth Camera Control Protocol v1.5 (new) 10
Reserved (Cameras) 11-39
Box (like eeprom varialbes) 254

Every device has its own set of parameters which is up to 254 parameters.

  • Counter+Mode: Packed on the same byte is the counter and the mode
    • counter: a counter that overflows every 127 messages. This may be useful to keep track of the message order
    • mode: message uses standard or binary data.


Standard Mode

Data is between the header and the end of the message. Here are the parameters of the device. Each parameter value is always 16 bits (little endian order) preceded by an 8 bit id. Therefore every data field is 3 bytes. All the parameters must be for the same device and it cannot be more than 254 parameters.

Field byte size valid byte range Observations
<ID> 1 1-254
<VALUE> 2 0-255 data order is little endian <Low_byte High_byte>
... <ID_0> <VALUE_0>, <ID_1> <VALUE_1> ... <ID_x> <VALUE_X> ...

Example: send the farthest focus. The id is '2'. and the max value is '2047' ('0800' in hexadecimal). Then the data field are the three bytes following bytes (note the low byte is first):

id low high
02 00 08

Binary Mode

This mode is meant to transmit data that is not convenient on the standard 16 bit parameter mode. Such as big, grouped parameters and the ones that required conversion. The binary Mode uses the following structure after the header (every number is a byte):

01 MM MM 02 DD DD 03 DD DD 04 DD DD 05 DD DD .... 00 CS CS

each 'DD' is a byte of data. The data bytes are between a sequence of numbers as shown above. The first two bytes of data MM MM after 01 are a 16 bit integer Id that identifies the data.

Note that data starts after 02 sequence number. The sequence numbers can get up to 254. Which makes the maximum data size 2*254 = 508 bytes


The last part of the message is the checksum, right after the data, there is the end of message byte which is a 00, then the 16 bit checksum. The checksum is calculated as a sum of all bytes on the message but the <Starting_Bytes> using modulo 65536 operation (0x10000).


// msg contains already a levitezer message but the checksum
uint8_t msg[100]
uint16_t msg_size = 40;
uint16_t checksum = 0; // a 16 bit variable overflows automaticaly

for(int i = 3; i < msg_size-3; i++){
    checksum += msg[i];
msg[msg_size-2] = checksum & 0xff;
msg[msg_size-1] = checksum >> 8;

Parameter Descriptions

Data Provided by Gimbal

Id name min max Observations
1 IMU_ROLL -32768 32767 Current IMU angles (relative to motors themselves). Unit: 0.02197265625 degrees, which gives ±720 degree range
2 IMU_PITCH -32768 32767 //
3 IMU_YAW -32768 32767 //
4 ROLL -32768 32767 Current relative angles (relative to the the gimbal frame) Unit: 0.02197265625 degrees, which gives ±720 degree range
5 PITCH -32768 32767 //
6 YAW -32768 32767 //
7 TIMESTAMP Timestamp of the received angles
13 ACCEL_ROLL 0 1275 Current acceleration value
14 ACCEL_PITCH 0 1275 //
15 ACCEL_YAW 0 1275 //
18 ANGLE_COMPLETED Notification to confirm that a new angle was set
19 REQUEST_REAL_TIME_DATA 0 65536 Last Real Time interval that was set
21 BOARD_VERSION Board version multiplied by 10
22 FIRMWARE_VERSION Split into decimal digits X.XX.X, e.g. 2305 means 2.30b5

Gimbal Control Parameters

Id name min max Observations
4 ROLL -32768 32767 Set this axis angle .Unit: 0.02197265625 degrees, which gives ±720 degree range
5 PITCH -32768 32767 //
6 YAW -32768 32767 //
10 SPEED_ROLL -32768 32767 Set this axis speed. Unit: 0.1220740379 degrees/sec. Note, when using angle mode (Control Mode=2), the minimum speed is 0
11 SPEED_PITCH -32768 32767 //
12 SPEED_YAW -32768 32767 //
13 ACCEL_ROLL 0 1275 Set this axis acceleration limit. Unit: 1 degree/sec^2. Note: optimal rate of sending is 1 Hz. So it should not sent which the same frequency than others. Note 2: 0 Acceleration will disable this axis movement altogether.
14 ACCEL_PITCH 0 1275 //
15 ACCEL_YAW 0 1275 //
16 CONTROL_MODE values can be: 0 - Mode no control: gimbal ignores angle and speed data
1 - Mode speed: gimbal moves to speed sent. Note: Optimal rate of sending speed is 50-100Hz
2 - mode angle: gimbal goes to specified angle using specified speed (will slow down near target speed)
17 LEVEL_ROLL Sets IMU_ROLL angle to 0
18 ANGLE_COMPLETED Notification to confirm that a new angle was set
19 REQUEST_REAL_TIME_DATA 0 65536 Sets the frequency which Real time data is received in milliseconds
21 BOARD_VERSION Request board information. Will return board and firmware version
23 ROLL_OFFSET -32768 32767 Offsets the specified amount to the the axis
24 PITCH_OFFSET -32768 32767 //
25 YAW_OFFSET -32768 32767 //
26 ROLL_JOY_OFFSET -32768 32767 offset for joystick
27 PITCH_JOY_OFFSET -32768 32767 offset for joystick
28 YAW_JOY_OFFSET -32768 32767 offset for joystick
29 CALIBRATION OFFSET 1 3 Calibrate offset on specific axis for Geopoint mode, 0=all, 1=roll, 2=pitch, 3=yaw
32 GIMBAL MODE 0 2 0 = Fixed to frame, 1 = Geopoint, 2 = free

Notes: When controling the gimbal on speed mode you should send CONTROL_MODE=1 + speed axis. Also use a high rate send in the range of 50-100 Hz.

