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😈 chaemin
😈 chaemin
by chaemin
🚚 Chore
🚚 Chore
changes to the build process or auxiliary tools\n\t\tand libraries such as documentation generation
📝 Docs
📝 Docs
add or update documentation
📍 Feat
📍 Feat
add a new feature
🔨 Fix
🔨 Fix
fixing a bug
🤖 Refactor
🤖 Refactor
code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
✂️ Remove
✂️ Remove
remove files
🔧 Rename
🔧 Rename
move file or rename folder names
🐧 seohyun
🐧 seohyun
by seohyun
💄 Style
💄 Style
add or update style
✅ Test
✅ Test
code change related with tests cases
🌈 Update
🌈 Update
updating changes