Several dependencies need to be installed before using our EddieBot ROS packages. We list them below:
In order to use our shared AR workspace, both ends (a ROS system and a HoloLens system) need to be setup according to the instruction below.
Download and install the master branch on your desktop that runs ROS.
- turtlebot:
- copy additional launch file and map file from the turtlebot folder into the turtlebot package downloaded from the original repo
roslaunch turtlebot_bringup urdf.launch
: lanuch robot model description, launch initial environment, launch map server, lanuch move base.roslaunch turtlebot_navigation rtabmap_mapping_kinect2.launch
: localization using kinectv2. Map file:[]. Note: remember to change the map path in the launch file
- human detect:
- copy the script in human_detection folder into the original repo
: setup and publish camera frame and human frame
- ros communication:
- following the instructions in ROS-Sharp Wiki to install communication package in both ROS and Unity
roslaunch ros_communication web_server.launch
: begin communication between ROS and Hololens. Note: please launch after the Hologram is started
- convert_pcd:
- pcd_pub.launch(included in urdr.lanuch): start the whole environment including point-cloud map and original object models. PCD file: []. Note: remember to modify the pcd path in pcd_pub.launch
roslaunch covert_pcd load_pcd.launch
: implement object transformation, compute perception cost, build octomap
- manipulation:
roslaunch manipulation manipulation.launch
: compute navigation path, publish command to Hololens
Download the Unity branch first, and import the project using Unity. Then compile the project, and upload the hologram to your HoloLens.
title={Human-Robot Interaction in a Shared Augmented Reality Workspace},
author={Qiu, Shuwen and Liu, Hangxin and Zhang, Zeyu and Zhu, Yixin and Zhu, Song-Chun},
booktitle={2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},