This repository includes the software development demo for Pandar LiDAR sensor manufactured by Hesai Technology. Branches are included for different systems and UDP protocol versions:
- master: The software development demo for Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 20.04 supports Hesai lidar with UDP protocol v1.3, v1.4, v3.2
- ubuntu16.04: The software development demo for Ubuntu 16.04 supports Hesai lidar with UDP protocol v1.3, v1.4, v3.2
- UDP4.3: The software development demo for Ubuntu supports Hesai lidar with UDP protocol v4.3
LiDAR sensor manufactured by Hesai Technology.
System environment requirement:Linux
-Ubuntu 16.04
-Ubuntu 18.04
-Ubuntu 20.04
Compiler vresion requirement
Cmake version requirement:Cmake 3.8.0 or above
G++ version requirement:G++ 7.5 or above
Library Dependencies: libpcl-dev + libpcap-dev + libyaml-cpp-dev + libboost-dev
$ sudo apt install libpcl-dev libpcap-dev libyaml-cpp-dev libboost-dev
$ git clone
1.$ cd HesaiLidar_Swift_SDK
2.$ mkdir build
3.$ cd build
4.$ cmake ..
5.$ make
target_link_libraries(<Your project>
Set the parameters of class PandarSwiftSDK in
// for Pandar128
PandarSwiftSDK(std::string(""), "", 2368, 10110, std::string("Pandar128"), \
std::string("../params/Pandar128_Correction.csv"), \
std::string("../params/Pandar128_Firetimes.csv"), \
std::string(""), \
lidarCallback, rawcallback, gpsCallback, \
std::string(""), \
std::string(""), \
std::string(""), \
0, 0, std::string("both_point_raw"), false, \
// for PandarQT128
PandarSwiftSDK(std::string(""), "", 2368, 10110, std::string("PandarQT128"), \
std::string("../params/QT128C2X_Correction.csv"), \
std::string("../params/QT128C2X_Firetimes.csv"), \
std::string(""), \
lidarCallback, rawcallback, gpsCallback, \
std::string(""), \
std::string(""), \
std::string(""), \
0, 0, std::string("both_point_raw"), false, \
Parameter description
deviceipaddr The ip of the device
hostIpaddr The ip of the host ip address
lidarport The port number of lidar data
gpsport The port number of gps data
frameid The id of the point cloud data published to ROS
correctionfile The correction file path
firtimeflie The firtime flie path
pcapfile The pcap flie path
pclcallback The callback of PCL data structure
rawcallback The callback of raw data structure
gpscallback The callback of GPS structure
certFile The path of the user's certificate
privateKeyFile The path of the user's private key
caFile The path of the root certificate
start_angle The start angle of every point cloud should be <real angle> * 100.
timezone The timezone of local
publishmode The mode of publish
datatype The model of input data
coordinateCorrectionFlag The flag to control whether to do coordinate Correction
channel_config_file The channel config file path
multCastIp The multicast IP address of connected Lidar, will be used to get udp packets from multicast ip address
Set the pcap flie path only when you what to read a pcap
$ make
$ ./PandarSwiftTest