A simple project where I had built a bangla digit classifier using Convolution Neural Network with Tensorflow.
- End to End Peoject
- Project Demo
- Tech Stack
- WebApp Structure
- Project Steps
- Run Locally
- Facing Problem While using Opencv
- Run Docker container from Docker Hub
- Azure Deployment
- Potential Error & Solution while deploying
- Further Reading on Neural Network & CNN
- Acknowledgements
- Image processing/filtering
- Model Building in Tensorflow
- Model Evaluation
- API with Flask
- Frontend
- Dockerfile
- Deployment in Azure
Live website link : https://bangladigitclassifier.azurewebsites.net/
Pc Web browser Demo
Mobile Demo
Client :
Server : Deep Learning Framework : Image Filtering : Deployment :-
def find_folders(path,search,csv=False): list_of_folders = [] if csv==False: for i in os.listdir(path): training_folder_ptr = re.search(search,i) # search for pattern if training_folder_ptr != None: # if pattern matches if i.endswith('.csv') != True: # grabs only the non csv string list_of_folders.append(os.path.join(path,i)) # join and create the path else: for i in os.listdir(path): training_folder_ptr = re.search(search,i) if training_folder_ptr != None: if i.endswith('.csv') == True: list_of_folders.append(os.path.join(path,i)) return list_of_folders
['/home/shoaib/Programming/Project/data/training-e', '/home/shoaib/Programming/Project/data/training-b', '/home/shoaib/Programming/Project/data/training-a', '/home/shoaib/Programming/Project/data/training-d', '/home/shoaib/Programming/Project/data/training-c']
Now use a python library
to get all the image path from the folders.def grab_all_img(list_of_folders): all_img_path = [] all_img_name = [] for i in range(len(list_of_folders)): img_list = glob.glob(list_of_folders[i]+'/*.png') all_img_path.extend(img_list) for i in range(len(all_img_path)): all_img_name.append(all_img_path[i].split(sep=os.sep)[-1]) # splitting abc/12av.png into abc,12av.png and -1 return last index value return all_img_path,all_img_name
More details of the code is in the notebook.
def fillter_img(image_obj_list,img_size): img_np = [] for i in range(len(image_obj_list)): img = cv.resize(image_obj_list[i].get_image(),(img_size,img_size)) img_guass = cv.GaussianBlur(img,(9,9),10) # will denoise it img_weighted = cv.addWeighted(img, 1.5, img_guass, -0.5, 0,img) # combining the image with guassian blur kernel = np.array([[-1,-1,-1], [-1,9,-1], [-1,-1,-1]]) #filter img = cv.filter2D(img_weighted, -1, kernel) # filter apply img = img.reshape(img_size,img_size,1).astype('float32') # reshape the numpy array taking only one color channel img_np.append(img) # for printing print('processed {}/{}'.format(i+1,len(image_obj_list)),end='\r') img_np = np.array(img_np) return img_np
to get the base64 image from the canvas I have use
function of the canvas in JavaScript.function getURI() { const canvas = document.querySelector("canvas"); const dataURI = canvas.toDataURL(); return dataURI; }
read the image as base64 using
module in pythonencoded_data = url.split(',')[1] nparr = np.fromstring(base64.b64decode(encoded_data),np.uint8)
function ajReq() { var xml = new XMLHttpRequest(); xml.open("POST", "/predict", true); xml.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); xml.onload = function () { var dataReply = JSON.parse(this.responseText); document.getElementById("inputField").value = dataReply.prediction; }; URI = getURI(); dataSend = JSON.stringify({ url: URI, }); xml.send(dataSend); }
is sending request to flask server's predict route.
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/KillerShoaib/BanglaDigitClassifierCNN
Go to the project directory
cd BanglaDigitClassifierCNN
Create a virtual env (linux)
source python3 -m venv venv
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start the server
python3 app.py
pip uninstall opencv-python-headless
pip install opencv-python
Note: opencv-python does not work on cloud or docker container properly. Use opencv-python-headless to deploy it on cloud.:
sudo docker run killershoaib/bangla_digit_classifier
- Create a an azure account
- Create a resource group
- Create an app service in the portal and link the GitHub repository and save it. After that the the deployment will start
- Youtube VIdeo Link
ERROR : Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem==version
Solution :
pip uninstall tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem
Error After Deploying : Importerror: libgl.so.1: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory
Solution :
pip uninstall opencv-python
Then :
pip install opencv-python-headless