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This firmware is the base of my personal smarthome system. The idea is to use the same firmware on a variety of devices and let a configuration determine what kind of sensors and services can/will be used. As of now I have Sonoff Touch, Sonoff Basic, Sonoff Pow and a couple of self build boards in use.

"Quick" Setup

  • Flash firmware and manually reset device after flash (bug in the ESP framework that will cause a reset fail down the road)
  • Wait 90 sec
  • Connect to the AP (SSID "ESP CONFIG")
  • Open
  • Configuration the wifi and MQTT settings, assign a unique device short name (e.g. "dev01" or even a location like "house/livingroom/tower" ... limit this to 49 chars, it will be used for all mqtt topics in the future. Login, password, SSID, Networkpassword are limited to 15, port to 5 and capability to 63 characters.
  • Prepare to see the "boot up" message of the device by connecting to the same MQTT broker and subscribe to e.g. "dev01/r/#" (all PC receivable topics of this device)
  • Once the device rebooted, it will connect to the configured wifi and publish its default config (e.g. Firmware version etc) which will show up on the PC
  • Configure the capabilities of the device by publishing e.g. [mosquito_pub -t "dev01/s/capabilities" -m "R,B,SL" -u MQTT_USER -p MQTT_PW] (see peripherals list below)
  • The device will save this data to the EEPROM and reconfigure/reconnect
  • Wait for incoming data depending on the configuration (e.g. "dev01/r/RSSI" or "dev01/r/button")

General concept

The Firmware shall ensure the general base functionalies (WiFi/MQTT) and provide a framework for so called "peripherals". A peripheral is a class that implemtents sensor specific tasks. As of now there are the following peripherals available: RSSI, Button, ADC, B1, DHT22, DS18B20, HWL8012, Neopixel, PIR, PWM, RF bridge, Simple light / relay. See section below for more details and configuration.

The behavior of the firmware after flashing is defined as following:

  • Read configuration from EEPROM (includes WiFi, MQTT, client name, "Capabilities" which is a list of the active peripherals)
  • Load the peripherals according to the capability - configuration
  • Connect to WiFi
    • without active WiFi
      • Keep searching for the configured WiFi and try to connected for 45 sec (see relationship reconnect)
      • Start searching simultaniously for "Mesh wifi" after 36 sec (see relationship reconnect)
      • Start WiFi Configuration Access Point after 45 sec (see relationship reconnect)
        • A user can connect to this accesspoint with a PC/Tablet/Smartphone
        • Open and configure base options like SSID and pw for the WiFi as well as the MQTT IP and login
        • The accesspoint will shutdown after 3600 sec. The (re-)connect sequence will start over.
    • On established connection
      • Subscribe to some general topic and publish some general information
      • Let each peripheral subscribe to its own topics
      • Loop
        • Check WiFi connection and reconnect if needed
        • Process incoming MQTT data from the Uplink, e.g. reconfigure WiFi / Capabilities
        • Loop each peripheral e.g. to let them read their sensors data
        • Let each peripheral publish imidiate information whenever they are available, e.g. Button was pushed
        • Publish intervall data of each peripheral once per minute, e.g. Temperature updated

Peripherals supported

All sub topic will concatenated with the dev_short and the direction: e.g. "dev99/r/rssi"


Configuration string: "R"
Purpose: publishs WiFi strength once per minute
Sub-Topic(s): "rssi" (out only)
This peripheral does not support discovery but is included in the custom component.


Configuration string: "B", "B*", "BP*", "BN*","BS*"  with * = {0..5, 12..16}
Purpose: push button (B{,P,N}*) or switch (BS*), any change will imidiatly toggle the light
(as long as a light provider is configured). Publishes also imidiatly a message.
Push button can be hold which will trigger extra messages.
Sub-Topic(s): "button" / "button1s" / "button2s" / "button3s" (all out only)
This peripheral has basic discovery support. The button and button1s will show up as e.g. binary_sensor.dev123_button.


Configuration string: "ADC"
Purpose: publish raw ADC value once per minute
Sub-Topic(s): "adc" (out only)
This peripheral has discovery support, it will show up as e.g. sensor.dev123_adc.