When controling the gimbal on angle mode you should send CONTROL_MODE=2 + speed axis + angle axis. On this case the speed will use to reach the target angle.

GPS Data Structure [Still on development]

GPS data is sent on Binary mode. There is 2 Ids; one for the Gimbal coordinates and the other for target coordinates.

Binary Id byte size name Observations
502 40 Gimbal GPS Coordinates See Table
503 40 Target GPS Coordinates See Table

Both GPS binary message are the same structure. The parameters are based on C language types and they are packet on the same order as in the following table

name Observations
Latitude 64 bit IEEE-754 Double float
Longitude 64 bit IEEE-754 Double float
Altitude 64 bit IEEE-754 Double float
Heading 32 bit IEEE-754 Single float
Speed 32 bit IEEE-754 Single float
Timestamp 32 bit Unsigned interger
day 8 bit Unsigned interger
month 8 bit Unsigned interger
year 8 bit Unsigned interger
status 8 bit Unsigned interger

Since datatypes are C language based. You can take advantage of C Unions to pack and receive the data without doing any extra conversions. you just need to copy the binary data to the dataArray field inside the Union, after that all parameters are available. And the other way around also works; you set every parameter and dataArray is ready to be sent with all the data.

union GpsDataUnion{
    struct  GpsData{
        double lat;
        double lon;
        double alt;
        float heading;
        float speed;
        uint32_t timestamp;
        uint8_t day;
        uint8_t month;
        uint8_t year;
        uint8_t status;
    } data;
    uint8_t dataArray[sizeof(GpsData)];

Also on python we also can use c unions through ctypes.

from ctypes import (
        Union, Array, Structure,
        c_uint8, c_uint32, c_float, c_double


class uint8_array(Array):
        _type_ = c_uint8
        _length_ = ARRAY_SIZE

class gps_data(Structure):
        _fields_ = (
		("lat", c_double),
		("lon", c_double),
		("alt", c_double),
		("heading", c_float),
		("speed", c_float),
		("timestamp", c_uint32),
		("day", c_uint8),
		("month", c_uint8),
		("year", c_uint8),
		("status", c_uint8)
class gps_data_union(Union):
    _fields_ = (
    ("data", gps_data),
    ("byteArray", uint8_array)

Black Magic Camera Parameters

The following parameters controls cameras using the Blackmagic SDI and Bluetooth Camera Control Protocol. Camera parameters must be send at rates below 24 Hz. If they are sent at higher frequency for short period, they will be enqueued and eventually sent to camera, but if the queue gets full then new data will be dropped.

Camera Ids

Usually a BMD camera can be given an Id in the 1-99 range. This is the id that must be used on the Header "device id" field. A special case is a Bluetooth camera. Messages sent to bluetooth cameras use id 100.

Grouped parameters

Some parameters should be sent grouped in the same message always, these are indicatd by the hint (grouped)


Id name min max Observations BMD Id
2 Focus 0 2047 0=near, 2047=far 0.0
3 Autofocus 0.1
4 Aperture (F-Stop ) -2047 32767 Aperture value where fnumber = sqrt(2^AV) 0.2
5 Aperture (Normalised) 0 2047 0=smallest, 2047=largest 0.3
6 Aperture (Ordinal ) 0 n Steps through available aperture values from minimum (0) to maximum (n) 0.4
7 Autoaperture void command 0.5
8 Optical image Stabilization 0 1 0=disabled, 1 or greater=enabled 0.6
9 Absolute Zoom (mm) 0 2047 Move to specified focal in mm, from 0mm to maximum of the lens 0.7
10 Absolute Zoom (Normalized) 0 2047 Move to specified normalised focal lenght: 0=wide, 2047=tele 0.8
11 Continous Zoom (Speed) -2048 2047 Start/stop zooming at specified rate: -2047=zoom wider fast, 0.0=stop, +2047=zoom tele fast 0.9
12 Relative Focus 0 2047 Same as foucs but values are added/substracted (Operation=1 in BMD protocol) 0.0

Color Correction

Id name min max Observations BMD Id
38 Luma Mix 0 2047 Default value: 0 8.5
41 Correction Reset Default 0 0 void command 8.7

The following parameters must be send on groups

Lift Color Adjustment (grouped)

Id name min max Observations BMD Id
20 Lift Adjust Red -4096 4095 Default value: 0 8.0
21 Lift Adjust Green -4096 4095 Default value: 0 8.0
22 Lift Adjust Blue -4096 4095 Default value: 0 8.0
23 Lift Adjust Luma -4096 4095 Default value: 0 8.0

Gamma Color Adjustment (grouped)

Id name min max Observations BMD Id
24 Gamma Adjust Red -4096 4095 Default value: 0 8.1
25 Gamma Adjust Green -8192 8101 Default value: 0 8.1
26 Gamma Adjust Blue -8192 8101 Default value: 0 8.1
27 Gamma Adjust Luma -8192 8101 Default value: 0 8.1

