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InspectorWidget Processor


InspectorWidget is an opensource suite to track and analyze users behaviors in their applications.

The key contributions of InspectorWidget are:

  1. it works on closed applications that do not provide source code nor scripting capabilities;
  2. it covers the whole pipeline of software analysis from logging input events to visual statistics through browsing and programmable annotation;
  3. it allows post-recording logging; and 4) it does not require programming skills. To achieve this, InspectorWidget combines low-level event logging (e.g. mouse and keyboard events) and high-level screen features (e.g. interface widgets) captured though computer vision techniques.

InspectorWidget is targeted at end users, usability experts, user experience and HCI researchers.


InspectorWidget is composed of three tools:

  • Collector: Record (screen), Log (input events + accessibility)
  • Iterator: Browse (screen + input events), Program (annotations), Analyze (worflows)
  • Processor: Automate (annotations)

InspectorWidget Processor

The Processor tool is a cross-platform server for automating annotations.


InspectorWidget Processor is based on:

macOS 10.9+ with Homebrew

Core dependencies: brew install opencv --with-ffmpeg --with-tbb brew install tesseract --with-opencl brew install cmake npm

To build the documentation: brew install doxygen gnuplot graphviz wget

macOS 10.9+ with MacPorts

Core dependencies: sudo port install opencv +ffmpeg sudo port install tesseract sudo port install cmake npm

To build the documentation: sudo port install doxygen gnuplot graphviz wget

Ubuntu 16.04

Core dependencies:

sudo apt install cmake npm libopencv-dev libtesseract-dev libxtst-dev libxt-dev libxkbfile-dev libx11-xcb-dev libxkbcommon-dev libxkbcommon-x11-dev
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/node node /usr/bin/nodejs 10

To build the documentation: sudo apt install doxygen gnuplot graphviz wget


First clone the repository. Then open a terminal in the source directory (<source_path>), Internet connexion still required:

  • update all submodules: git submodule update --init
  • install node dependencies sudo npm i cmake-js -g npm install
  • build cmake <source_path> make
  • build the documentation cmake <source_path> -DBUILD_DOCUMENTATION=ON make doc


InspectorWidget Processor is released under the terms of the GPLv3 license.



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