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Graph Theory Tool Library

Here is a graph theory tool library, it provides several APIs for users to constructe graphs and operate on the graphs.

You can see the tests/01-hello-world.cpp for examples and perform your desired operations in it.

Here are the APIs and you can learn how to use it here:



The Edge class represents a directed edge, which has a constructor, a destructor, and two interfaces:

  • Edge(int source, int destination):Construct an edge object starting from source and ending at destination
  • ~Edge():Destroy the edge
  • int GetSource() const:Obtain the starting vertex's id
  • int GetDestination() const:Obtain the end vertex's id

Using examples

Edge e(1, 2); // Create a directed edge from 1 to 2
assert(e.GetSource() == 1);
assert(e.GetDestination() == 2);


The Graph class represents a directed and unweighted graph, which has a constructor, destructor, and fourteen interfaces:

  • Graph():Construct a graph
  • ~Graph():Destroy the graph
  • bool AddVertex(int vertex):Add a vertex with a specified number. If the addition is successful, return true. If the vertex already exists, return false
  • bool RemoveVertex(int vertex):Delete the vertex with the specified number. If the deletion is successful, return true. If the vertex does not exist, return false
  • bool AddEdge(int vertex1, int vertex2):Add a directed edge from vertex1 to vertex2, if the addition is successful, return true, if the vertex does not exist or the edge already exists, return false
  • bool RemoveEdge(int vertex1, int vertex2):Delete the directed edge from vertex1 pointing to vertex2, if the deletion is successful, return true, if the vertex does not exist or the edge does not exist, return false
  • int CountVertices() const:Return the number of vertices
  • int CountEdges() const:Return the number of edges
  • bool ContainsVertex(int vertex) const:Determine whether the vertex with the specified number exists
  • bool ContainsEdge(int vertex1, int vertex2) const:Determine whether the edge from vertex1 to vertex2 exists
  • std::vector<int> GetVertices() const:Get a list of all vertices in the graph
  • std::vector<Edge> GetEdges() const:Get a list of all edges in the graph
  • std::vector<Edge> GetIncomingEdges(int vertex) const:Get the incoming edge list of a vertex, if the vertex does not exist, return an empty list
  • std::vector<Edge> GetOutgoingEdges(int vertex) const:Get the outcoming edge list of a vertex, if the vertex does not exist, return an empty list
  • int GetDegree(int vertex) const:Returns the degree of the vertex with the specified id (the degree of the directed graph is the out degree), and returns 0 if the vertex does not exist
  • std::vector<int> GetNeighbors(int vertex) const:Get the neighbor list of a vertex (the neighbor of the directed graph is the vertex pointed to by the outgoing edge), if the vertex does not exist, return an empty list

Using examples

Graph g; // Build a new graph

assert(g.AddVertex(1) == true);
assert(g.AddVertex(2) == true);
assert(g.AddVertex(3) == true);
assert(g.AddVertex(3) == false); // Vertex 3 already exists
assert(g.AddVertex(4) == true);
assert(g.ContainsVertex(4) == true);
assert(g.RemoveVertex(4) == true);
assert(g.ContainsVertex(4) == false);
assert(g.RemoveVertex(5) == false);

assert(g.AddEdge(1, 2) == true);
assert(g.AddEdge(1, 3) == true);
assert(g.AddEdge(2, 5) == false); // Vertex 5 does not exist
assert(g.ContainsEdge(1, 2) == true);
assert(g.ContainsEdge(2, 5) == false);

assert(g.GetVertices().size() == g.CountVertices()); // 4
assert(g.GetEdges().size() == 2);
assert(g.GetIncomingEdges(1).size() == 0);
assert(g.GetOutgoingEdges(1).size() == 2); // {{1, 2}, {1, 3}}
assert(g.GetDegree(1) == 2);
assert(g.GetNeighbors(1).size() == 2); // {2, 3}
assert(g.GetNeighbors(2).size() == 0);


The WeightedEdge class represents a directed edge with an int type weight, which has a constructor, a destructor, and three interfaces:

  • WeightedEdge(int source, int destination, int weight):Construct an edge object starting from source, ending at destination, and the weight is weight
  • ~WeightedEdge()
  • int GetSource() const
  • int GetDestination() const
  • int GetWeight() const:Obtain the weight of the edge


The WeightedGraph class represents a directed graph composed of directed edges with int type weights. It has a constructor, a destructor, and fifteen interfaces:

  • WeightedGraph()
  • ~WeightedGraph()
  • bool AddVertex(int vertex)
  • bool RemoveVertex(int vertex)
  • bool AddEdge(int vertex1, int vertex2, int weight)
  • bool RemoveEdge(int vertex1, int vertex2)
  • int CountVertices() const
  • int CountEdges() const
  • bool ContainsVertex(int vertex) const
  • bool ContainsEdge(int vertex1, int vertex2) const
  • int GetWeight(int vertex1, int vertex2) const:Query the weight of the edge from vertex1 pointing to vertex2, if this edge does not exist, it is UB (Undefined Behavior) and will return 0
  • std::vector<int> GetVertices() const
  • std::vector<WeightedEdge> GetEdges() const
  • std::vector<WeightedEdge> GetIncomingEdges(int vertex) const
  • std::vector<WeightedEdge> GetOutgoingEdges(int vertex) const
  • int GetDegree(int vertex) const
  • std::vector<int> GetNeighbors(int vertex) const


The UndirectedGraph class represents undirected and unweighted graph, and all interfaces of the it are exactly the same as the directed and unweighted graph (Graph class)


The UndirectedWeightedGraph class represents undirected weighted graph, and all interfaces of it are exactly the same as the directed weighted graph (WeightedGraph class)


BreadthFirstSearcher and DepthFirstSearcher

  • void VisitAllVertices(const TGraph *graph, int start, const std::function<void(int)> &action) means to traverse all traversable vertices from the starting vertex (start) in a width-first or depth-first manner, and Call the action operation on these vertices. action is called at most once per vertex
  • std::optional<int> TryFindFirstVertex(const TGraph *graph, int start, const std::function<bool(int)> &predicate) means to traverse all possible vertices from the starting vertex (start) in a width-first or depth-first manner Traverse the vertices and find the number of the first vertex that satisfies the predicate predicate. Since there may not be such a vertex, we use std::optional<int> as the return value type, which shows that it may be empty. If found, return the optional container containing the vertex number, otherwise, return an empty container


Based on Dijkstra algorithm.

  • DijkstraShortestPaths(const TGraph *graph, int source)
  • ~DijkstraShortestPaths()
  • bool HasPathTo(int):Returns whether there is a path from the start vertex to the end vertex
  • std::optional<TValue> TryGetDistanceTo(int):Returns the weight of the shortest path from the start vertex to the end vertex. If there is no path, it returns empty. The distance from the start vertex is defined as the default value TValue() of TValue type
  • std::optional<std::vector<int>> TryGetShortestPathTo(int):Returns the numbers of all vertices on a shortest path from the start vertex to the end vertex (including the start vertex and end vertex). If there are no vertices, it returns empty, and if there are multiple vertices, it returns a random one

Using examples:

auto *g = new WeightedGraph<int>();
for (int i = 1; i <= 6; ++i) {
g->AddEdge(1, 2, 1);
g->AddEdge(2, 3, 2);
g->AddEdge(3, 4, 3);
g->AddEdge(4, 1, 4);
g->AddEdge(5, 6, 5);
g->AddEdge(6, 5, 6);

ShortestPaths<WeightedGraph, int> *p = nullptr;
for (int i = 1; i <= 6; ++i) {
  p = new DijkstraShortestPaths<WeightedGraph, int>(g, i);
  for (int j = 1; j <= 6; ++j) {
    printf("%d", p->HasPathTo(j));
  delete p;

delete g;


It is similar with DijkstraShortestPaths but use Bellman-Ford algorithm instead.


It is similar with DijkstraShortestPaths and BellmanFordShortestPaths but use Floyd algorithm instead

  • FloydShortestPaths(const TGraph *graph)
  • ~FloydShortestPaths()
  • bool HasPathOf(int, int): Returns whether there is a path from the start vertex to the end vertex
  • std::optional<TValue> TryGetDistanceOf(int, int): Returns the weight of the shortest path from the start vertex to the end vertex. If there is no path, it returns empty. The distance from the start vertex is defined as the default value TValue() of TValue type
  • std::optional<std::vector<int>> TryGetShortestPathOf(int, int):Returns the numbers of all vertices on a shortest path from the start vertex to the end vertex (including the start vertex and end vertex). If there are no vertices, return empty, and if there are multiple vertices, return a random one


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