Gain Color Adjustment (grouped)

Id name min max Observations BMD Id
28 Gain Adjust Red 0 32767 Default value: 2047 8.2
29 Gain Adjust Green 0 32767 Default value: 2047 8.2
30 Gain Adjust Blue 0 32767 Default value: 2047 8.2
31 Gain Adjust Luma 0 32767 Default value: 2047 8.2

Offset Color Adjustment (grouped)

Id name min max Observations BMD Id
32 Offset Adjust Red -10240 10240 Default value: 0 8.3
33 Offset Adjust Green -10240 10240 Default value: 0 8.3
34 Offset Adjust Blue -10240 10240 Default value: 0 8.3
35 Offset Adjust Luma -10240 10240 Default value: 0 8.3

Contrast (grouped)

Id name min max Observations BMD Id
36 Contrast Adjust pivot 0 2047 Default value: 0 8.4
37 Contrast Adjust adj 0 4095 Default value: 2047 8.4

Color Adjust (grouped)

Id name min max Observations BMD Id
39 Colour Adjust Hue -2047 2047 Default value: 0 8.6
40 Colour Adjust Sat 0 4095 Default value: 2047 8.6


Id name min max Observations BMD Id
50 Video Mode (Old method, deprecated) - - See video mode explanation below 1.0
51 Sensor Gain 1 1 16 values: 1(-12dB), 2(-6dB), 4(0dB), 8(6dB), 16(12dB) 1.1
54 Exposure (ordinal) 0 n Steps through available exposure values from 0 to the maximum of the camera 1.6
55 Dynamic Range Mode 0 1 0=film, 1=video 1.7
56 Video Sharpening Level 0 3 0=Off, 1=Low, 2=Medium, 3=High 1.8
57 Auto White Balance - - Calculate and set White Balance 1.3
58 Auto White Balance Restore - - Use latest auto white balance setting 1.4
64 Auto Exposure 0 3 0=Manual Trigger, 1=Iris, 2=Shutter, 3=Iris + Shutter, 4=Shutter + Iris 1.10
67 Sensor Gain 2 -128 127 Gain in decibel (dB) 1.13
135 ND Filter 0 32768 f-stop of ND filter to use 1.16

Exposure (us) (grouped)

Exposure time in microseconds. Signed 32 bit parameter divided in 2 ids.
Min value 1.
Max value 42000.

Id name min max Observations BMD Id
53 Exposure (us) 1 - - First 16 bits 1.5
136 Exposure (us) 2 - - Remaining 16 bits. 1.5

Shutter Angle (grouped)

Shutter angle in degrees, multiplied by 100. Signed 32 bit parameter divided in 2 Ids.
Min value 100.
Max value 36000.

Id name min max Observations BMD Id
65 Shutter Angle 1 - - First 16 bits 1.11
137 Shutter Angle 2 - - Remaining 16 bits. 1.11

Shutter Speed (grouped)

Value as a fraction of 1, i.g 50 for 1/50th of a second. Signed 32 bit parameter divided in 2 ids.
Min value 24.
Max value 2000.

Id name min max Observations BMD Id
66 Shutter Speed 1 - - First 16 bits 1.12
138 Shutter Speed 2 - - Remaining 16 bits. 1.12

ISO (grouped)

ISO value. Signed 32 bit parameter divided in 2 ids.
Min value 0.
Max value 2147483647.

Id name min max Observations BMD Id
68 ISO 1 - - First 16 bits 1.14
139 ISO 2 - - Remaining 16 bits 1.14

Manual White Balance (grouped)

Id name min max Observations BMD Id
49 Manual White Balance Tint -50 50 1.2
52 Manual White Balance 2500 8000 Corresponds to color temperature in kelvins 1.2

Recording Format (grouped)

Id name min max Observations BMD Id
59 Recording Format File FPS - - fps as integer (eg 24, 25, 30, 50, 60, 120) 1.9
60 Recording Format Sensor FPS - - fps as integer, valid when sensor-off-speed set (eg 24, 25, 30, 33, 48, 50, 60, 120) 1.9
61 Recording Format Width - - in pixels 1.9
62 Recording Format Height - - in pixels 1.9
63 Recording Format Flags - - bit flags: [0] = file-M-rate, [1] = sensor-M-rate, [2] = sensor-off-speed, [3] = interlaced, [4] = windowed mode 1.9

Display LUT (grouped)

Id name min max Observations BMD Id
128 Display LUT selected 0 3 0 = None, 1 = Custom, 2 = film to video, 3 = fiml to extend video 1.15
129 Display LUT enabled 0 1 0 = Not enabled, 1 = Enabled 1.15

Video mode (Grouped)

This is the recomended way to set the Video Mode using (130-134 Ids) as opposed to Id 50.

