Patches are always welcomed! Please submit your patches via KyLin OS Gerrit! You can do this by using these commands:
(From root android directory)
. build/
(Go to repo you are patching, make your changes and commit)
kylingerrit <for(new)/changes(patch set)> <branch/change-id>
repo start jb-mr1 .
(Make your changes and commit)
repo upload .
Note: "." means current directory
For more help on using repo, use this command:
repo help upload
Make your changes and commit with a detailed message, starting with what you are working with (i.e. vision: Update Kernel).
Commit your patches in a single commit. Squash multiple commits using this command:
git rebase -i HEAD~<# of commits>
To view the status of your and others' patches, visit [KyLin OS Code Review]
To get started with KyLin OS, you will need to get familiar with Repo and Version Control with Git.
To initialize your local repository using the KyLin OS trees, use a command like this:
repo init -u -b jb-mr1
Then to sync up:
repo sync
First, go to the root path of your project. We assume that your source is under (/kylin):
cd /kylin
. build/
Choose your model number that corresponds to the digital input into the command window
make bacon -j8
Finally, the wait for the completion and enjoy your new system
To work faster, we introduced a new build script to help you start compiling.
First, go to the root path of your project. We assume that your source is under (/kylin):
cd /kylin
then feel free to use the build script:
./kl [Device] [Variable]
Device: your device name
Variable: additional operations like:
- fix - compile without any cleaning if you are doing a build fix
- clean - do 'make installclean' before compile
- sync - do 'repo sync' before compile
####Example: Your device is maguro and if you run without any variable, it will clean up your build.prop only:
./kl maguro
You want to sync source before starting:
./kl maguro sync
Do a clean compile without deleting whole prebuilt libs:
./kl maguro clean
You are fixing a build and want to resume the build, it will build quicker without any cleaning up:
./kl maguro fix
You can also do it all at once:
./kl maguro sync clean