SendGrid has an Email Inbound Parse Webhook which posts data from a specified incoming email address to a URL of your choice. This library allows you to quickly and easily deployable solution that help you easily get up and running processing (parse and complete some action) your inbound parse webhooks.
This is docker-based solution which can be deployed on cloud services like Heroku out of the box.
Clone the repository
git clone
Move into the clonned repository
cd sendgrid-inbound
Restore the Packages
dotnet restore
Setup your MX records. Depending on your domain name host, you may need to wait up to 48 hours for the settings to propagate.
Run the Inbound Parse listener in your terminal:
git clone
cd sendgrid-inbound
dotnet restore
dotnet run --project .\Src\Inbound\Inbound.csproj
Above will start server listening on a random port like below
In another terminal, use ngrok to allow external access to your machine:
ngrok http PORT_NUMBER
Update your SendGrid Incoming Parse settings: Settings Page | Docs
- For the HOSTNAME field, use the domain that you changed the MX records (e.g.
- For the URL field, use the URL generated by ngrok + /inbound, e.g
Next, send an email to [anything], then look at the terminal where you started the Inbound Parse listener.
Create Heruko account if not already present
Install the Heroku CLI
Download and install the Heroku CLI.
If you haven't already, log in to your Heroku account and follow the prompts to create a new SSH public key.
$ heroku login
Now you can sign into Container Registry.
$ heroku container:login
Create app in heroku
$ heroku apps:create UNIQUE_APP_NAME
Push your Docker-based app Build the Dockerfile in the current directory and push the Docker image.
$ heroku container:push web --app UNIQUE_APP_NAME
Deploy the changes Release the newly pushed images to deploy your app.
$ heroku container:release web --app UNIQUE_APP_NAME
You can get all the test cases inside the Tests
If you would like to contribute to this project, please see our contributing guide. Thanks!