Configuration string: none
Purpose: will consume all light commands (dimm/color) and forward it to the best available light provider
Sub-Topic(s):  each subtopic is available as "/s/" and "/r/"  routine (read+write)
	"light":  payload ON / OFF, to switch hard
	"light/color":  payload "0-99,0-99,0-99",  will switch hard to the value
	"light/brightness":  payload "0-99", will switch hard to the value
	"light/dimm":  payload ON/ OFF, to dimm the light on and off
	"light/dimm/brightness":  payload "0-99", will dimm towards the new value
	"light/dimm/delay":  payload "1-255" default 10, eg 10ms per dimm step, 255*0.01 = 2.5 sec
	"light/dimm/color":  payload "0-99,0-99,0-99", will dimm towards the new value
	"light/animation/brightness":  payload "0-99", will switch hard to the value
	"light/animation/rainbow":  payload ON / OFF, to switch hard
	"light/animation/simple_rainbow":  payload ON / OFF, to switch hard
	"light/animation/color_wipe":  payload ON / OFF, to switch hard
This peripheral has no own discovery support, however some light provider do.


Configuration string: "BONE"
Purpose: will consume all light commands (dimm/color) and forward it the the IC used in the Sonoff B1
Mentioning the config string "BONE" will autoload the light class which takes care of all commands
Sub-Topic(s): none, is sub-peripheral to light class
This peripheral has no discovery support as of now.


Configuration string: "AI"
Purpose: will consume all light commands (dimm/color) and forward it the the IC used in the Thinker AI
Mentioning the config string "AI" will autoload the light class which takes care of all commands
Sub-Topic(s): none, is sub-peripheral to light class
This peripheral has no discovery support as of now.


Configuration string: "PWM / PW2 / PW3" (Pin 4/5/16,0,0    4/4/4,0,0      15,13,12,14,4)
Purpose: will consume all light commands (dimm/color) and forward it to the selected outputs (R,G,B,W,WW)
Sub-Topic(s): Sub-Topic(s): none, is sub-peripheral to light class
This peripheral has no discovery support as of now.


Configuration string: "NEO"
Purpose: will consume all light commands (dimm/color) and forward it to a neopixel string
Sub-Topic(s): none, is sub-peripheral to light class
This peripheral has no discovery support as of now.

Shelly dimmer

Configuration string: "SHD"
Purpose: will consume all light commands (dimm/color) and forward it to a neopixel string
Input Sub-Topic(s): none, is sub-peripheral to light class
Ouput Sub-Topic(s): publishes the wattage to "SHD_POWER" every 30 sec
This peripheral has no discovery support as of now but is in parted given by the light class

Simple light / relay

Configuration string: "SL" / "SL*" / "SLN*"  with * = {0..5, 12..16}, default is 12
Purpose: will consume simple light commands and toggle the pin that is connected to the relay in a Sonoff basic/touch
SLN will work with inverted output logic.
Sub-Topic(s): Sub-Topic(s): none, is sub-peripheral to light class
This peripheral has discovery support and will show up as e.g. light.dev99.


Configuration string: "DHT" / "DHT*" with * = {0..5, 12..16}, default is GPIO2.
Purpose: publishs Temperature and humidity once per minute
Sub-Topic(s): "temperature" and "humidity" (both out only)
This peripheral has no discovery support as of now.


Configuration string: "DS" / "DS*" with * = {0..5, 12..16}, default is GPIO13.
Purpose: publishs once per minute
Sub-Topic(s): "temperature" (out only)
This peripheral has discovery support and will show up as e.g. sensor.dev99_temperature


Configuration string: "HLW"
Purpose: this chip is used in the Sonoff POW, it publishes Voltage, current and Power once per minute
Sub-Topic(s): "current" (out only) "/s/voltage" (out only) "/s/power" (out only)
This peripheral has no discovery support as of now.


Configuration string: "PIR" / "PIR*" / "PIRN*" with * = {0..5, 12..16}, default is 14
Purpose: publishes motion events instantly, multiple instances possible. PIRN works with inverted logic
Sub-Topic(s): "motion_{used gpio}"
This peripheral has discovery support and will show up as e.g. binary_sensor.dev34_motion_14

RF bridge

Configuration string: "RFB"
Purpose: forwards 433Mhz packages
Sub-Topic(s): "bridge"
This peripheral has no discovery support as of now.


Configuration string: "G[Direction: {I/O}][Polarity: {P/N} ][Mode: {_/L}][GPIO Pin: {0..16}]"
e.g. "GIP1" / "GIN3" / "GON5"  / "GOP16" / "GOLP16" / "GOLN13"

Purpose: directly set or get pin out-/input, watch out: this module can override other outputs
GOP4 will configure GPIO4 (! NOT D4, GPIO4 !) as an output with positive polarity ("ON" will be "HIGH)
GIN3 will configure GPIO3 as LOW-active Input, thus publishing "ON" when the pin goes LOW
GPIO 6-11 are not available due to their connection to the flash. Usage of those will be ignored.

