mini C compiler written in Rust. This is my hobby project. I use compilerbook as a reference for this project.
Now this compiler can compile chibicc(historical/old branch) by using (you have to add some function definition in the to compile)
$ cargo build --release
Currently, only x86_64-linux-gnu is supported.
$ ./target/release/rs9cc /path/to/source.c > a.s
$ cc -no-pie a.s
$ ./a.out
Note: Since preprocessor is not currently implemented, you may have to do the prototype declarations yourself.
int printf(char *p, ...);
int main() {
printf("hello world %d", 1);
$ cargo test
docker is required.
$ ./ test
$ ./ test_sh
- Four arithmetic operations (
) - unray(
) - comparison(
) - local variable
- return statement
- control statement(
) - block statement(
) - function call
- function definition
- array
- global variable
- pointer and String literal
- comment
- struct, enum
- bit op (
) goto
- extern
- lvar,gvar initializers
- va_start
- static local variable
- static function, global variable
program = (function | declaration ("=" gvar-initializer)? ";" | func-prototype )*
type-specifier = builtin-type | struct-dec | typedef-name | enum-specifier"
builtin-type = "void"
| "_Bool"
| "char"
| "short" | "short" "int" | "int" "short"
| "int"
| "long" | "int" "long" | "long" "int"
declarator = "*"* ("(" declarator ")" | ident) type-suffix
abstract-declarator = "*"* ("(" declarator ")")? type-suffix
type-suffix = ("[" const-expr? "]" type-suffix)?
type-name = type-specifier abstract-declarator type-suffix
struct-dec = "struct" ident? ("{" declaration ";" "}")?
enum-specifier = enum ident? "{" enum-list? "}"
| enum ident
enum-list = enum-elem ("," enum-elem)* ","?
enum-elem = ident ("=" const-expr)?
declaration = type-specifier declarator type-suffix
| type-specifier
initialize = "{" (expr ("," expr)*)? "}"
| expr
func-prototype = type-specifier declarator "(" params? ")"
function = func-prototype "{" stmt* "}"
params = declaration ("," declaration)* ("," "...")? | "void"
stmt = expr ";"
| "return" expr? ";"
| "if" "(" expr ")" stmt
| "while" "(" expr ")" stmt
| "do" stmt "while" "(" expr ")" ";"
| "for" "(" stmt? ";" expr? ";" expr? ")" stmt
| "{" stmt* "}"
| declaration ("=" lvar-initializer)? ";"
| "break" ";"
| "continue" ";"
| "goto" ident ";"
| ident ":" stmt
| "switch" "("expr")" stmt
| "case" const-expr ":" stmt
| "default" ":" stmt
lvar-initializer = assign
| "{" lvar-initializer ("," lvar-initializer)* ","? "}"
expr = assign ("," assign)*
assign = conditional (assign-op assign)?
assign-op = "=" | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "<<=" | ">>=" | "&=" | "|=" | "^="
conditional = logor ("?" expr ":" conditional)?
logor = logand ("||" logand)*
logand = bitor ("&&" bitor)*
bitor = bitxor ("|" bitxor)*
bitxor = bitand ("^" bitand)*
bitand = equality ("&" equality)*
equality = relational ("==" relational | "!=" relational)*
relational = shift ("<" shift | "<=" | ">" shift | ">=" shift)*
shift = add ("<<" add | ">>" add)*
add = mul ("+" mul | "-" mul)*
mul = cast ("*" cast | "/" cast)*
cast = "(" type-name ")" cast | unary
unary = ("+" | "-" | "*" | "&" | "!" | "~")? cast
| ("++" | "--") unary
| postfix
postfix = compound-literal
| primary ("[" expr "]" | "." ident | "->" ident | "++" | "--")*
compound-literal = "(" type-name ")" "{" (gvar-initializer | lvar-initializer) "}"
stmt-expr = "(" "{" stmt stmt* "}" ")"
primary = num
| ident (func-args)?
| "(" expr ")"
| str
| char
| "(" "{" stmt-expr-tail
| "sizeof" unary
| "sizeof "(" type-name ")"
func-args = "(" (assign ("," assign)*)? ")"