Indifferently load and yield data from any type of input among the following:
- dictionary -> yield the dict untouched
- iterator (list, generator) -> yield each element untouched
- json (string) -> yield json loaded
- json file (file containing one json per line) -> loads and yields each line
- csv file -> loads and yields each line (with , as delimiter and does not differentiate header)
- gz file -> recursively json or csv on each line of the file
- directory -> recursively loads each file
This project has been designed in order to easily use the same code with different input types (from file or another python program for example).
Considering the following:
input_data: one of the types described above containing your data
do_stuff: the function you want to apply to your data
from data_loader import DataLoader
for input_element in DataLoader(input_data).load():