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A command line todo list tool using Python and SQLite



Python 2 required

pip install cmdo-app


No parameters will display todo list, or display welcome if there are no items in the list
Displays splash screen
-add title
add an item to the todo list with a title
-due [id] date
mark an item with a due date, id is optional if passed in with -add
currently accepted date formats are
  • DD-MON. Will set the year to the current year, or next year if the date has passed
  • Today
  • Tomorrow
  • Day name [monday to sunday] will set the date to the next date when this day occurs
-description [id] description
Add an item description to an item, this is used to store more information on the item and isnt displayed on the main todo list, but can instead be accessed by using the command -view id. id is optional if passed in with -add
-done id
Mark an item as done
-undone id
Mark an item as not done
-remove id
Removes an item from the todo list
-view [id]
Defaults to display the todo list, passing id will display extra information on that item
Reorders the table so that there are no numerical gaps between item ids

Tags @ and # can be used to better emphasise a title or description by changing the font color


Add "test item" to the todo list

>cmdo -add test item
1    [ ]       test item

Add "test item" with description "new test item" to the todo list

>cmdo -add test item -description new test item
2    [ ]       test item

Add "test item" with due date 20/05/2020

>cmdo -add test item -due 20-may-2020
3    [ ]       test item                     2020-05-20

Add "test item" with due date tomorrow

>cmdo -add test item -due tomorrow
4   [ ]       test item                     Tomorrow

Update due date on item with id 5 to next friday

>cmdo -due 5 friday
5   [ ]       test item                     Friday

Mark item 5 as done

>cmdo -done 5
5   [x]       test item                     Friday