Sub-Topic(s) if used as INPUT:
		will publish ON/OFF on this topic
		will report 1,2,3,..,9 if the input is ON for the same amount of time [sec]

Sub-Topic(s) if used as OUTPUT:
		publish "ON" / "OFF" to e.g. dev4/s/gpio_0_out to set the PIN 
		if configured as GOP/GON you can also publish the int value {0..99}
		and set a brightness directly (half log scale, so 49 will be 49% brightness
		for the human eye but <<50% pwm)
		if confirgured as LINEAR (GOLP/GOLN) the value will be directly written
		to the pin {0..255}, so 125 will be 125/255 "ON" (depending on polarity)
		no payload, will toggle between ON/OFF
		payload is pulse time in ms, will set pin ON and back to OFF after xx ms
		will sweep the PWM "ON"/"OFF", like dimming a light ON and OFF
		max PWM level that is used during dimm command, make this a retained msg

HomeAssistant PWM light config:
	  - platform: mqtt
	    name: "test_esp"
	    state_topic: "test_esp/r/gpio_2_state"
	    command_topic: "test_esp/s/gpio_2_dimm"
	    brightness_state_topic: "test_esp/r/gpio_2_brightness"
	    brightness_command_topic: "test_esp/s/gpio_2_brightness"
	    retain: True
	    qos: 0
	    payload_on: "ON"
	    payload_off: "OFF"
	    optimistic: false
	    brightness_scale: 99
This peripheral has basic discovery support, Outputs will show up as e.g. switch.dev34_gpio_4 and inputs as binary_sensor.dev34_gpio_3


Configuration string: "COUNTER14" for counting on pin 14
Purpose: will provide a count of negative going edges on e.g. pin 14 .. will be checked without interrupts, so might not be super fast
Sub-Topic(s): Sub-Topic(s): none
This peripheral has discovery support.


Configuration string: "AUD"
Purpose: will provide a server (port 5522) that consumes special audio streams (send by a Raspberry). Output is the RX pin.
Sub-Topic(s): Sub-Topic(s): none, consumes direct streams
This peripheral has no discovery support as of now.


Configuration string: "SERSER"
Purpose: will provide a server (port 1778) that forwards uart communication. Uart interface is set to 115200 8N1.
Sub-Topic(s): Sub-Topic(s): none
This peripheral has no discovery support as of now.

Frequency counter

Configuration string: "FRE_s_*", "FRE_h_*", "FRE_h_*" with * = {0..5, 12..16}
Purpose: Counts pin toggles on a definable GPIO and reports them once a minute. E.g. count kw/{s/m/h} via LED pulse
Sub-Topic(s): "freq"
This peripheral has no discovery support as of now.


Configuration string: "HUS"
Purpose: Can controll a husqvarna automover via soft serial. This is untested.
Sub-Topic(s): "husqvarna_mode_[...]"
This peripheral has no discovery support as of now.

Night light

Configuration string: "NL"
Purpose: Sets the mini LED on the SonOff Touch, subscribs to a global non device specific topic
Sub-Topic(s): "night"
This peripheral has no discovery support as of now.


Configuration string: "UT[Polarity: {P/N}]*"  with * = {0..5, 12..16}
Purpose: Counts the time that a pin is in a defined state (P=HIGH, N=LOW) (e.g. counts seconds of "there is rain" from my rain sensor)
Sub-Topic(s): "uptime"
This peripheral has no discovery support as of now.


Configuration string: "ADS" / "ADS_AC" / "ADS*" / "ADS_AC*"  with * = {1..10} 
Purpose: Grabs values from a i2c connected ADS1115, either returning the absolute value (DC-mode) or amplitude (AC-mode).
* = used as update-acceleration-factor. E.g. 5 = 5 updates per minute per channel. ADR Pin on the ADS1115 has to be tight to low.
Pin connection: SCL (D7 = GPIO3), SDA (D1 = GPIO5), INT (D6 = GPIO12). All pins require external pull ups
Sub-Topic(s): Sub-Topic(s): "ads_a{0..3}"
This peripheral supports discovery for all 4 channels.

WiFi Configuration Access Point

Todo, but basically a copy of the WiFiManager. Enhanced with some mqtt data saving / loading.

WiFi Relay feature

Each node that is connected will open an own access point. During (re-)connect phase each device will also try to connect to those access points at some point. A "mesh connected" (I know that this is not a mesh) device will still send subscriptions on the uplink and also publish messages. The data will be slightly converted and send up to the AP. A "mesh server" will receive the message and decode them, if they are not directly send to himself, it will automatically forward the data up the chain.

