StartupForce is a fullstack Javascript web application that provides tools to assist small businesses in the management of day-to-day operations.
StartupForce uses React/Redux, NodeJS, and PostgreSQL and Firebase databases.
When employees log in, they see their schedule for the week. Managers can adjust the schedules of employees they manage.
Employees can send direct messages to each other, and receive notifications when they have unread messages.
Managers can onboard new employees to the company, and track contracts and revenue with data analytics.
This application requires a Postgres database, a Firebase real-time database, and a Cloudinary account for photo upload.
Fork and clone down the repo.
Run npm install to get the node modules required to run the application.
$ npm install
Create a Postgres database 'bmt', from the Postgres CLI:
\c bmt
For a handy Postgres command cheat sheet, see:
Run the repo schema file to create tables and populate with dummy data:
$ psql -d bmttools -a -f schema.sql
Create a file 'config.js' within the 'server' folder and include the following:
module.exports = {
cloudName: '/* your Cloudinary account name */',
uploadPreset: '/* your Cloudinary upload preset */',
pgUser: '/* your local username */',
pgHost: 'localhost',
pgPassword: '',
pgDatabase: 'bmt',
pgPort: 5432
Within client/src/firebase.js, change the config settings to reflect your firebase real-time database account information:
const config = {
apiKey: "/* your API key */",
authDomain: /* your firebase project id */ + "",
databaseURL: "https://" + /* your firebase project id */ + "",
projectId: "" + /* your firebase project id */+ "",
storageBucket: ""
Run the following to start the server and build the webpack:
$ npm run server-dev
$ npm run react-dev