This example supports OpenGL with Linux/X11 and Windows.
This example is intended as a reference for writing a simple OpenXR applications. Its main objective is being easy to follow, therefore it uses very few abstractions and one very long main function.
For a similar, more abstracted example that exercises more of the OpenXR API, see
OpenXR returns Poses (Vector + Quaternion) for views and device locations instead of matrices.
A succinct selection of matrix math code from the OpenXR SDK is included in main_simple.c.
Most of these functions are optional, but print useful information.
is the only function that performs real work.
You should write your own version of this function to fit your needs.
This is the code that directly interacts with the OpenXR API.
Render a few colorful cubes around the HMD. Render green/red blocks for the controllers.
Standard cmake build, for example
cmake -GNinja -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
ninja -C Build
The windows build is a rudimentary build script make_simple_example.ps1.
It assumes cmake, ninja, and llvm (clang) are installed and in PATH. This can be achieved easily for example with scoop.
Unless the OpenXR runtime is installed in the file system, the XR_RUNTIME_JSON
variable has to be set for the loader to know where to look for the runtime and how the runtime is named
then, you should be ready to run ./openxr-example
If you want to use API layers that are not installed in the default path, set the variable XR_API_LAYER_PATH
This will enable to loader to find api layers at this path and enumerate them with xrEnumerateApiLayerProperties()
API Layers can be enabled either with code or the loader can be told to enable an API layer with XR_ENABLE_API_LAYERS
This code is licensed under the SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0. See LICENSE.
In addition to that, I give permission to anyone use this code under any other license. Create a pull request or contact me if you need to officially add another license.