Hey, it's me, Kareem Morsy. I'm a computer science graduate from Cairo University (3rd of my class). A passionate programmer who wants to explore new grounds and ideas.
- Blockchain
- Game development (Unity3D)
- DevOps
- Cloud computing
- Cryptography
Muslaty (My transportation) app helps users to find the nearest bus line to their place. And, it tracks current available buses in real-time.
- The Vagabond Builder (GGJ 2020)
- The Adventures of Tindiana Jones (EGD Quarantine Jam)
- The Last Man
- Nesr El Frames - a twitter bot posting my favorite show's frames
- TicTacTeo bot
- Happy birthday! - a birthday countdown
- Cats vs. Dogs classifier - using Tensorflow and Keras
- Neural network from scratch
- Logistic regression on MNIST dataset
- Minecraft Skinner - Minecraft skin editor (2016)
- Breaker Ball - Breakout clone with OpenGL (2016)
- Calculator (2016)
- LZ77 compression algorithm
- LZ78 compression algorithm
- LZW (LempelโZivโWelch) compression algorithm
- Huffman compression algorithm
- Vector quantization
- CPU scheduling simulator
- Disk scheduling visualizer
- File System Simulator, with authorization system
- Ride sharing app (Uber backend clone)
- Playgrounds renting system