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Colin Smith edited this page May 3, 2018 · 2 revisions

Where and when

Dates: Tuesday June 12 (08:30) through Thursday June 14 (17:30)

Hackathon location: CERIA building, University of New-Mexico, Albuquerque, NM

Hotel location: Hyatt Uptown Hotel, 6901 Arvada Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110


Travel to Albuquerque, NM: Your travel arrangements have been coordinated and finalized by Carol Jenkins-Espniosa; you should have already received all travel details in a separate email. If you have any remaining travel questions, please contact Carol at [email protected].

Airport to hotel: No shuttle is available from the airport to the hotel. You will have to take a taxi. Try to carpool with fellow hackathon participants.

Getting to UNM and back to the Hyatt: You can take the Red Line bus (#766) from the Uptown Transit Center to UNM and get off at the Central @ Yale stop. Bus fare is $1 per ride or $6 for a 3-day pass (unlimited rides). Passes may be purchased from the Uptown Transit Center kiosk. Get bus schedules here.

Hotel to airport: No shuttle is available from the hotel to the airport. You will have to take a taxi. Try to carpool with fellow hackathon participants.


Hotel check-in: A block of rooms have been reserved for hackathon participants, and participant names have been provided to the hotel. Please notify the hotel that you are part of the Environmental Data Initiative hackathon upon check-in to verify that you are receiving a room from this block. Hotel information may be obtained here.

Hackathon check-in: Please plan to arrive at 08:00 to enable a prompt start time at 08:30. Name badges and wireless access information will be distributed during check-in. Checkout the hackathon agenda for more details.

Meals and other related activities

Breakfast is provided at the hotel 06:30-09:30. All other meals will be “on your own”, a per diem will be reimbursed for all meals not included as hackathon functions.

Good coffee/espresso can be found at Satellite Coffee in the Student Union Building.

Restaurants within the immediate vicinity of the UNM and hotel.


Please bring a wireless-enabled laptop to the workshop. You must have administrative privileges on your laptop so that any needed software installs are possible. We will be using GitHub to track all hackathon materials. All presentations, reports and especially code are archived for future referral, and to allow participants to follow along and share information during the hackathon. For some of these activities, you will need to have GitHub client in your system (e.g., for Macs and for Windows). We will also be using collaborative notes documents, with links available through the wiki to “pool” notes and comments for richer reading, and to record questions left unanswered that can be posed to developers and hackathon staff. If you have relevant materials, protocols, links, papers, or other documentation, please feel free to post them to the Wiki yourself.