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automated workflows for reproducible and scalable multimodal mass spectrometry imaging and immunofluorescence microscopy data processing and analysis

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msiFlow contains 7 snakemake workflows:

task description workflow
pre-processing generates a peak list from raw MALDI MSI data msi_preprocessing_flow
registration combines MSI & IFM including IFM pre-processing msi_if_registration_flow
segmentation dim. reduction and clustering of MSI data msi_segmentation_flow
segmentation thresholding-based segmentation of IFM markers if_segmentation_flow
analysis & visualisation molecular changes in different ROIs between two groups by statistical analysis region_group_analysis_flow
analysis & visualisation molecular signatures of ROIs by ML classification molecular_signatures_flow
analysis & visualisation molecular heterogeneity in ROIs by UMAP-based clustering molecular_heterogeneity_flow

msiFlow can be run via Docker or locally by using a graphical user interface (gui) or the command-line interface (cli):

  1. The Docker version of msiFlow is intended for easy-to-use execution and does not require package installations.
  2. The local version of msiFlow is intended for development.

Installation (< 5 min)

Docker Version

To use the Docker version of msiFlow, follow these instructions:

  1. install Docker for your operating system from here.
  2. start Docker
  3. get the Docker image
    1. from DockerHub by running docker pull phispa1812/msiflow_<interface> in a terminal. In the command enter gui for <interface> to install the graphical user interface or cli to install the command-line interface.
    2. or build the Docker image by navigating to the root directory of msiFlow in a terminal (e.g. via cd msiFlow) and running docker build -f streamlit/Dockerfile -t msiflow_gui . to install the graphical user interface or by running docker build -t msiflow_cli . to install the command-line interface.

Local Version (without Docker)

To use the local version of msiFlow, follow these instructions:

  1. download or clone this repository if you have Git installed by running git clone in a terminal
  2. navigate to the root directory of msiFlow (e.g. via cd msiFlow) in a terminal
  3. environment/package installation
    1. if you have Anaconda installed, create an environment of msiFlow by running conda env create --file msiflow_env.yaml. This creates an environemnt with all required packages at once.
    2. if you want to use pure Python, download all packages by running pip install -r requirements.txt

System requirements


The hardware requirements depend on the data size. The example data for most workflows (except MSI pre-processing and segmentation) and the demo data can be processed on a computer with 16 GB RAM. The example data for MSI pre-processing and segmentation requires at least 120 GB RAM.


All software dependencies and versions are listed in the requirements.txt and can be installed via pip for local execution (see installation instructions above). The software has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS.

Run msiFlow

Docker Version

To run the Docker version of msiFlow, follow these instructions:

  • start Docker
  • start the graphical user interface by running docker run -v <path-to-data>:/home/user/msiflow/data -p 8501:8501 phispa1812/msiflow_gui in a terminal and navigating to localhost:8501 in a browser (e.g. Firefox)
  • or execute a workflow via the command-line interface by running docker run -v <path-to-data-and-config>:/home/user/msiflow/data -e 'WORKFLOW=<workflow>' -e 'CORES=<number-of-cores>' phispa1812/msiflow_cli in a terminal

Important note: don't change the field input path when using the gui or the data parameter in the configuration file when using the cli! This parameter is only intended for the local version of msiFlow. In the Docker version the data path is specified in the corresponding command by <path-to-data> or <path-to-data-and-config>.

Local Version

To run msiFlow locally, follow these instructions:

  • in a terminal navigate to the root directory of msiFlow (e.g. via cd msiFlow)
  • if you have installed the packages in a conda environment, activate the environment via conda activate msiflow_env
  • start the graphical user interface by running streamlit run streamlit/ in a terminal and navigating to localhost:8501 in a browser (e.g. Firefox)
  • or execute a workflow via the command-line interface by running snakemake --snakefile <workflow>/Snakefile --cores <number-of-cores> --configfile <path-to-config> in a terminal

In the commands above

  • enter the name of the workflow to be executed for <workflow>. The possible workflows to select are listed in the table above.
  • enter the path of your data folder for <path-to-data>
  • enter the path of your data folder which includes a configuration file for <path-to-data-and-config>
  • enter the max. number of cores to be used by msiFlow for <number-of-cores>. To provide all cores type all.
  • enter the path of your configuration file for <path-to-config> when using the local version.
  • add --resources mem_mb=<available_RAM_in_MB> to specify the available RAM to prevent out-of-memory errors for MSI pre-processing (optional for local execution in the command-line)

Workflow-specific information

Each workflow directory contains a README with detailed information on

  • how to run the workflow via the command-line interface
  • how to structure and name your input data files for successful execution of msiFlow
  • how to set the configuration parameters
    • example config.yaml is provided in each directory
    • a description of all parameters is provided in the wiki
  • where and what output files are generated
  • where to find example data to run the workflow and reproduce the results


A small dataset to demo msiFlow with the expected output files can be found here. You can use the script to run the demo locally. The script applies registration, segmentation and feature extraction to identify lipidomic signatures of a specific marker (here Ly6G). Alternatively, you can use the Docker cli version of msiFlow to reproduce the results by following these instructions:

  1. Get the Docker image phispa1812/msiflow_cli as described above in the installation instructions.
  2. Download this repo to save the demo data on your computer. You will need to specify the path where the demo data is stored in path-to-demo-data in the following commands.
  3. Use the command to run the Docker version of msiFlow in the command-line as described above to
    1. run msi_if_registration_flow with path-to-demo-data/msi_if_registration for <path-to-data-and-config>
    2. run if_segmentation_flow with path-to-demo-data/if_segmentation for <path-to-data-and-config>. Before running the workflow, copy the registered image path-to-demo-data/msi_if_registration/registered/UPEC_12.tif into path-to-demo-data/if_segmentation.
    3. run molecular_signatures_flow with path-to-demo-data/Ly6G_signatures for <path-to-data-and-config>. Before running the workflow, copy the segmented image path-to-demo-data/if_segmentation/segmented/UPEC_12.tif into path-to-demo-data/Ly6G_signatures/bin_imgs.

The expected runtime for processing the demo data with the applied workflows is about 5 minutes on a normal desktop computer.

Example data

Generally all example data to test the workflows can be found on Zenodo:



Prof. Dr. Daniel R. Engel: Department of Immunodynamics, Institute of Experimental Immunology and Imaging, University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany


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