Id name min max Observations BMD Id
130 Video Mode FPS 24 60 24, 25, 30, 50, 60 1.0
131 Video Mode M-Rate 0 1 0 = regular, 1 = M-rate 1.0
132 Video Mode Dimensions 0 6 0 = NTSC, 1 = PAL, 2 = 720, 3 = 1080, 4 = 2k, 5 = 2k DCI, 6 = UHD 1.0
133 Video Mode Interlaced 0 1 0 = progressive, 1 = interlaced 1.0
134 Video Mode Color Space 0 0 0 = YUV 1.0

Video mode (Old method, deprecated)

sets resolution and framerate. all the settings are in groups of bits as show from the smallest bit:

  • 3 bits -> FPS: 0=24, 1=25, 2=30, 3=50, 4=60
  • 1 bit -> M-Rate: 0=regular, 1=M-rate
  • 3 bits -> Dimension: 0=NTSC, 1=PAL, 2=720, 3=1080, 4=2k, 5=2k DCI, 6=4k, 7=4k DCI
  • 1 bit -> interlaced: 0=progressive, 1=interlaced
  • 4 bits -> colourspace: 0=YUV
     // if videomode is a variable that represents the parameter
     // to get the values from videomode parameter
     fps =            videomode & 0b0000000000000111
     mrate =         (videomode & 0b0000000000001000) >> 3
     resolution =    (videomode & 0b0000000001110000) >> 4
     interlased =    (videomode & 0b0000000010000000) >> 7
     colorspace =    (videomode & 0b0000111100000000) >> 8
     // to set the values to videomode parameter
     videomode = (fps | (mrate << 3) | (resolution << 4) | (interlased << 7) | (colorspace << 8)

FPS values are from first bit to the 3rd, M-rate is the 4th bit, resolution from the 5 fifth to the 7th and so.


Id name min max Observations BMD Id
69 Mic Level 0 2047 2.0
70 Headphone Level 0 2047 2.1
71 Headphone Program Mix 0 2047 2.2
72 Speaker Level 0 2047 2.3
73 Input Type 0 3 0=internal mic, 1=line level input, 2=low mic level input, 3=high mic level input 2.4
76 Phantom Power 0 1 1=powered, 0=not powered 2.6

Input Levels (Grouped)

Id name min max Observations BMD Id
74 Input Levels ch0 0 2047 2.5
75 Input Levels ch1 0 2047 2.5


Id name min max Observations BMD Id
79 Output Overlay Enables - - bit flags: [0] = display status, [1] = display frame guides 3.0
80 Frame Style Camera V3 0 8 0=HDTV, 1=4:3, 2=2.4:1, 3=2.39:1, 4=2.35:1, 5=1.85:1, 6=third 3.1
81 Frame Opacity Camera V3 0 2047 0.0=transparent, 2047=opaque 3.2

Overlays V4 (Grouped)

Id name min max Observations BMD Id
82 Frame Style Camera V4 0 8 0=off, 1=2.4:1, 2=2.39:1, 3=2.35:1, 4=1.85:1, 5=16:9, 6=14:9, 7=4:3, 8=2:1 3.3
83 Frame Opacity Camera V4 0 100 0=transparent, 100=opaque 3.3
84 Safe Area Percentage V4 0 100 percentage of full frame used by safe area guide (0 means off) 3.3
85 Grid Style V4 - - bit flags: [0] = display thirds,[1] = display cross hairs,[2] = display center dot 3.3


Id name min max Observations BMD Id
89 Brightness 0 2047 4.0
90 Display Overlay enables - - 0=disable, 4=zebra, 8=peaking, 61=both 4.1
91 Zebra Level 0 2047 4.2
92 Peaking Level 0 2047 4.3
93 Colour Bars Display Time (seconds) 0 30 0=disable bars, -30=enable bars with timeout (seconds) 4.4
96 Program Return Feed Enable 0 30 0=disable bars, -30=enable with timeout (seconds) 4.6

Focus Assist (Grouped)

Id name min max Observations BMD Id
94 Focus Assist Method 0 1 0=Peak, 1=Colored lines 4.5
95 Focus Assist Color 0 4 0=Red, 1=Green, 2=Blue, 3=White, 4=Black 4.5


Id name min max Observations BMD Id
109 Tally Brightness 0 2047 Sets both rear and front tally 5.0
110 Tally Front Brightness 0 2047 5.1
111 Tally Rear Brightness 0 2047 5.2
200 Tally Light Mode 1 3 1=record, 2=preview, 3=white None


Id name min max Observations BMD Id
113 Reference Source 0 2 0=Internal, 1=program, 2=external 6.0

Reference Offset (Grouped)

This is a signed integer 32 bit value separated on the two folowings IDs. It sets the offset in pixels

Id name min max Observations BMD Id
114 Reference Offset 1 - - First 16 bits 6.1
115 Reference Offset 2 - - Remaining 16 bits 6.1


Id name min max Observations BMD Id
162 System Language - - ISO-639-1 two character language code 7.1

Real Time Clock (Grouped)

Real Time Clock Time, it is divided between 2 Ids. Format: BCD - HHMMSSFF (UCT).
Real Time Clock Date, it is divided between 2 Ids. Format: BCD - YYYYMMDD.

