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change abs_cont to use open intervals
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affeldt-aist committed Feb 21, 2024
1 parent 387c0c8 commit f5d88aa
Showing 1 changed file with 71 additions and 61 deletions.
132 changes: 71 additions & 61 deletions theories/absolute_continuity.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrnum ssrint interval finmap.
From mathcomp Require Import mathcomp_extra boolp classical_sets functions.
From mathcomp Require Import cardinality fsbigop.
Require Import signed reals ereal topology normedtype sequences real_interval.
Require Import esum measure lebesgue_measure numfun lebesgue_integral.
Require Import esum measure lebesgue_measure numfun (*lebesgue_integral*).
Require Import realfun exp lebesgue_stieltjes_measure derive.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ Context {R : realType}.

Definition abs_cont (a b : R) (f : R -> R) := forall e : {posnum R},
exists d : {posnum R}, forall n (B : 'I_n -> R * R),
[/\ (forall i, (B i).1 <= (B i).2 /\ `[(B i).1, (B i).2] `<=` `[a, b]),
trivIset setT (fun i => `[(B i).1, (B i).2]%classic) &
[/\ (forall i, (B i).1 < (B i).2 /\ `](B i).1, (B i).2[ `<=` `[a, b]),
trivIset setT (fun i => `](B i).1, (B i).2[%classic) &
\sum_(k < n) ((B k).2 - (B k).1) < d%:num] ->
\sum_(k < n) (f (B k).2 - f ((B k).1)) < e%:num.

Expand All @@ -81,50 +81,73 @@ Lemma total_variation_AC a b (f : R -> R) : a < b ->
move=> ab bvH' acH' e.
have := acH' e.
move: (acH') => _ [d ac'H'].
move: (acH') => _.
move=> [d ac'H'].
exists d => n B trivB.
have := ac'H' n B trivB.
move: trivB => [/all_and2[B21 Bab]] trivB sumBd sumHd.
apply: (le_lt_trans _ sumHd).
apply: ler_sum => i iI.
apply: ler_sum => i _.
have aB1 : a <= (B i).1.
move: (Bab i).
move/(_ (fun x => a <= x)).
by move=> x; rewrite in_itv /= => /andP [].
by rewrite in_itv /= B21 andbT.
rewrite leNgt; apply/negP => Bi1a.
have := Bab i.
move=> /(_ (((B i).1 + minr a (B i).2)/2)).
rewrite /= !in_itv/= midf_lt//=; last first.
by rewrite lt_minr Bi1a B21.
have H1 : ((B i).1 + minr a (B i).2)%E / 2 < (B i).2.
rewrite ltr_pdivrMr//.
rewrite mulr_natr mulr2n.
rewrite ltr_leD//.
by rewrite le_minl lexx orbT.
move=> /(_ H1) /andP[+ _].
rewrite ler_pdivlMr// mulr_natr mulr2n leNgt => /negP; apply.
by rewrite ltr_leD// le_minl lexx.
have B2b : (B i).2 <= b.
move: (Bab i).
move/(_ (fun x => x <= b)).
by move=> x; rewrite in_itv /= => /andP [].
by rewrite in_itv /= B21 andTb.
have able : a <= b.
by apply/ltW.
rewrite leNgt; apply/negP => Bi2b.
have := Bab i.
move=> /(_ ((maxr (B i).1 b + (B i).2)/2)).
rewrite /= !in_itv/= midf_lt//=; last first.
by rewrite lt_maxl Bi2b B21.
rewrite andbT.
have H1 : (B i).1 < (maxr (B i).1 b + (B i).2)%E / 2.
rewrite ltr_pdivlMr//.
rewrite mulr_natr mulr2n.
rewrite ler_ltD//.
by rewrite le_maxr lexx.
move=> /(_ H1) /andP[_].
rewrite ler_pdivrMr// mulr_natr mulr2n leNgt => /negP; apply.
by rewrite ler_ltD// le_maxr lexx orbT.
apply: (le_trans (ler_norm (f (B i).2 - f (B i).1))).
rewrite /=.
rewrite (@total_variationD _ a (B i).2 (B i).1 f) => //.
rewrite (@total_variationD _ a (B i).2 (B i).1 f)//; last first.
exact: ltW.
rewrite fineD; last 2 first.
- apply/bounded_variationP => //.
by apply: (@bounded_variationl _ _ _ b) => //; first apply: (le_trans _ B2b).
apply: (@bounded_variationl _ _ _ b) => //.
by rewrite (le_trans _ B2b)// ltW.
- apply/bounded_variationP => //.
exact: ltW.
apply: (bounded_variationl _ B2b) => //.
by apply: (bounded_variationr aB1) => //; first apply: (le_trans _ B2b).
exact: ltW.
apply: (bounded_variationr aB1) => //.
by rewrite (le_trans _ B2b)// ltW.
rewrite addrAC subrr add0r.
rewrite -[leLHS]add0r -ler_subr_addr.
rewrite -lee_fin.
rewrite EFinB.
rewrite fineK; last first.
apply/bounded_variationP => //.
exact: ltW.
apply: (bounded_variationl _ B2b) => //.
by apply: (bounded_variationr aB1); first apply: (@le_trans _ _ (B i).2).
exact: ltW.
apply: (bounded_variationr aB1) => //.
by rewrite (le_trans _ B2b)// ltW.
rewrite lee_subr_addr; last first.
rewrite ge0_fin_numE; last exact: normr_ge0.
exact: ltry.
rewrite add0e.
by apply: total_variation_ge.
apply: total_variation_ge.
exact: ltW.

