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Properties management

ilhooq edited this page Sep 10, 2014 · 8 revisions

Fields description

  • Ref: Property reference. Auto-generated if not set.
  • Title: Property title. If not set, a title will be generated and displayed like this : {property type} on {town}. This generated title is not saved into the database.
  • Alias: Used to construct SEF urls like /properties/13-nice-house.html. In this example, nice-house is the alias. Auto generated on property title if not set.
  • Description: Property description.
  • Transaction type: Determines if a property is for rent or for sale. Display or not some specific fields depends to this choice. Note that, for now in JEA, it's not possible to deal with other transactions type than 'Renting' or selling'. In the future, this behavior could be extended.
  • Property type: Property type defined as a feature. See Features management.


  • Address: Street address. Not displayed if not set. The Google map on the property layout uses this field to place a marker.
  • Zip code: Zip code. Not displayed if not set.
  • Department: Department defined as a feature. See Features management.
  • Town: Town defined as a feature. See Features management.
  • Area: Area defined as a feature. See Features management.
  • Latitude: Used to place Marker on Google Map.
  • Longitude: Used to place Marker on Google Map.

Note: By default, Latitude or Longitude are not automatically created. You must use the button «Open the map» below these two fields and place a marker on the map. Then close the map and these fields will be filled with your coordinates. However, if you want to create automatically Latitude or Longitude when saving the property, you can install the plugin plg_jea_geolocalize.

Financial informations

Note : the currency symbol must be defined in JEA options. By default € is used.

  • Price or Rent: Appears «Consult us» if not set.
  • Rate frequency: Only for renting.
  • Charges: Renting or selling charges. Not displayed if not set.
  • Fees: Renting or selling Fees. Not displayed if not set.
  • Deposit: Only for renting. Not displayed if not set.


  • Living space, Land space: Surface information in sq. ft. or m² (defined in JEA options)
  • Property availability: A date where the property is available. Not displayed if not set.
  • Orientation: Describes the property orientation from a predefined list of choices.
  • Property condition , Hot water type, Heating type: defined as features. See Features management.
  • Floor, Floors number, Number of rooms, Number of bedrooms, Number of bathrooms, Number of toilets: Integer values used for the search. Not displayed if not set.
  • Amenities: multiple choice of amenities used for the search purpose. See Features management.

Publication info

  • Id: Internal DB key of the property, automatically created and auto-incremented.
  • Hits: Records the number of hits for the property.
  • Status: Set whether or not the property is published.
  • Access: Set the view level access
  • Language: Set the property language (used for multilingual purpose)
  • Featured: Used to display property into modules mod_jea_emphasis or mod_jea_slider.
  • Slogan: Used to display an emphasized message like «Sold», «exclusivity». Defined as feature. See Features management.
  • Created Date: Created date, used for sort purpose.
  • Modified Date: Modified date.
  • Start Publishing: A start date to publish the property.
  • Finish Publishing: An end date to unpublish the property.
  • Created by: Joomla user. The user email is used to receive contact form message if «Send email to author» option is set on Yes in JEA options.


Property can have unlimited number of pictures. However, upload is limited to 3 pictures (by default). You can increase this number in JEA options > pictures > Upload image number. Note : these uploaded pictures are not resized.

Properties pictures are located in /images/com_jea folder. You can access them with the Joomla Media Manager.

Thumbnails sizes are set in JEA options > pictures.

In the property pictures panel, there is the possibility to reorder items. The picture at the top of the list is the property main picture.

Contact form

To activate the contact form for each property, choose «show» in JEA options > Property display > Contact form. By default, the contact form is sent to the site email defined in the Joomla configuration. This can be overriden in JEA options > Property display > Default recipient. But if you choose «Yes» in JEA options > Property display > Send email to author the form will be sent to the user who created the property.

To avoid Spam, it's possible to activate a captha in JEA options > Property display > Use captcha. JEA uses the captcha defined in the global Joomla configuration (Site Settings > Default Captcha). By default, the plugin Recaptcha is already installed with Joomla but it's possible to use another captcha plugin (See on JED).

Google map

A Google map can be displayed on the property layout by choosing «yes» in JEA options > Property display > Google map. By default the map tries to use coordinates (latitude and longitude) to place a marker (See how to find coordinates). If no coordinates are set for the property, the map will try to geolocalize with the fields address, town and department if they are set.


JEA Permissions are globally defined in JEA options > Permissions. Here is the description of each permission :

  • Configure: Allows a user group to configure JEA.
  • Access Administration Interface: Allows a user group to access JEA component in the backend of Joomla.
  • Create: Allows a user group to create a property.
  • Delete: Allows a user group to create a property.
  • Edit: Allows a user group to edit a property.
  • Edit State Allows a user group to change Publication info of each property (status, access, language, featured, publication date, etc.).
  • Edit Own: Allows a user group to edit property only created by himself.

Moreover, it's possible to set permissions for each property :

  • Delete: Allows a user group to delete the property.
  • Edit: Allows a user group to edit the property.
  • Edit State: Allows a user group to change Publication info of the property.

Menu items

JEA offers five type of menu items:

  • Form layout: Used to display a form to submit a new property. The user can login before or after to post the new property.
  • Geolocalized search layout: Displays a search form interacting with a Google map. Note : The properties must have latitude and longitude set in order to appear on the map otherwise, they are not displayed.
  • Properties layout: Displays a (filtered) list of properties.
  • Properties management layout: Displays a list of properties which can be managed by an user
  • Search layout: Displays a search form