This is a project to help increase the number of memberships on IEEE Computer Society on UnB and IFB chapters, and, if succesful, reproductible on any branch or chapter. It aims to teach how to create 2D games with Godot and create multiple games, incuding one major open source game at the end of the project.
We start the project at the semester's beginning with a selection process mostly to assess how many people want to only have classes and how many want to develop the final project (which is the project's main purpose). The final project is an open source game related to IEEE and intends to help knowledge among volunteers and students alike about IEEE's structure. To
At the end of the course and before we start the main project we'll develop the following games:
- Hello World game (because who never?)
- Pong game
- Tick tack toe
- Battleship game
- Dodge the creeps
Requirements to participate in this course are as follow:
- Have an IEEE memmbership (this way you're keeping us up and going!)
- If you already have, it's free! Otherwise, check it out on IEEE, we have loads of stuff.
- If you're a woman, check out Women In Engineering (their membership is free of charge)
- If you're not a woman, also checkout WIE (their membership is free of charge AND you get to know cool stuff)
- Accept our code of conduct
- That's all for now
What will help you enjoy more the course
- Basics of programming in any language
- Assiduity
- Dedication (follow the online classes and
- Creating a simple Hello World
- Understand
- Scenes
- Scripts
- Functions
- Main variable types
- Create
- Hello World Game
- Vectors and movement
- Understand
- Controls
- Scores
- Create Pong game
Concurso entre os participantes com banca avaliadora. O jogo com maior pontuação ganha algum tipo de prêmio e pode participar dos concursos do IEEE. O jogo é livre e o tema é IEEE
, mantendo dentro do escopo, o estilo do jogo é liberado. Cada participante deverá criar um jogo individualmente.
O vencedor de melhor jogo ganha X.