Id name min max Observations BMD Id
158 Real Time Clock Time 1 - - 7.0
159 Real Time Clock Time 2 - - 7.0
160 Real Time Clock Date 1 - - 7.0
161 Real Time Clock Date 2 - - 7.0

Timezone (Grouped)

This is a signed integer 32 bit value separated on the two folowings IDs. It sets the time offset in minutes

Id name min max Observations BMD Id
163 Timezone 1 - - First 16 bits 7.2
164 Timezone 2 - - Remaining 16 bits 7.2

PTZ control

Pan/Tilt (Grouped)

Id name min max Observations BMD Id
120 Pan -2047 2047 Pan speed 11.0
121 Tilt -2047 2047 Tilt speed 11.0

Memory Preset (Grouped)

Id name min max Observations BMD Id
122 Operation 0 2 0=reset, 1=save position, 2=recall position 11.1
123 Memory slot 0 5 memory slot to use a operation 11.1


These parameters handle recording and playback control

Id name min max Observations BMD Id
147 Playback Control 0 1 0 = Previous, 1 = Next 10.2
148 Still Capture 0 0 Capture 10.3

Codec (Grouped)

Id name min max Observations BMD Id
140 Basic Codec 0 3 0 = CinemaDNG, 1 = DNxHD, 2 = ProRes, 3 = Blackmagic RAW 10.0
141 Codec Variant 0 5 CinemaDNG: 0 = Uncompressed, 1 = lossy 3:1, 2 = lossy 4:1
ProRes:0 = HQ, 1 = 422, 2 = LT, 3 = Proxy, 4 = 444, 5 = 444XQ
Blackmagic RAW: 0 = Q0, 1 = Q5, 2 = 3:1, 3 = 5:1, 4 = 8:1, 5 = 12:1

Transport (Grouped)

Id name min max Observations BMD Id
142 Transport Mode (Record) 0 2 0=previw (stop recording), 1=play, 2=record 10.1
143 Transport Speed -127 128 0=pause, +values=forward, -values=backwards 10.1
144 Transport Flags - - 1<<0 = loop, 1<<1 = play all, 1<<5 = disk1 active, 1<<6 = disk2 active, 1<<7 = time-lapse recording 10.1
145 Transport Storage 1 0 2 0 = CFast card, 1 = SD, 2 = SSD Recorder 10.1
146 Transport Storage 2 0 2 0 = CFast card, 1 = SD, 2 = SSD Recorder 10.1

Bluetooth configuration

Id name min max Observations
180 Bluetooth Scan 0 1 0=Start scanning, 1=Stop Scaning
181 Bluetooth Connection Status 0 1 0=Ble connected, 1=Ble disconnected

Bluetooth Binary Ids

Send This (Binary) command to a device that has a bluetooth module or it's bluetooth ready.

Binary Id byte size name Observations
500 - Passkey BLE String containing the passkey to pair the camera
501 6 Mac Address Ble 6-byte mac address
502 62 Scan Result Structure containing data of each device found from the scaner. See "Scan Result Details"

Scan Result Details

Each scan resut contains a name, a service UUID and a mac address. The Structure goes like this: 40 bytes for the camera name + 16 bytes for the bluetooth service + 6 bytes for the bluetooth mac address.

The C representation of the structure:

struct scanned_device {
    char short_name[40];
    uint8_t service[16];
    uint8_t mac[6];
} __attribute__((packed));

Operation Mode

Operation Mode and Mapping message (Grouped)

Id name min max Observations
239 Operation Mode - - modes 1,2,3,4 and 255, see the different modes below for more info
240 Camera Id Mapping 1 - - camera 1 and 5 to Map. First byte for camera 1, second byte for camera 5
241 Camera Id Mapping 2 - - camera 2 and 6 to Map. First byte for camera 2, second byte for camera 6
242 Camera Id Mapping 3 - - camera 3 and 7 to Map. First byte for camera 3, second byte for camera 7
243 Camera Id Mapping 4 - - camera 4 and 8 to Map. First byte for camera 4, second byte for camera 8

Sending this message will reset all previouly send, The message must contain the complete mapping for all 8 cameras when using mode 3.

Mode 1

The default Mode. The messages are forwarded difrectly to SDI, no limitation on available camera numbers, no automatic resending of the parameters, the last sent parameters cannot be requested. Only send Operation Mode set to 1. No Camera mapping is necessary.

Mode 2

Camera with Id numbers 1 to 8 will be supported. Last sent parameters will be maintained on memory, they will be periodically send and they can be requested. No Camera mapping is necessary.

Mode 3

Same as Mode 2. But the user defines the supported 8 camera numbers. Mapping of the cameras is required

Mode 255 (0xFF)

Disables the camera communication and switches off the SDI shield. Only send Operation Mode set to 255. No Camera mapping is necessary.

Mapping example

8 cameras

//camera number    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
//camera id        10, 22, 54, 34, 67, 70, 55, 45 
uint16_t mapping1 = 10 | (67 << 8) // camera 1 and 5
uint16_t mapping2 = 22 | (70 << 8) // camera 2 and 6
uint16_t mapping3 = 54 | (55 << 8) // camera 3 and 7
uint16_t mapping4 = 34 | (45 << 8) // camera 4 and 8

3 cameras

//camera number    1   2   3 
//camera id        10, 22, 54
uint16_t mapping1 = 10 
uint16_t mapping2 = 22 
uint16_t mapping3 = 54 
uint16_t mapping4 = 0 

Black Magic Camera Parameters New

The following parameters controls cameras using the Blackmagic SDI and Bluetooth Camera Control Protocol. Most parameters are sent as 16 bits. bigger than 16 bits parameters use a byte delimiter '254' (0xFE) between every 16 bits of data. For example, consider each 'XX' is a byte of arbitrary data.

