Provide a set of tools to work with. Localisation though Json object file, SQL Server Dal through reflection/attribute using stored procedure (Close to Entity but more database flexible). For any kind of information or return on my projects feel free to send an email to [email protected]
This Dal can be found in the namespace : HolyNoodle.Utility.Dal.
It allows you to create models and bind them to a stored procedure.
You can use configuration file to init the connection string.
<add name="myProdDb" connectionString="your connection string" />
<add key="holynoodle:DefaultConnectionString" value="myProdDb" />
Or you can init using code
var db = new AzureDb("your connection string");
public class User : IDalObject
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
[DalAttribute("Password", typeof(PasswordCrypter))]
public string Password { get; set; }
DalAttribute allow the AzureDb object to detect what are the properties to bind. The string in the constructor is to find the right column name in the returns of your stored procedures for this model. The PasswordCrypter object allows a password hash in order to encrypt your data. This object can't be decrypted ! It's a one way encryption
I won't be explaining what a stored procedure is. Google is your friend :)
public class GetUsers : IDbProcedure
public string Procedure
return "ps_User_Get"; //procedure name in the database
This is a simple procedure configuration for a stored procedure without parameters
public class GetUsersFromUserId : IDbProcedure
public string Procedure
return "ps_User_Get_FromUserId"; //procedure name in the database
[DalAttribute("useId")] //procedure parameter
public int UserId { get; set; }
This is a simple procedure configuration for a stored procedure with a userId parameter
public class AddUser : IDbProcedure
public string Procedure
return "ps_User_Add"; //procedure name in the database
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public string Login { get; set; }
[DalAttribute("password", typeof(PasswordCrypter))]
public string Password { get; set; }
This is a simple procedure configuration for a stored procedure with a multiples parameters
Now let's see how to use this classes
static void main(string[] args)
var db = new AzureDb("connection string"); //do not provide the parameter if you use configuration file
var users = db.Execute<User>(new GetUsers());
//this will execute the procedure "ps_User_Get" and return a list of User
var user = db.Execute<User>(new GetUsersFromUserId() { UserId = 1 }).FirstOrDefault();
//This will execute the procedure ps_User_Get_FromUserId with the parameter userId set to 1
//Execute<T> always return a list. It's up to you to know what to do with it. Here the logic wants you to take the first one
db.ExecuteNonQuery(new AddUser() {
FirstName = "HolyNoodle",
LastName = "France",
Email = "[email protected]",
Login = "HolyNoodle",
Password = "password"
//this will execute the ps_User_Add stored procedure with all the parameters
//Not that the password will be encrypted before being send to the database
The procedureBinder attribute allows you to bind a property of a model to a procedure in order to load the property from the procedure when you want
First of all, the procedure object to bind to a property
public class GetUserRightsFromId : IDbProcedure
public string Procedure
return "ps_UserRights_Get_FromId";
public int UserId { get; set; }
Then the binding in the model
public class User: IDalObject
public int Id { get; set; }
[ProcedureBinder(BindedProcedure = typeof(GetUserRightsFromId), BindedProcedurePropertyName = "UserId", BindedSourcePropertyName = "Id", AutoBind = true)]
public List<Right> RightList { get; set; }
You are binding the property RightList to the procedure GetUserRightsFromId. The parameter of the procedure UserId is set to the value of the property Id in the User instance. The AutoBind property is set to false by default. If set to true, whenever the AzureDB object cross a ProcedureBinder with AutoBind true, it will execute the binded procedure. Care for the performance of your code
You can manually refresh a binding by using this code
static void main(string[] args)
var db = new AzureDb("connection string"); //do not provide the parameter if you use configuration file
var user = new User()
Id = 1;
await db.RefreshBinding(user, "RightList");
In order to validate procedure parameters you can implement IDbValidator on your procedure. For example :
public Tuple<bool, Dictionary<string, string>> Validate(AzureDb context)
var message = new Dictionary<string, string>();
if (Login == null || Login == string.Empty)
message.Add("Login", "IsNull");
if (!CheckLength(Login))
message.Add("Login", "TooShort");
if (!CheckLoginCharacters(Login))
message.Add("Login", "UnwantedCharacters");
if (Password == null || Password == string.Empty)
message.Add("Password", "IsNull");
if (!CheckLength(Password))
message.Add("Password", "TooShort");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Email))
message.Add("Email", "IsNull");
message.Add("Email", "WrongFormat");
return new Tuple<bool, Dictionary<string, string>>(message.Count == 0, message);
When the Dal validates to procedure, if there is errors an AzureDbValidationException will be throw with the data of the errors.
Warning : This feature hasn't been tested in every case.
You can provide a cache provider using configuration file :
<add key="holynoodle:CacheProvider" value="HolyNoodle.Utility.DAL.BaseCacheProvider" />
This line allows the DAL to use the BaseCacheProvider. In this line, the Dal expect a class implementing the ICacheProvider interface.
You can provide a custom cache provider.
You can bind procedures to clear others procedure cache. For example, you have a GetUsers procedures that returns the list of all users in your database. When you call AddUser, you need to uncache GetUsers in order to refresh datas.
public class AddUser : IDbProcedure
This is quite simple
create files according o this pattern language.*.json The * must be replace by the language o the file language.en.json ...
In this file the structure is a Dictionnary<string, string>
"LoginText": "this is the login form",
"Logout": "please logout before exiting",
"Home": "Home page",
"Password": "Password",
"Edit": "Edit",
"Delete": "Delete",
Important : This file copy local property must be set to always.
Important bis: This file is loaded at the runtime, so any changes done after the runtime will not be impacted since you rerun your code
You have to init the LocalisationHelper. In a website i put it in the Global.asax, for example :
protected void Application_Start()
HolyNoodle.Utility.LocalisationHelper.Init("en", HolyNoodle.Utility.ApplicationType.Web); //default language en
//You can set the language files path using the parameter languageFileDirectory
//HolyNoodle.Utility.LocalisationHelper.Init("en", HolyNoodle.Utility.ApplicationType.Web, languageFileDirectory: "path");
HolyNoodle.Utility.ApplicationType provide 2 values: Web (for websites, webapis and so on...) and StandAlone for executables (.exe).
The ChangeLanguage method allows you to change the user language
HolyNoodle.Utility.LocalisationHelper.ChangeLanguage(new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("fr-fr"))
Finally, the GetText method give you the right translation for the key
var translation = HolyNoodle.Utility.LocalisationHelper.GetText("Login");