Original python2.7 porting of Dr. Gregory L. Charvat's MIT course matlab script is from
Completed conversion
WIP. Current result doesn't seem correct, will upload after fix
If you want to try this out yourself, download the Experiment 3 ZIP file hosted by MIT at http://ocw.mit.edu/resources/res-ll-003-build-a-small-radar-system-capable-of-sensing-range-doppler-and-synthetic-aperture-radar-imaging-january-iap-2011/projects/ and extract the 'towardswarehouse.wav' file into this program's directory, and rename that file to have the prefix of 'mit-'. Then execute this Python file, the defaults will take care of the rest.
The program supports several command-line options:
$ python3 make_sar_image.py -h
usage: make_sar_image.py [-h] [-f [F]] [-o [O]] [-rs [RS]] [-cr1 [CR1]]
[-cr2 [CR2]] [-dr1 [DR1]] [-dr2 [DR2]]
[-bgsub [BGSUB]]
Generate a SAR image outputted by default to 'sar_image.png' from a WAV file
of appropriate data.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f [F] Filename containing SAR data in appropriate format (default:
mit-towardswarehouse.wav (prefix filename with 'mit-' to use
MIT's frequency range if your VCO range is different))
-o [O] Filename to save the SAR image to (default: sar_image.png)
-rs [RS] Downrange distance (ft) to calibration target at scene
center (default: 30)
-cr1 [CR1] Farthest crossrange distance (ft) left of scene center shown
in image viewport (default: -80, minimum: -170)
-cr2 [CR2] Farthest crossrange distance (ft) right of the scene center
shown in image viewport (default: 80, maximum: 170)
-dr1 [DR1] Closest downrange distance (ft) away from the radar shown in
image viewport (default: 1)
-dr2 [DR2] Farthest downrange distance (ft) away from the radar shown
in image viewport (default: 350, maximum: 565)
-bgsub [BGSUB] Filename containing SAR data representing a background
sample that will be subtracted from the main data given by
-f (default: None)