   ID       ID                                  ID       ID

16 bit (or smaller) parameter example: Focus

int16_t focus = 1000; 
uint8_t msg[100];
int i = 0;
// header here
msg[5] = 1 // ID
msg[6] = (focus >> 0) & 0xff; //Lowest byte
msg[7] = (focus >> 8) & 0xff; //Highest byte
// end of message here

32 bit parameter example: ISO

int32_t iso = 25600; 
uint8_t msg[100];

// header here
msg[5 ] = 44 // ID
msg[6 ] = (iso >> 0) & 0xff; //Lowest byte
msg[7 ] = (iso >> 8) & 0xff; 
msg[8 ] = 254;
msg[9 ] = (iso >> 16) & 0xff;
msg[10] = (iso >> 24) & 0xff; //Highest byte
// end of message here

16 bit Group Parameter Example: Video Mode

Video Mode has 5 subparameters that must be sent at once: fps, m-rate, dimensions, interlaced and colorspace

int16_t fps = 60; 
int16_t mRate = 1; 
int16_t dimensions = 3; 
int16_t inter = 0; 
int16_t colorspace = 0; 
uint8_t msg[100];

// header here
msg[5 ] = 30 // ID
msg[6 ] = (fps        >> 0) & 0xff; //Lowest byte
msg[7 ] = (fps        >> 8) & 0xff; //Highest byte
msg[8 ] = 254;
msg[9 ] = (mRate      >> 0) & 0xff; //Lowest byte
msg[10] = (mRate      >> 8) & 0xff; //Highest byte
msg[11] = 254;
msg[12] = (dimensions >> 0) & 0xff; //Lowest byte
msg[13] = (dimensions >> 8) & 0xff; //Highest byte
msg[14] = 254;
msg[15] = (inter      >> 0) & 0xff; //Lowest byte
msg[17] = (inter      >> 8) & 0xff; //Highest byte
msg[18] = 254;
msg[19] = (colorspace >> 0) & 0xff; //Lowest byte
msg[20] = (colorspace >> 8) & 0xff; //Highest byte
// end of message here

16 bit Group Parameter Example: Lift Ajust

Lift Adjust has 4 subparameters that must be sent at once: red, green, blue and luma

const int fix16_unit = 2048;
float f_red = 0.5; 
float f_grn = -0.5; 
float f_blu = 1.0; 
float f_lum = 0;
// convert from float to int16
int16_t red = round(f_red * fix16_unit); 
int16_t grn = round(f_grn * fix16_unit); 
int16_t blu = round(f_blu * fix16_unit); 
int16_t lum = round(f_lum * fix16_unit); 
uint8_t msg[100];

// header here
msg[5 ] = 140 // ID
msg[6 ] = (red >> 0) & 0xff; //Lowest byte
msg[7 ] = (red >> 8) & 0xff; //Highest byte
msg[8 ] = 254;
msg[9 ] = (grn >> 0) & 0xff; //Lowest byte
msg[10] = (grn >> 8) & 0xff; //Highest byte
msg[11] = 254;
msg[12] = (blu >> 0) & 0xff; //Lowest byte
msg[13] = (blu >> 8) & 0xff; //Highest byte
msg[14] = 254;
msg[15] = (lum >> 0) & 0xff; //Lowest byte
msg[16] = (lum >> 8) & 0xff; //Highest byte
// end of message here

64 bit Group Parameter Example: Location

Location has 2 subparameters that must be sent at once: latitude and longitude

int64_t latitude = 6012839123383242; 
int64_t longitude = 5012839123383242; 
uint8_t msg[];

// header here
msg[5 ] = 133 // ID
msg[6 ] = (latitude  >> 0) & 0xff; //Lowest byte
msg[7 ] = (latitude  >> 8) & 0xff;
msg[8 ] = 254;
msg[9 ] = (latitude  >> 16) & 0xff;
msg[10] = (latitude  >> 24) & 0xff;
msg[11] = 254;
msg[12] = (latitude  >> 32) & 0xff;
msg[13] = (latitude  >> 40) & 0xff;
msg[14] = 254;
msg[15] = (latitude  >> 48) & 0xff;
msg[16] = (latitude  >> 56) & 0xff; //Highest byte
msg[17] = 254;
msg[18] = (longitude >> 0) & 0xff;  //Lowest byte
msg[19] = (longitude >> 8) & 0xff;
msg[20] = 254;
msg[21] = (longitude >> 16) & 0xff;
msg[22] = (longitude >> 24) & 0xff;
msg[23] = 254;
msg[24] = (longitude >> 32) & 0xff;
msg[25] = (longitude >> 40) & 0xff;
msg[26] = 254;
msg[27] = (longitude >> 48) & 0xff;
msg[28] = (longitude >> 56) & 0xff; //Highest byte
// end of message here

UTF-8 String Example: Project Name

This message will set Project Name to "LEVITEZER". Project Name can have up to 29 characters.

