Backend-only College Enrolment System App Features - Easy to use containerization with docker - User System with Students, University Staff and Admins - JWT Authentication - System for creating university offers, applications and more - Easy to use system for students to add their exams scores - System for calculating students scores for each university offer - Asynchronous system for Accepting and Confirming Users for each Offer at Scheduled Date Tech Stack Backend Python, Django, Django Rest Framework, Celery, Redis, Poetry Database PostgreSQL CI/CD and DevOps Docker, Docker Compose, Bash Install on Linux/WSL 1. Copy Repository 2. install docker and docker compose: curl -fsSL -o && sudo sh 3. get into main repository folder and type: make up-build 4. If you wish you can load fixtures with users, universities, and offers with make fixtures 5. To test the repo its probably the best to use both admin panel and swagger documentation