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Category: Action

NoComment edited this page Oct 31, 2022 · 5 revisions

Base Options

Actions with the main category Action all have the same base options for configuring the action.

  • sendDm - Whether to dm the user about the action or not. Defaults to true in all actions
  • sendActionLog - Whether to send an action log message in a given channel. Defaults to true in all actions
  • reason - The reason for the action. Defaults to No reason provided in all actions
  • loggingChannel - The channel to send action logs too. Redundant is sendActionLog is false
  • logPublicly - Whether to send a public log message in the channel the command was run in. Defaults to false in all actions
  • dmResult - The result of attempting to DM the user. Returns a DmResult enum ordinal.
  • publicLogResult - The result of attempting to send a public log to the current channel. Returns a PublicLogResult enum ordinal
  • privateLogResult - The result of attempting to send a private log to the specified loggingChannel. Returns a PrivateLogResult enum ordinal
  • hasLogChannelPerms - Whether the bot has the required permissions to send a message in the log channel. This should be provided with a custom check. If it is left null, nothing changes in the logging, it will try to log and throw an exception if there is an error

Logging Configs:

  • dmEmbed - An embed builder function for creating the DM embed
  • actionEmbed - An embed builder function for creating the private action embed
  • publicActionEmbed - An embed builder function for creating the public action embed

Specific action options

Certain actions have extra options which are only applicable to the action itself.

  • Ban
    • deleteMessageDuration - The duration into the past of messages from this user to delete.
    • removeTimeout - Whether to remove the timeout on the user before banning. Defaults to false
  • Kick
    • removeTimeout - Whether to remove the timeout on the user before banning. Defaults to false
  • Softban
    • deleteMessageDuration - The duration into the past of messages from this user to delete. Defaults to 3 days
  • Timeout
    • timeoutDuration - The duration to timeout the user until
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