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EncryptFS: Encrypted Integrity-Preserving Filesystem



  • Kaushal Patil (653639939)
  • Vasu Garg (676073104)

Key Features

  • FUSE-based Implementation: Operates in user-space, allowing for enhanced security without kernel modifications.
  • AES GCM Encryption: Provides strong encryption and authentication for data. (Libsodium Implementation Guide)
  • Dynamically Expanding Volumes: Facilitates on-the-fly storage expansion to accommodate growing data needs.
  • Cloud Backup and Restoration: Supports secure cloud storage solutions for disaster recovery.
  • Merkle Tree Integrity Verification: Ensures data remains unaltered and secure against unauthorized changes.


System Requirements

  • Linux OS with FUSE support
  • Development tools like GCC
  • Libraries: FUSE, OpenSSL, libsodium, libcurl


Install Required Libraries for EncryptFS

sudo apt-get install libfuse-dev libssl-dev libsodium-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev # all the required libraries

Install Required Libraries for Cloud Storage (Optional)

pip insall -r requirements.txt # all the required libraries for cloud storage microservice

Build Instructions for EncryptFS

make # build the encryptFS

Key Generation

./encryptFS.out keygen ./key.txt # generate a new key 'path is customizable'

Mounting EncryptFS (Local)


./encryptFS.out -f -d ~/hello ./superblock.bin ./key.txt # mount the encryptFS to ~/hello using superblock.bin and key.txt (used for aes encryption and decryption)

Mounting EncryptFS (Cloud)

Requires the Cloud Storage service to be running and authenticated (Have the tokens stored in the tokens.txt file)


./encryptFS.out -f -d ~/hello remote:encryptfs/superblock.bin ./key.txt  # mount the encryptFS to ~/hello using superblock.bin on google cloud and key.txt (used for aes encryption and decryption)

Your google drive should contain a folder named encryptfs and the superblock.bin file should be present in that folder, if its not present then the program will create a new superblock.bin file in the folder.

Unmounting EncryptFS

fusermount -u ~/hello # unmount  encryptFS

Clean Up

make clean # clean the build and volume files

clean the build files and volumes created by encryptFS, store the superblock.bin and associated files in the cloud storage or somewhere else before calling this command

Running Cloud Storage Service

Setup for Google Drive API

  1. Go to the Google Cloud Console.
  2. Create a new project.
  3. Enable the Google Drive API.
  4. Create OAuth 2.0 credentials.
  5. Download the credentials as a JSON file and save it as credentials.json in the same directory as the file.

Running the Service


for creating the tokens.txt to authenticate the cloud storage service, visit service url and authenticate the service, make sure the tokens.txt is present.

Testing Instructions

cd ~/hello # Mount point
touch cat.txt # Create a file
echo "hello my name is cat. And I am very cute hehehe hello " > cat.txt # Write to the file, updated merkle tree
cat cat.txt # Read the file, integrity check will be performed
ls -l # List the files, in the root directory
nano dog.txt # Create a new file you can paste content more then block size to check multi block allocation and read
cat dog.txt # Read the file, integrity check will be performed
# other supported operations can be tested as well like cp, mv, rm -rf, etc.
# test image files 
cp ./assets/cat.jpg ~/hello/
cp ./assets/cat.mp3 ~/hello/
feh ~/hello/cat.jpg # view the image
vlc ~/hello/cat.mp3 # play the audio

File System Structure


Internal Structure


Merkle Tree Structure


Merkle Tree Verification


Merkle Tree Update



Create, Read, Write


Mount, Unmount