uint8_t msg[100];
// header here
msg[5 ] = 208 // ID
msg[6 ] = 'L'; // first char
msg[7 ] = 'E';
msg[8 ] = 254; 
msg[9 ] = 'V';
msg[10] = 'I';
msg[11] = 254; 
msg[12] = 'T';
msg[13] = 'E';
msg[14] = 254; 
msg[15] = 'Z';
msg[16] = 'E';
msg[17] = 254; 
msg[18] = 'R'; // last char of the new name, the rest should be zeros
msg[19] = 0
msg[20] = 254; 
msg[21] = 0
msg[22] = 0
msg[23] = 254; 
msg[24] = 0
msg[25] = 0
msg[26] = 254; 
msg[27] = 0
msg[28] = 0
msg[29] = 254; 
msg[30] = 0
msg[31] = 0
msg[32] = 254; 
msg[33] = 0
msg[34] = 0
msg[35] = 254; 
msg[36] = 0
msg[37] = 0
msg[38] = 254; 
msg[39] = 0
msg[40] = 0
msg[41] = 254; 
msg[42] = 0
msg[43] = 0
msg[44] = 254; 
msg[45] = 0
msg[46] = 0
msg[47] = 254; 
msg[48] = 0; // 29th char 
msg[49] = 0; // extra char to keep the message structure even
// end of message here

Camera Ids

Usually a BMD camera can be given an Id in the 1-99 range. This is the id that must be used on the Header "device id" field. A special case is a Bluetooth camera. Messages sent to bluetooth cameras use id 100.

-32768 | 32767

Controller Parameters

Id name min max Observations
2 JOYSTICK0_X -32768 32767 X coordinate of joystick 0. Central value is 0
3 JOYSTICK0_Y -32768 32767 Y coordinate of joystick 0. Central value is 0
4 JOYSTICK1_X -32768 32767 Same as 2 and 3 ids.
5 JOYSTICK1_Y -32768 32767 Same as 2 and 3 ids.
6 JOYSTICK2_X -32768 32767 Same as 2 and 3 ids.
7 JOYSTICK2_Y -32768 32767 Same as 2 and 3 ids.
8 JOYSTICK3_X -32768 32767 Same as 2 and 3 ids.
9 JOYSTICK3_Y -32768 32767 Same as 2 and 3 ids.
13 BUTON1_BANK1 values {400, 720, 1024, 1350, 1680}
14 BUTON1_BANK2 values {400, 720, 1024, 1350, 1680}
15 BUTON2_BANK1 values {400, 720, 1024, 1350, 1680}
16 BUTON2_BANK2 values {400, 720, 1024, 1350, 1680}
17 TRIGGER values {400, 720, 1024, 1350, 1680}
18 BUTTON1 0 1 will send 1 when press and 0 when released
19 BUTTON2 0 1 will send 1 when press and 0 when released
20 BUTTON3 0 1 will send 1 when press and 0 when released
21 BUTTON4 0 1 will send 1 when press and 0 when released
30 ROLL ANGLE -32768 32767
31 PITCH ANGLE -32768 32767
32 YAW ANGLE -32768 32767
33 DELTA ROLL ANGLE -32768 32767
34 DELTA PITCH ANGLE -32768 32767
35 DELTA YAW ANGLE -32768 32767
35 DELTA TIME -32768 32767


Trigger Camera Recording

Simple camera record trigger. will record for 5 seconds

import socket
import array
import time
UDP_IP = ""
UDP_PORT = 50505

global counter
counter = 0

#To send to a bluetooth camera we use id 100.
#To use SDI camera id must be 1-99 and it has to be set on the camera menu.

# parameter id

# values

def createRecordMsg(value):
    global counter

    deviceType = 2
    endOfMessage = 0
    message = array.array('B', [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, CAMERA_ID, deviceType, counter,
            TRANSPORT_MODE, value, 0,
            endOfMessage, 0, 0])

    #calculate checksum starting in 3rd index
    checksum = 0
    for i in range(3, len(message)):
        checksum = (checksum + message[i]) & 0xFFFF # 16 bit overflow 
   #set the 16bit checksum at the end of the array
    message[-2] = checksum & 0xff
    message[-1] = checksum >> 8

    # add to the counter
    counter = (counter+1) & 127  # counter overflows after 127 (7 bit counter)

    return message.tostring()

# create socket
print "UDP target IP:", UDP_IP
print "UDP target port:", UDP_PORT
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

# Record for 5 seconds
print "Recording..."
sock.sendto(createRecordMsg(START_RECORDING), (UDP_IP, UDP_PORT))
print "stopping..."
sock.sendto(createRecordMsg(STOP_RECORDING), (UDP_IP, UDP_PORT))

Gimbal Joystick Control

This example can be used to build a joytick control, feeding x and y axis values in a 50Hz - 100Hz rate

import socket
import array
import time
from math import sin
UDP_IP = ""
UDP_PORT = 50505
# values

SPEED_UNIT = 0.1220740379 #degree/sec

global counter
counter = 0

def calc_checksum(arr):
        global counter

        #calculate checksum starting in 3rd index
        checksum = 0
        aSum = 0
        for i in range(3, len(arr)):
                aSum += arr[i]
        #set the 16bit checksum at the end of the array
        checksum = aSum & 0xffff  # simulate 16bit overflow
        arr[-2] = checksum & 0xff
        arr[-1] = checksum >> 8

        # add to the counter
        counter += 1
        counter &= 0x7f # simulate 7bit overflow (counter is 7bits)

def send_mode(mode):
        """Gimbal message: configure mode"""
        global counter
        message = array.array('B', [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 101, 1, counter,
                        GIMBAL_MODE, mode, 0,
                        0, 0, 0])

        return message.tostring()

def send_speed(x, y):
        """ Joystick message: """
        global counter
        x = int(x)
        y = int(y)        
        message = array.array('B', [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 1, 3, counter,
                        JOYSTICK_TYPE, JOYSTICK_WII_TYPE, 0,
                        SPEED_X, x & 0xff, x >> 8 & 0xff,
                        SPEED_Y, y & 0xff, y >> 8 & 0xff,
                        0, 0, 0]) 


        return message.tostring()

