Swami is a tool to automatically generate executable tests for JavaScript language from ECMAScript (ECMA-262) specification documents. This repository contains the source code, data, and results described in the paper titled:
Automatically Generating Precise Oracles from Structured Natural Language Specifications, in Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2019 by Manish Motwani and Yuriy Brun.
Cite as Manish Motwani and Yuriy Brun. (2019, February 25). LASER-UMASS/Swami: Swami v1.0.0. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2577355
- Install Python version 3.5.2
- Install Standford CoreNLP package using command:
pip install stanfordcorenlp
- Clone this repository
- Download Standford API and unzip the file inside Swami/src/lib/ directory
- Input specification file in text format (ECMA-262_v8.txt). We convert ECMA-262 V8 pdf file into the text format using pdfminer and manually validated (and corrected whereever needed) the convered text. The input specification file is available here.
- Source code file implementing Abstract functions. We manually implement some of the abstract functions that are used by the automatically generated test templates. The implemented Abstract functions source code is available here
- Rhino-1.7.9 and Node-10.7.0 source code.
Swami allows you to run in three different modes that correspond to following three modules.
- Description: This module is used to extract the relevant specification sections (sections which encode testable behavior) from the input specification document.
- Input: Input specification file in text format (ECMA-262_v8.txt), path to implemented abstract functions source code, and the path to output directory
- Output: Text file listing all the relevant sections describing ID (section id), Summary (section heading), and Description (section body) for each of the extracted sections.
- Command to run this module:
python swami.py ../data/ECMA-262_v8.txt ../data/abstractFunctions.js ../results/ getRelSections node 1000
- Description: This module is used to generate Test Templates from the specifications that encode the testable behavior. As Swami focuses on generating tests for boundary conditions and exceptional behaviour, it generates test templates for the specifications that describe either of these system properties.
- Input: Input specification file in text format (ECMA-262_v8.txt), path to implemented abstract functions source code, and the path to output directory This module reuses the file listing relevant sections extracted from input specification if it already exists otherwise runs the above module to extract relevant sections.
- Output: The JavaScript file (
) generated inside the output directory. - Command to run this module:
python swami.py ../data/ECMA-262_v8.txt ../data/abstractFunctions.js ../results/ genTemplates node 1000
Description: This module is used to generate executable JavaScript test files by instantiating the test templates individually using randomly generated test inputs.
Input: Input specification file in text format (ECMA-262_v8.txt), path to implemented abstract functions source code, path to output directory, and the number of tests to be generated for each template (default=1000).
Output: Test files generated for Rhino are available in:
Test files generated for Node.js are available in:<path-to-output-directory>/Node_ECMA262_Tests
Command to run this module:
python swami.py ../data/ECMA-262_v8.txt ../data/abstractFunctions.js ../results/ genTests node 1000
Please refer to the README.pdf file inside the artifact_documentation directory to reproduce the results reported in the paper.