Ruby wrap for the aria billing and subscriptions API.
gem install aria_api
For Rails Apps. Just add this to Gemfile.
gem "aria_api"
First you'll need to define your credentials:
AriaApi::Configuration.auth_key = "the-key"
AriaApi::Configuration.client_no = "the-client"
AriaApi::Configuration.url = ""
In Rails. You could define specific configuration for each environment.
There's also a parameter to define the version of the Aria API you want to use. Default is 6.8
AriaApi::Configuration.api_version = "6.9"
In order to avoid downloading all of the SOAP actions from a remote wsdl like you may optionally define the following option:
AriaApi::Configuration.wsdl_path = File.join("path", "to", "fixtures","aria_api_6_8.wsdl")
AriaApi supports most of the API features defined in
Just call the service name as an AriaApi method, the options are the same as the specified in the API docs.
AriaApi.get_country_from_ip(ip_address: "")
# { "country_code" => "US", "country_name" => "United States", "error_code" => 0, "error_msg" => "OK" }
Note you don't need to pass credentials since they're already defined in the configuration module.