This library provides a high-level API for writing and reading scientific data according to openPMD. It allows one to build logical file structures which drive scientific I/O libraries such as HDF5 and ADIOS through a common, intuitive interface. Where supported, openPMD-api implements both serial and MPI parallel I/O capabilities.
#include <openPMD/openPMD.hpp>
#include <iostream>
// ...
auto s = openPMD::Series("samples/git-sample/data%T.h5", openPMD::AccessType::READ_ONLY);
for( auto const& i : s.iterations ) {
std::cout << "Iteration: " << i.first << "\n";
for( auto const& m : i.second.meshes ) {
std::cout << " Mesh '" << m.first << "' attributes:\n";
for( auto const& val : m.second.attributes() )
std::cout << " " << val << '\n';
for( auto const& p : i.second.particles ) {
std::cout << " Particle species '" << p.first << "' attributes:\n";
for( auto const& val : p.second.attributes() )
std::cout << " " << val << '\n';
import openpmd_api
# ...
series = openpmd_api.Series("samples/git-sample/data%T.h5", openPMD.Access_Type.read_only)
for k_i, i in series.iterations.items():
print("Iteration: {0}".format(k_i))
for k_m, m in i.meshes.items():
print(" Mesh '{0}' attributes:".format(k_m))
for a in m.attributes:
print(" {0}".format(a))
for k_p, p in i.particles.items():
print(" Particle species '{0}' attributes:".format(k_p))
for a in p.attributes:
print(" {0}".format(a))
Curious? Our manual shows full read & write examples, both serial and MPI-parallel!
- CMake 3.11.0+
- C++11 capable compiler, e.g. g++ 4.8+, clang 3.9+, VS 2015+
Shipped internally in share/openPMD/thirdParty/
- MPark.Variant 1.4.0+ (BSL-1.0)
- Catch2 2.6.1+ (BSL-1.0)
- pybind11 2.3.0+ (new BSD)
- NLohmann-JSON 3.7.0+ (MIT)
I/O backends:
while those can be built either with or without:
- MPI 2.1+, e.g. OpenMPI 1.6.5+ or MPICH2
Optional language bindings:
- Python:
- Python 3.5 - 3.8
- pybind 2.3.0+
- numpy 1.15+
- mpi4py 2.1+
Choose one of the install methods below to get started:
# optional: +python +adios1 +adios2 -hdf5 -mpi
spack install openpmd-api
spack load -r openpmd-api
# optional: OpenMPI support =*=mpi_openmpi*
# optional: MPICH support =*=mpi_mpich*
conda install -c conda-forge openpmd-api
Behind the scenes, this install method compiles from source against the found installations of HDF5, ADIOS1, ADIOS2, and/or MPI (in system paths, from other package managers, or loaded via a module system, ...). The current status for this install method is experimental. Please feel free to report how this works for you.
# we need pip 19 or newer
# optional: --user
python3 -m pip install -U pip
# optional: --user
python3 -m pip install openpmd-api
or with MPI support:
# optional: --user
python3 -m pip install -U pip
# optional: --user
openPMD_USE_MPI=ON python3 -m pip install openpmd-api --no-binary openpmd-api
openPMD can then be installed using CMake:
git clone
mkdir openPMD-api-build
cd openPMD-api-build
# optional: for full tests, with unzip
# for own install prefix append:
# for options append:
# -DopenPMD_USE_...=...
# e.g. for python support add:
cmake ../openPMD-api
cmake --build .
# optional
# sudo might be required for system paths
cmake --build . --target install
The following options can be added to the cmake
call to control features.
