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Kronos is a modern ORM framework designed for Kotlin, which is suitable for both backend and mobile applications, support multi-database, and high performance.
KCP implementation of the expression tree analysis support as well as Kotlin itself generic, higher-order functions, extended functions and other syntactic features, so that Kronos has powerful expressive power and concise , semantic writing to make the operation of the database has become more simple.
❓ Why Kronos?
- Utilizes the entire ecosystem and resources of the JVM platform, such as database drivers and logging frameworks, with potential future support for Kotlin Multiplatform.
- Kotlin compiler plugins and coroutine-driven design significantly reduce the use of reflection, providing a high-performance database operation experience.
- Supports most mainstream databases and allows freely adding database extensions through plugins.
- Concise and expressive writing, supporting Kotlin native syntax
, etc., instead of .eq, .gt, .lt, etc. - Strong type checking.
- Supports transactions, complex cascading operations without foreign keys (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many), serialization and deserialization, cross-database queries, and database table/index/remarks creation and structure synchronization, etc.
- Supports Logical Deletion, Optimistic Lock, Creation Time, Update Time, and offers flexible customization settings.
- Easy integration with any third-party framework.
- Native SQL database manipulation based on named parameters.
- Supports easy conversion of data entity classes to Map or from Map to data entity classes via compile-time operations with no reflection, near-zero overhead.
- Data classes can be treated as database table models, significantly reducing additional class definitions.
Here are some of the simplest examples showing how to use Kronos-ORM for database operations.
// Define a data class extending KPojo
@Table(name = "tb_user") data class User(
@PrimaryKey(identity = true) val id: Long? = null,
val username: String? = null,
val age: Int? = null
) : KPojo
// We can use dataSource.table.createTable<User>() to create the table,
// or dataSource.table.sync<User>() to synchronize the table structure.
// Insert a record
// we can use List<User>.insert().execute() to batch insert
User(id = 1, username = "test", age = 18).insert().execute()
// Query
val listOfUser = User(age = 18).select().queryList()
// Update
User(id = 1, age = 19).update().by { it.id }.execute()
// Delete
User(id = 1).delete().execute()
- JDK 8+
- Kotlin 2.0.0+
- Maven 3.6.3+ or Gradle 6.8.3+
Please make sure your kotlin plugin for ide supports kotlin 2.0.0 or higher.
If you built failed in Intellij IDEA and build with Maven, please try to enable the following setting: Settings / Build, Execution, Deployment / Build Tools / Maven / Runner / Delegate IDE build/run actions to Maven.
plugins {
id("com.kotlinorm.kronos-gradle-plugin") version "2.0.0"
dependencies {
plugins {
id 'com.kotlinorm.kronos-gradle-plugin' version '2.0.0'
dependencies {
implementation 'com.kotlinorm:kronos-core:2.0.0'
You can set default data source by:
Kronos.dataSource = { KronosBasicWrapper(SomeDataSource()) }
// for example:
//Kronos.dataSource = { KronosBasicWrapper(MysqlDataSource("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test", "root", "***")) }
//Kronos.dataSource = { KronosBasicWrapper(HikariDataSource().apply { jdbcUrl = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test" ... }) }
//Kronos.dataSource = { KronosBasicWrapper(BasicDataSource().apply { url = "jdbc:sqlite:path/to/db" ... }) }
More details about connecting to the database and use dynamic data source or multiple data sources, please refer to the docs.
@Table(name = "tb_movie")
@TableIndex("idx_name", ["name"], Mysql.KIndexType.UNIQUE, Mysql.KIndexMethod.BTREE)
data class Movie(
@PrimaryKey(identity = true)
val id: Long? = null, // primary key and auto increment
val name: String? = null, // movie name
val directorId: Long? = null, // director id
@Cascade(["directorId"], ["id"])
val director: Director? = null, // cascade table & one-to-many
val relations: List<MovieActorRelation>? = null, // reference list & many-to-many
val type: List<String>? = null, // deserialize from string
val summary: String? = null, // summary with column name
@Version val version: Long? = null, // version for optimistic lock
@LogicDelete val deleted: Boolean? = null, // logic delete
@DateTimeFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
@UpdateTime val updateTime: String? = null, // update time and date format
@CreateTime val createTime: LocalDateTime? = null // create time
) : KPojo { // KPojo is a marker interface
var actors: List<Actor>? by manyToMany(::relations) // many-to-many
Coming soon...
It's easy to transform KPojo
to Map or from Map, and you can get the table name and column information through the
and kronosColumns
methods in a NO REFLECTION way.
val movie = Movie(1)
val dataMap: Map<String, Any?> = movie.toDataMap() // Map("id" = 1)
val movie2: Movie = dataMap.mapperTo<Movie>() // or dataMap.mapperTo(Movie::class)
val tableName = movie.kronosTable() // "tb_movie", NO REFLECTION used
val columns = movie.kronosColumns() // [Field(id), Field(name), ...], NO REFLECTION used
//is table exists
// create table
// drop table
// or
//sync table structure
// single query
val listOfUser: List<User> = User()
.select { it.id + it.username }
.where { it.id < 10 && it.age >= 18 }
.groupBy { it.id }
.orderBy { it.username.desc() }
// with Pagination
val (total, list) = User()
.select { it.id + it.username }
.where { it.id < 10 && it.username like "a%" }
.groupBy { it.id }
.orderBy { it.username.desc() }
.page(1, 10)
// multi-table query
val listOfMap = User().join(UserRelation(), UserRole()) { user, relation, role ->
on { user.id == relation.userId && user.id == role.userId }
select {
user.id + user.username + relation.id.as_("relationId") +
role.role + f.count(1).as_("count")
where { user.id < 10 }
// Using Native SQL Queries with Named Parameters
val result: Map<String, Any> = dataSource.query("select * from tb_user where id = :id", mapOf("id" to 1))
// single insert
// batch insert
// update by some conditions use `set`
.set {
it.username = "123"
it.score += 10
.by { it.id }
// update by some conditions, data from record
user.update { it.username + it.gender }
.by { it.id }
// upsert on some columns
user.upsert { it.username }
.on { it.id }
// .lock(PessimisticLock.X) // You can specify the type of lock, and pessimistic lock is used by default
// upsert on duplicate key
user.upsert { it.username }
.onConfict() // We have achieved compatibility with different databases
// delete rows by some conditions
.where { it.id == 1 }
Please refer to the following example projects for more information:
For more information, please visit the official website or the documentation.
Kronos-ORM is released under the Apache 2.0 license.
Please refer to the CONTRIBUTING.md for more.
We would like to express our gratitude to all the individuals who have already contributed to Kronos-ORM!
If you like Kronos-ORM, please give us a star ⭐️, thank you!