The idea is to make a virtual assistant that doesn't need to recieve voice commands.
It detects when my Mi Band is nearby throught bluetooth and notify about new emails, events in the calendar...
It can also interpret commands, differenciating between verbs and nouns, just to be able to interpret the same order said with different words and to give it the ability to interpret different parameters for the same command.
Check email and notify them
Check for events on Google Calendar and notify when needed
Add events to Google Calendar
Make a backup to external drive
Open file explorer on specific path
Open terminal on specific path
In the evening, suggest an alarm for the next day dependiong on events in calendar (not finished)
Play Spotify music and control volume
Run specific app
Check whenever Mi Band is close by Bluetooth scanning to notify new events, making a buffer of notifications not notified yet.
- For sox:
sudo apt-get install sox libsox-fmt-mp3
* ```
* For PyAudio:
sudo apt-get install portaudio19-dev python-pyaudio