This is my dotfile repository. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
I did my best to make everythings work as transparently as possible under both Linux and macOS.
Feel free to try out my dotfiles or use them as inspiration! If you have a suggestion, improvement or question, don't hesitate to open an issue.
Use the bootstrap script to synchronize the dotfiles to your home directory.
cd ~
git clone
cd dotfiles
Vim is my editor of choice. Most of my .vimrc should be self-explanatory. For C++ development, I rely heavily on YouCompleteMe for which I created a better
The .macos
file contains some sensible defaults for OSX, heavily inspired by
Mathias Bynens'
dotfiles. These
are automatically set on running the bootstrap script under macOS.
Instead of constantly polling for the current WAN IP, I have my tmux read a cache file which is updated every five minutes by a cron job.
*/5 * * * * dig +short > ~/.tmux.cache.ip
When I got started with xmonad I came across Vic Fryzel's configuration which I grew fond of over time. It is still largely the same, except for the solarized dark theming and a few functional improvements here and there.
On Ubuntu you will need the following additional packages:
compton dmenu feh hsetroot scrot xmobar xmonad