See full documentation on
GOSOLNP tries to find the optimum for the general nonlinear optimization problem on the form:
minimize f(x)
subject to
g(x) = e_x
l_h <= h(x) <= u_h
l_x < x < u_X
where f(x), g(x) and h(x) are smooth functions.
GOSOLNP tries to find the global optimum for given problem as explained below:
- Generate
random starting parameters based on some specified distribution and evaluate them (lower value is better) based on one of two evaluation functions::- Objective function
for allx
that satisfies the inequalit constraintl_h <= h(x) <= u_h
- Penalty function:
f(x) + 100 * sum(max(0, 0.9 + l_x - g(x))^2 + max(0, 0.9 + g(x) - u_x)^2) + sum(h(x) - e_x)^2/100
- Objective function
- For the
starting parameters with the lowest evaluation function value, run pysolnp to find nearest optimum. - Return the best valid solution among the ones found through the various starting parameters (lowest solution value within bounds)
Python source code written to be compatible with Python 3.6+.
Depends on the pysolnp
Note: pysolnp
is available on pip but for best results building pysolnp
from source is recommended, as BLAS and LAPACK will make a difference.
Simply install the package through PyPi with:
pip install pygosolnp
Below is the Electron example, for the complete example see /python_examples/
import pygosolnp
from math import sqrt
number_of_charges = 25
def obj_func(data):
x = data[0:number_of_charges]
y = data[number_of_charges:2 * number_of_charges]
z = data[2 * number_of_charges:3 * number_of_charges]
result = 0.0
for i in range(0, number_of_charges - 1):
for j in range(i + 1, number_of_charges):
result += 1.0 / sqrt((x[i] - x[j]) ** 2 + (y[i] - y[j]) ** 2 + (z[i] - z[j]) ** 2)
return result
def eq_func(data):
x = data[0:number_of_charges]
y = data[number_of_charges:2 * number_of_charges]
z = data[2 * number_of_charges:3 * number_of_charges]
result = [None] * number_of_charges
for i in range(0, number_of_charges):
result[i] = x[i] ** 2 + y[i] ** 2 + z[i] ** 2
return result
parameter_lower_bounds = [-1] * number_of_charges * 3
parameter_upper_bounds = [1] * number_of_charges * 3
equality_constraints = [1] * number_of_charges
results = pygosolnp.solve(
number_of_simulations=20000, # This represents the number of starting guesses to use
evaluation_type=pygosolnp.EvaluationType.OBJECTIVE_FUNC_EXCLUDE_INEQ, # This specifies how starting guesses are evaluated
number_of_restarts=4, # This specifies how many restarts to run from the best starting guesses
number_of_processes=None, # None here means to run everything single-processed
seed=443, # Seed for reproducibility, if omitted the default random seed is used (typically cpu clock based)
pysolnp_max_major_iter=100, # Pysolnp property
all_results = results.all_results
print("; ".join([f"Solution {index + 1}: {solution.obj_value}" for index, solution in enumerate(all_results)]))
best_solution = results.best_solution
print(f"Best solution {best_solution.obj_value} for parameters {best_solution.parameters}.")
Solution 1: 244.1550118432253; Solution 2: 243.9490050190484; Solution 3: 185.78533081425041; Solution 4: 244.07921194485854
Best solution 243.9490050190484 for parameters [0.34027682232302764, 0.6883848066130182, 0.40606935432390506, -0.48792021292031806, -0.9178828953524689, -0.8589108634903266, 0.5283358549116118, 0.5728961925249723, 0.050290270369804546, 0.2822196996653568, -0.28946049710390886, 0.9330667664325792, -0.417772874000437, -0.03124740841970295, -0.29956912974747735, -0.10795596769157587, 0.3549207051381202, -0.8488364868994906, -0.6188824315686104, 0.8670714826307561, 0.3619506513550691, -0.8251195998826993, 0.8981487824398298, -0.3070816517072349, -0.2904911409773652, -0.35929970112105275, 0.38265416704984406, 0.33719255494620365, 0.650145631465414, -0.009286462818493796, -0.465918386592264, -0.8033631014752087, -0.7401045643478271, 0.3960071831167597, 0.8935914355529017, -0.06721625611418029, -0.17225237197258644, -0.15098042850508767, -0.7478725125678873, -0.6812276561168169, -0.9904585930824136, 0.856850019939644, 0.5254197207147568, -0.7013999163528392, 0.48657417413232107, -0.26408411581924884, 0.07567634864162288, -0.11182932375860347, 0.6420701581875298, 0.9557533156823153, 0.8689739558884132, -0.6161997929208027, 0.8493580035603775, -0.5824473351785862, -0.396742846647288, 0.21258614114742239, -0.27471641138639197, 0.3521864803783331, -0.9168692752182334, -0.3490651393423451, 0.9548271150556085, -0.3157777175001705, -0.8959190430352647, -0.6631065760657502, 0.667972799116207, 0.08565844771052915, 0.3739510687437103, 0.058402195224914855, -0.3535858335621826, 0.10692372605836734, -0.8940086985713928, 0.5598670317503106, 0.4252328966724537, 0.7024576680631351, 0.04637407503369189].