Lemma TV_nondecreasing a b (f : R -> R) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -344,8 +367,8 @@ Proof.
move=> cf incf lf; apply: contrapT => /existsNP[e0] /forallNP fe0.
have {fe0} : forall d : {posnum R},
exists n, exists B : 'I_n -> R * R,
[/\ (forall i, (B i).1 <= (B i).2 /\ `[(B i).1, (B i).2] `<=` `[a, b]),
trivIset setT (fun i => `[(B i).1, (B i).2]%classic),
[/\ (forall i, (B i).1 < (B i).2 /\ `](B i).1, (B i).2[ `<=` `[a, b]),
trivIset setT (fun i => `](B i).1, (B i).2[%classic),
\sum_(k < n) ((B k).2 - (B k).1) < d%:num &
\sum_(k < n) (f (B k).2 - f (B k).1) >= e0%:num].
move=> d; have {fe0} := fe0 d.
Expand All @@ -371,6 +394,10 @@ have d_prop i : \sum_(k < n_ i) (((ab_ i) k).2 - ((ab_ i) k).1) < delta_0 i.
by rewrite /ab_; case: cid => ? [].
have e0_prop i : \sum_(k < n_ i) (f (((ab_ i) k).2) - f ((ab_ i) k).1) >= e0%:num.
by rewrite /ab_; case: cid => ? [].
(*have tab_ t : trivIset [set: 'I_(n_ t)]
(fun i : 'I_(n_ t) => `](ab_ t i).2, (ab_ t i).1[%classic).
rewrite /ab_; case: cid => ? [_ + _ _]/=.
rewrite /delta_/=.*)
pose E_ i := \big[setU/set0]_(k < n_ i) `](ab_ i k).2, (ab_ i k).1[%classic.
have mE i: measurable (E_ i) by exact: bigsetU_measurable.
pose G_ i := \bigcup_(j in [set j | (j >= i)%N]) E_ j.
Expand All @@ -379,39 +406,23 @@ pose A := \bigcap_i (G_ i).
have Eled : forall n, (mu (E_ n) <= (delta_0 n)%:E)%E.
move=> t.
rewrite measure_semi_additive_ord //=; last 2 first.


rewrite (@measure_semi_additive _ _ _ lebesgue_measure).
/=; last 3 first.
by move=> k; rewrite /Iab; case: Bool.bool_dec => H.
apply: ltn_trivIset => n2 n1 n12.
rewrite {2}/Iab; case: Bool.bool_dec; last by rewrite setI0.
move=> H2.
rewrite /Iab.
case: Bool.bool_dec; last by rewrite set0I.
move=> H1.
apply: bigsetU_measurable => i _.
(* apply: ltn_trivIset => n2 n1 n12.
rewrite {2}/Iab; case: Bool.bool_dec; last by rewrite setI0.
move=> H2.
rewrite /Iab.
by case: Bool.bool_dec.
under eq_bigr => i _.
rewrite (_:lebesgue_measure (Iab t i) = ((ab_ t i).2 - (ab_ t i).1)%:E); last first.
move: i.
rewrite /Iab.

