To install client components check that you have python installed and also the virtualenv package. In ubuntu and debian this package it's called python3.6-venv.
To install client components of a release use the next script:
utils/ <dir>
where dir is the directory where the python virtual environment will be created. Example usage: utils/ /tmp
This script will install all the libraries and dependencies. To activate this virtual environment execute source <dir>/gfa_venv/bin/activate
Copy tar file with the firmware to the remote system: scp <release>/*.tar root@<ip>:/tmp/yocto.tar
Then, once we get a shell in the remote system we should copy the firmware files to the appropriate place.
If we are using an SD card then we will use the next script:
mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt
/bin/rm -f /mnt/*
tar --no-same-owner -xvf /tmp/yocto.tar -C /mnt/
umount /mnt
If we are using the QSPI flash memory (if there are some error fix it before rebooting):
tar --no-same-owner -xvf /tmp/yocto.tar -C /tmp/
cd /tmp
flashcp -v boot.bin /dev/mtd0
flashcp -v uImage /dev/mtd1
flashcp -v devicetree.dtb /dev/mtd2
flashcp -v uramdisk /dev/mtd5
Once copied the system must be rebooted: reboot