The basic signature is:
obj_func: Callable,
par_lower_limit: List[float],
par_upper_limit: List[float],
eq_func: Optional[Callable] = None,
eq_values: Optional[List[float]] = None,
ineq_func: Optional[Callable] = None,
ineq_lower_bounds: Optional[List[float]] = None,
ineq_upper_bounds: Optional[List[float]] = None,
number_of_restarts: int = 1,
number_of_simulations: int = 20000,
number_of_processes: Optional[int] = None,
start_guess_sampling: Union[None, List[Distribution], Sampling] = None,
seed: Union[None, int] = None,
evaluation_type: Union[EvaluationType, int] = EvaluationType.OBJECTIVE_FUNC_EXCLUDE_INEQ,
pysolnp_rho: float = 1.0,
pysolnp_max_major_iter: int = 10,
pysolnp_max_minor_iter: int = 10,
pysolnp_delta: float = 1e-05,
pysolnp_tolerance: float = 0.0001,
debug: bool = False) -> Results
Parameter | Type | Default value* | Description |
obj_func | Callable[List[float]] | - | The objective function f(x) to minimize. |
par_lower_limit | List[float] | - | The parameter lower limit x_l. |
par_upper_limit | List[float] | - | The parameter upper limit x_u. |
eq_func | Callable[List[float]] | None | The equality constraint function h(x). |
eq_values | List[float] | None | The equality constraint values e_x. |
ineq_func | Callable[List[float]] | None | The inequality constraint function g(x). |
ineq_lower_bounds | List[float] | None | The inequality constraint lower limit g_l. |
ineq_upper_bounds | List[float] | None | The inequality constraint upper limit g_l. |
number_of_restarts | int | 1 | The number_of_restarts best evaluation results are used to run pysolnp number_of_restarts times. |
number_of_simulations | int | 20000 | Sets how many randomly generated starting guesses we generate and evaluate with the evaluation function. |
number_of_processes | int | None | Sets how many parallel processes to run when solving the problem. If None the problem is solved in the main processes. |
start_guess_sampling | List[Distribution] or Sampling | None | A list of distributions for generating starting values, one distribution for each parameter. If None, the Uniform distribution is used.*** |
seed | int | None | By default the MT19937 Generator is used with timestamp-seed. Optionally an integer seed can be supplied. |
evaluation_type | EvaluationType or int | EvaluationType.OBJECTIVE_FUNC_EXCLUDE_INEQ | Selects the evaluation type from the pygosolnp.EvaluationType enum. |
pysolnp_rho | float | 1.0 | pysolnp parameter: Penalty weighting scalar for infeasability in the augmented objective function.** |
pysolnp_max_major_iter | int | 400 | pysolnp parameter: Maximum number of outer iterations. |
pysolnp_max_minor_iter | int | 800 | pysolnp parameter: Maximum number of inner iterations. |
pysolnp_delta | float | 1e-07 | pysolnp parameter: Step-size for forward differentiation. |
pysolnp_tolerance | float | 1e-08 | pysolnp parameter: Relative tolerance on optimality. |
debug | bool | False | If set to true some debug output will be printed. |
*Defaults for configuration parameters are based on the defaults for Rsolnp.
**Higher values means the solution will bring the solution into the feasible region with higher weight. Very high values might lead to numerical ill conditioning or slow down convergence.
***Supply an instance of a class that inherits the abstract class pygosolnp.sampling.Sampling
to provide starting guesses, see below for examples:
- /python_examples/ - Uses Scikit-optimize to generate grid-style random starting guesses.
- /python_examples/ - Uses Scipy random to generate Truncated Normal random numbers using the PCG64 generator.
The function returns the pygosolnp.Results
with the below properties.
Property | Type | Description |
best_solution | Optional[Result] | The best local optimum found for the problem. |
all_results | List[Result] | All restarts and their corresponding local optimum. |
starting_guesses | List[float] | All the randomized starting parameters. |
Each named tuple pygosolnp.Result
has the below properties.
Property | Type | Description |
obj_value | float | The value of the objective function at local optimum f(x*). |
parameters | List[float] | A list of parameters for the local optimum x*. |
converged | bool | Boolean which indicates if the solution is within bounds. |
pygosolnp supports multi-processing (not multi-threading!) using the standard multi-processing library. This is an advanced feature, please read up on this before using it!
There are various things to consider in order to get time- and memory-efficient executions:
- Multiprocessing will spawn processes, this consumes time and memory, if your problem is small then run it single-threaded!
- Your operating system, notably Linux works better with multiprocessing than Windows.
- All function must be picklable (for example global functions, local lambdas will not work)
- Krister S Jakobsson - Implementation - [email protected]
This project is licensed under the Boost License - see the license file for details.
- Yinyu Ye - Publisher and mastermind behind the original SOLNP algorithm, Original Sources
- Alexios Ghalanos and Stefan Theussl - The people behind RSOLNP and GOSOLNP,