CMake controls options with prefixed -D
, e.g. -DopenPMD_USE_MPI=OFF
CMake Option | Values | Description |
AUTO/ON/OFF | Parallel, Multi-Node I/O for clusters |
openPMD_USE_HDF5 |
AUTO/ON/OFF | HDF5 backend (.h5 files) |
AUTO/ON/OFF | ADIOS1 backend (.bp files up to version BP3) |
AUTO/ON/OFF | ADIOS2 backend (.bp files in BP3, BP4 or higher) |
AUTO/ON/OFF | Enable Python bindings |
ON/OFF | Enable unit tests that modify source code 1 |
ON/OFF | Enable internal VERIFY (assert) macro independent of build type 2 |
(first found) | Path to Python executable |
1 e.g. changes C++ visibility keywords, breaks MSVC 2 this includes most pre-/post-condition checks, disabling without specific cause is highly discouraged
Additionally, the following libraries are shipped internally. The following options allow to switch to external installs:
CMake Option | Values | Library | Version |
ON/OFF | MPark.Variant | 1.4.0+ |
ON/OFF | Catch2 | 2.6.1+ |
ON/OFF | pybind11 | 2.3.0+ |
ON/OFF | NLohmann-JSON | 3.7.0+ |
By default, this will build as a shared library (libopenPMD.[so|dylib|dll]
) and installs also its headers.
In order to build a static library, append -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF
to the cmake
You can only build a static or a shared library at a time.
By default, the Release
version is built.
In order to build with debug symbols, pass -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
to your cmake
By default, tests and examples are built.
In order to skip building those, pass -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF
to your cmake
The install will contain header files and libraries in the path set with -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
If your project is using CMake for its build, one can conveniently use our provided openPMDConfig.cmake
package which is installed alongside the library.
First set the following environment hint if openPMD-api was not installed in a system path:
# optional: only needed if installed outside of system paths
Use the following lines in your project's CMakeLists.txt
find_package(openPMD 0.9.0 CONFIG)
target_link_libraries(YourTarget PRIVATE openPMD::openPMD)
Alternatively, add the openPMD-api repository source directly to your project and use it via:
target_link_libraries(YourTarget PRIVATE openPMD::openPMD)
If your (Linux/OSX) project is build by calling the compiler directly or uses a manually written Makefile
, consider using our openPMD.pc
helper file for pkg-config
which are installed alongside the library.
First set the following environment hint if openPMD-api was not installed in a system path:
# optional: only needed if installed outside of system paths
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$HOME/somepath/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
Additional linker and compiler flags for your project are available via:
# switch to check if openPMD-api was build as static library
# (via BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF) or as shared library (default)
if [ "$(pkg-config --variable=static openPMD)" == "true" ]
pkg-config --libs --static openPMD
# -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib -lopenPMD -pthread /usr/lib/ -pthread /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/ /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/hdf5/openmpi/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ -pthread /usr/lib/ -pthread /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib/ /usr/lib/
pkg-config --libs openPMD
# -L${HOME}/somepath/lib -lopenPMD
pkg-config --cflags openPMD
# -I${HOME}/somepath/include
openPMD-api is developed by many people. It was initially started by the Computational Radiation Physics Group at HZDR as successor to libSplash, generalizing the successful HDF5 & ADIOS1 implementations in PIConGPU. The following people and institutions contributed to openPMD-api:
- Axel Huebl (HZDR, now LBNL): project lead, releases, documentation, automated CI/CD, Python bindings, installation & packaging, prior reference implementations
- Fabian Koller (HZDR): initial library design and implementation with HDF5 & ADIOS1 backend
- Franz Poeschel (HZDR): added JSON & ADIOS2 backend, data staging/streaming
- Carsten Fortmann-Grote (EU XFEL GmbH, now MPI-EvolBio): inital Python unit tests
openPMD-api stands on the shoulders of giants and we are grateful for the following projects included as direct dependencies:
- ADIOS1 and ADIOS2 by PI S. Klasky (ORNL), team, collaborators and contributors
- Catch2 by Phil Nash, Martin Hořeňovský and contributors
- HDF5 by the HDF group and community
- json by Niels Lohmann and contributors
- pybind11 by Wenzel Jakob (EPFL) and contributors
- all contributors to the evolution of modern C++ and early library preview developers, e.g. Michael Park (Facebook)
- the CMake build system and contributors
- packaging support by the conda-forge, PyPI and Spack communities, among others
- the openPMD-standard by Axel Huebl (HZDR, now LBNL) and contributors