# create socket
print "UDP target IP:", UDP_IP
print "UDP target port:", UDP_PORT
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

# set mode
sock.sendto(send_mode(MODE_FIX_FRAME), (UDP_IP, UDP_PORT))

# move continuously to same speed
print "Moving gimbal yaw to 5deg/s and pitch to -1 deg/s"
for i in range(1000):
        x = round(5.0/SPEED_UNIT)  #   5 deg/s
        y = round(1.0/SPEED_UNIT) #  -1 deg/s
        sock.sendto(send_speed(x, y), (UDP_IP, UDP_PORT))
        time.sleep(0.02) # speed messages should be sent 50Hz-100Hz

Gimbal Angle Control

The following python 2.7 script moves the gimbal several times on the yaw axis, sending the control messages trough UDP using the following gimbal parameters:

  • ROLL
  • PICH
  • YAW
import socket
import array
import time
UDP_IP = ""
UDP_PORT = 50505

global counter
counter = 0

def getAngleMessage(angle):
    global counter
    if angle > 720 or angle < -720:
        print "no valid angle range"
        return ""

    # convert angle to raw value
    rawYaw = int(angle / 0.02197265625)

    gimbalId = 101
    gimbalType = 1
    mode = 2
    endOfMessage = 0
    message = array.array('B', [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, gimbalId, gimbalType, counter,
            4, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 6, rawYaw & 0xff, rawYaw >> 8, 10, 0, 0, 11, 0, 0, 12, 255, 3, 16, mode, 0,
            endOfMessage, 0, 0])

    #calculate checksum starting in 3rd index
    checksum = 0
    for i in range(3, len(message)):
        checksum = (checksum + message[i]) & 0xFFFF # 16 bit overflow 
   #set the 16bit checksum at the end of the array
    message[-2] = checksum & 0xff
    message[-1] = checksum >> 8

    # add to the counter
    counter = (counter+1) & 127  # counter overflows after 127 (7 bit counter)

    return message.tostring()

# create socket
print "UDP target IP:", UDP_IP
print "UDP target port:", UDP_PORT
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

# move to 0
sock.sendto(getAngleMessage(0), (UDP_IP, UDP_PORT))
# move to 90
sock.sendto(getAngleMessage(90), (UDP_IP, UDP_PORT))
# move to 180
sock.sendto(getAngleMessage(180), (UDP_IP, UDP_PORT))
# move to 270
sock.sendto(getAngleMessage(270), (UDP_IP, UDP_PORT))

Moving Gimbal on Geopoint mode

This is not a functional example. But just an example of how moving the gimbal on Geopoint mode is done. Language is C.

There are 8 commands to be send defined below, the device type to use when sending the message is Controller (id 3) not Gimbal (id 1). The device id can be anything in (1-253) joystic_x_input_here and joystic_y_input_here are your inputs

// commands
int JOYSTICK_TYPE          = 1;
int JOYSTICK0_X            = 2;
int JOYSTICK0_Y            = 3;
int JPITCH                 = 31;
int JYAW                   = 32;
int JDELTA_PITCH           = 34;
int JDELTA_YAW             = 35;
int JDELTA_TIME            = 36;
// device type
// variables
double yaw = 0;
double pitch = 0;
double roll = 0;
uint32_t sampleTime = 0;
uint32_t startingSampleTime = 0;
uint64_t mainTimer = 0;
uint8_t levitezer_counter;
uint8_t messageOut[700];
double delta_yaw = 0;
double delta_pitch = 0;
// Note:  micros() is function that returs time since boot in microseconds

// the following happens every 10 ms
    if(micros() - mainTimer > 10000){
        yawSpeed =   ((joystic_x_input_here));    // from -32767 to 32768
        pitchSpeed = ((joystic_y_input_here));    // from -32767 to 32768

        /* Angle and time calculation */
        sampleTime = micros() - startingSampleTime;
        //               speed         time(microsec)                speed unit
        delta_yaw =   yawSpeed * (sampleTime/1000000.0) * 0.1220740379 ;
        delta_pitch = pitchSpeed * (sampleTime/1000000.0) * 0.1220740379 ;
        yaw   = yaw +     delta_yaw ;
        pitch = pitch +   delta_pitch;
        startingSampleTime = micros();
        int16_t yawSpeedInt = round(yawSpeed);
        int16_t pitchSpeedInt = round(pitchSpeed);
        int16_t yawInt = round((yaw/0.02197265625));
        int16_t pitchInt = round((pitch/0.02197265625));
        int16_t delta_yawInt = round(delta_yaw*5000.0);
        int16_t delta_pitchInt = round(delta_pitch*5000.0);

        /* Msg sending, sendLevitezerMessage16 creates the levitezer message from ids and values */
        int16_t values[8] {1,           yawSpeedInt, pitchSpeedInt,  pitchInt, yawInt, delta_pitchInt, delta_yawInt, (int16_t)sampleTime};
        //                    id(any), device_type                          message size
        sendLevitezerMessage16(2, CONTROLLER_TYPE, ids, ((uint16_t*)values),     8);