Relationship timeout

A client that wasn't connected to the MQTT server (since reboot) should "pretty quickly" activate its own configuration AP. But a client that was connected to the MQTT server for a long time should try a little longer to reconnect to the server before starting the configuration AP.

The "relactionship timeout" give you both: Initally the time to start the AP is set to 45 sec. Each second that the client is connected to the MQTT will increase the time before the configuration AP will be started if the client gets disconnected. The client will try 1 second longer to reconnect per 20 sec of previous connection time. The maximum time is limited to 20 minutes.

The MESH mode will kick in after 80% of the waittime hast passed.

Home Assistant custom component

Basically all devices will publish some extra information (see below). I've created a custom_componet to shorten the configuration files. Once this component is loaded it will add the following extra sensors:

1) Wifi Signal streangth [%], called e.g. sensor.dev34_rssi = 34%
2) Wifi Base MAC, called e.g. sensor.dev34_bssid = "ab:cd:ef:gh:ij:kl" 
	this is useful if you have multiple accesspoints with the same SSID
3) Wifi Base SSID, called e.g. sensor.dev34_ssid = "Fritzbox asdf"
4) Firmware Version and Info, called e.g. sensor.dev34_ssid = "20190705" or "lost connection" if the 
	device got disconnected
5) Capability list, called e.g. sensor.dev34_capability = "B,SL,R" reflecting the configured peripherals
6) Last Update, called e.g. sensor.dev34_update = "0" this will show the time (in minutes) of the last response
	very handy to check that the device is up and well. Can be used e.g. for automated error messages

This component is located in this repository under HA/custom_components/mqtt_jkw and need to be copied into /custom_components/. Once this is done your config file shall look like this

  - platform: mqtt_jkw
    name: "dev3"
    fname: "03 Kitchen Touch"


All devices will publish a set of information on connect (helps to check if the device connected):

  1. dev97/r/INFO SONOFF 20180413 --> firmware version
  2. dev97/r/SSID JKW_relay_dev23_L1 --> SSID of the connected AP
  3. dev97/r/BSSID c5:60:8e:94:01:62 --> BSSID of the connected AP
  4. dev97/r/MAC 26:20:22:e8:3a:2c --> own MAC
  5. dev97/r/capability GIN4,GOP2 --> configured capabilityes
  6. dev97/r/routing dev97 >> dev23 --> routing info, this is valueable for MESH mode

All devices will also subscribe to a set of topics:

  1. dev95/s/trace
    • "ON"/"OFF" as payload, once activated all debug output will be published at dev95/r/trace
  2. dev95/s/setup
    • "ON" start WiFi access point for confirguration
    • "" will update the firmware from the given URL
    • "reset" reboot the ESP
    • "setNW/[SSID]/[pw]/[mqtt server ip]/CHK" CHK is a single byte = xor of SSID,PW,IP to calculate CHK: connect via serial to a ESP and send msg with random CHK, debug will show expected CHK
  3. dev95/s/capability
    • "B,PIR,PWM" config string as mentioned above
  4. dev95/s/ota
    • MQTT firmware update .. not stable ATM
  5. s/ota
    • MQTT firmware update .. not stable ATM

Typical configurations

A somewhat working configuration for the SOnOff 4CH look like this:

1) mosquitto_pub -h x.x.x.x  -t "dev4/s/capability" -m "GIN0,GIN9,GIN10,GIN14,GON13,GOP4,GOP5,GOP12,GOP15,R"   -u asd -P asd
- this will result in an error: dev4/r/error -> Unsatisfied config: GIN9,GIN10 due to the fact that pis >=6 and <=11 are usually used by the flash.
- ignoring this will give you 4 working switches, one LED and for Relay + LED
2) mosquitto_pub -h x.x.x.x  -t "dev4/s/capability" -m "B0,GIN9,GIN10,GIN14,GON13,GOP4,GOP5,SL12,GOP15,R"   -u asd -P asd
- will be a bit advance and connects the L1 Switch (Gpio0) directly as toggle to the L1 Output (GPIO12)

Sonoff Basic / S20:

Configuration: mosquitto_pub -h x.x.x.x  -t "dev1/s/capability" -m "B,R,SL" -u asd -P asd
HA config would be: 
	- platform: mqtt
	name: "dev1"
	command_topic: "dev1/s/light"
	state_topic: "dev1/r/light"
	qos: 0
	retain: True
	payload_on: "ON"
	payload_off: "OFF"


An MQTT enabled firmware with multiple extensions








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