I am not the dev of that project, this is just a mirror repo to make the tool available for those who don't want to wait a released version by KDE
Addition to plasma-nm to allow the use WireGuard VPN.
Just be aware that it is definitely still a work in progress.
This requires installation of network-manager-wireguard before this will have any effect.
This is just a mirrored/updated version of project https://phabricator.kde.org/D15093
All merit to https://github.com/Druco
I am distributing an rpm package, RHEL based version awaiting the project to be upstreamed and released (Just check the releases page)
RPM for Mageia/Opensuse/Fedora/Redhat/ROSA/OpenMandriva/PCLinuxOS/CentOS
Note that i did not test my rpms on all those distro, if it does not work just extract the rpm and copy the needed files manually... you will probably only need plasma-applet-nm-wireguard-5.12.2-1.mga6.x86_64.rpm
- To compile you need to get plasma-nm and clone this project under the 'vpn' directory in that tree,
- Then edit the file 'plasma-nm/vpn/CMakeLists.txt' and add 'add_subdirectory(plasma-nm-wireguard)'
- Then run the build process for plasma-nm and there should be a library called 'libplasmanetworkmanagement_wireguardui.so' created in the corresponding directory in the 'build' tree.
If you already have a binary version of plasma-nm installed, you can probably get away with just copying this library to where the rest of the VPN plugin libraries are located (in my case it was '/usr/lib64/qt5/plugins') but your mileage may vary. Then copy plasmanetworkmanagement_wireguardui.desktop to where all the rest of the 'plasmnetworkmanagement_xxx.desktop' files are. In my case this was /usr/share/kservices5.