rewrite sumEFin.
rewrite lee_fin.
case: Bool.bool_dec; last by rewrite set0I.
move=> H1.*)
by apply: bigsetU_measurable => i _.
by apply: d_prop.
under eq_bigr do rewrite lebesgue_measure_itv/= lte_fin.
(*by apply: d_prop.*) admit.
have mA0 : lebesgue_measure A = 0.
rewrite /A.
have H1 : (m \o G_) x @[x --> \oo] --> m (\bigcap_n G_ n).
have H1 : (mu \o G_) x @[x --> \oo] --> mu (\bigcap_n G_ n).
apply: nonincreasing_cvg_mu => //.
- move=> /=.
rewrite (@le_lt_trans _ _ (\sum_(0 <= i <oo) m (E_ i))%E) //.
rewrite (@le_lt_trans _ _ (\sum_(0 <= i <oo) mu (E_ i))%E) //.
apply: measure_sigma_sub_additive => //; first exact: mG.
rewrite /G_.
apply: bigcup_sub => i _.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -458,19 +469,19 @@ have mA0 : lebesgue_measure A = 0.
by apply: (@le_trans _ _ k).
have : (lebesgue_measure \o G_) x @[x --> \oo] --> 0%E.
rewrite /=.
have : (\forall k \near \oo, (cst 0 k <= (m \o G_) k <= (delta_0 k.-1)%:E)%E).
have : (\forall k \near \oo, (cst 0 k <= (mu \o G_) k <= (delta_0 k.-1)%:E)%E).
near=> k => /=.
rewrite measure_ge0 /=.
apply: (@le_trans _ _ (\big[+%E/0%E]_(k <= j <oo) (m (E_ j))%E)).
apply: (@le_trans _ _ (\big[+%E/0%E]_(k <= j <oo) (mu (E_ j))%E)).
rewrite (_: G_ k = \bigcup_n G_ (n + k)%N); last first.
apply/seteqP; split.
- by exists 0.
- by exists 0%N => //.
- apply: bigcup_sub => n _.
apply: bigcup_sub => j /= nkj.
apply: bigcup_sup => /=.
apply: (@leq_trans (n + k)%N) => //.
exact: leq_addl.
rewrite (_: (\sum_(k <= j <oo) m (E_ j))%E = (\sum_(0 <= j <oo) m (E_ (j + k)%N))%E); last admit.
rewrite (_: (\sum_(k <= j <oo) mu (E_ j))%E = (\sum_(0 <= j <oo) mu (E_ (j + k)%N))%E); last admit.
apply: measure_sigma_sub_additive.
by move=> n; apply: mE.
apply: bigcup_measurable => n _.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -517,17 +528,17 @@ have mA0 : lebesgue_measure A = 0.
move/cvg_unique : H1.
move=> /[apply].
by apply.
have mfA0 : lebesgue_measure (f @` A) = 0.
have mfA0 : mu (f @` A) = 0.
(* use lf *)
apply: lf.
+ rewrite -[X in _ `<=` X](@bigcap_const _ _ (@setT nat) `[a, b]).
* apply: subset_bigcap => //.
move=> n _.
apply: bigcup_sub => j /= nj.
rewrite /E_.
rewrite bigcup_sup.
(* rewrite bigcup_sup.
rewrite (_:`[a, b]%classic = \big[setU/set0]_(k < n_ j) `[a, b]%classic).
(* apply (@subset_bigsetU _ (fun k : `I_(n_ j) => `](ab_ j k).2, (ab_ j k).1[%classic) (n_ j)).*)
(* apply (@subset_bigsetU _ (fun k : `I_(n_ j) => `](ab_ j k).2, (ab_ j k).1[%classic) (n_ j)).*)*)

Expand All @@ -542,7 +553,6 @@ apply: total_variation_AC => //.
apply: Banach_Zarecki_increasing.
- exact: total_variation_continuous.
- exact: TV_nondecreasing.
- exact: TV_bounded_variation.
- exact: Lusin_total_variation.

Expand Down

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