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[compiler] incorporate changes from #10393
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Simn committed Mar 30, 2022
1 parent bbcf09c commit cea8f21
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Showing 10 changed files with 192 additions and 38 deletions.
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/compiler/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -767,11 +767,12 @@ module HighLevel = struct
let call_haxelib() =
let t = Timer.timer ["haxelib"] in
let cmd = "haxelib" ^ (if global_repo then " --global" else "") ^ " path " ^ String.concat " " libs in
let pin, pout, perr = Unix.open_process_full cmd (Unix.environment()) in
let cmd = "haxelib" in
let args = Array.of_list ("haxelib"::(if global_repo then "--global"::"path"::libs else "path"::libs)) in
let pin, pout, perr, pid = Process_helper.open_process_args_full_pid cmd args (Unix.environment()) in
let lines = Std.input_list pin in
let err = Std.input_list perr in
let ret = Unix.close_process_full (pin,pout,perr) in
let ret = Process_helper.close_process_full_pid (pin,pout,perr,pid) in
if ret <> Unix.WEXITED 0 then fail (match lines, err with
| [], [] -> "Failed to call haxelib (command not found ?)"
| [], [s] when ExtString.String.ends_with (ExtString.String.strip s) "Module not found: path" -> "The haxelib command has been strip'ed, please install it again"
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151 changes: 151 additions & 0 deletions src/compiler/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
open Unix

(* path helpers *)
let as_exe name =
if Sys.unix then name else name ^ ".exe"

let find_program name =
let name = as_exe name in
let pathKey = try Sys.getenv "Path" with Not_found -> "PATH" in
let path = try Sys.getenv pathKey with Not_found -> "" in
let pathComponents = Str.split (Str.regexp (if Sys.unix then ":" else ";")) path in
let sep = if Sys.unix then "/" else "\\" in
if Sys.file_exists (Sys.getcwd() ^ sep ^ name) then
Sys.getcwd() ^ sep ^ name
let indir = List.find (fun dir -> Sys.file_exists (dir ^ sep ^ name)) pathComponents in
indir ^ sep ^ name
(* end path helpers *)

ocaml<4.08/4.12 compat
The _pid part of the function names, as well as the pid argument,
are not needed in the real Unix functions present in 4.08
If ocaml >=4.08 but <4.12 is used, the path lookup should still be
performed, as this isn't performed by the ocaml function until 4.12.
let open_process_args_in_pid prog args =
let prog = try find_program prog with Not_found -> prog in
let (in_read, in_write) = pipe ~cloexec:true () in
let inchan = in_channel_of_descr in_read in
let pid =
create_process prog args stdin in_write stderr
with e ->
close_in inchan;
close in_write;
raise e
end in
close in_write;
(inchan, pid)

let open_process_args_out_pid prog args =
let prog = try find_program prog with Not_found -> prog in
let (out_read, out_write) = pipe ~cloexec:true () in
let outchan = out_channel_of_descr out_write in
let pid =
create_process prog args out_read stdout stderr
with e ->
close_out outchan;
close out_read;
raise e
end in
close out_read;
(outchan, pid)

let open_process_args_pid prog args =
let prog = try find_program prog with Not_found -> prog in
let (in_read, in_write) = pipe ~cloexec:true () in
let (out_read, out_write) =
try pipe ~cloexec:true ()
with e ->
close in_read; close in_write;
raise e in
let inchan = in_channel_of_descr in_read in
let outchan = out_channel_of_descr out_write in
let pid =
create_process prog args out_read in_write stderr
with e ->
close out_read; close out_write;
close in_read; close in_write;
raise e
end in
close out_read;
close in_write;
(inchan, outchan, pid)

let open_process_args_full_pid prog args env =
let prog = try find_program prog with Not_found -> prog in
let (in_read, in_write) = pipe ~cloexec:true () in
let (out_read, out_write) =
try pipe ~cloexec:true ()
with e ->
close in_read; close in_write;
raise e in
let (err_read, err_write) =
try pipe ~cloexec:true ()
with e ->
close in_read; close in_write;
close out_read; close out_write;
raise e in
let inchan = in_channel_of_descr in_read in
let outchan = out_channel_of_descr out_write in
let errchan = in_channel_of_descr err_read in
let pid =
create_process_env prog args env out_read in_write err_write
with e ->
close out_read; close out_write;
close in_read; close in_write;
close err_read; close err_write;
raise e
end in
close out_read;
close in_write;
close err_write;
(inchan, outchan, errchan, pid)

let rec waitpid_non_intr pid =
try waitpid [] pid
with Unix_error (EINTR, _, _) -> waitpid_non_intr pid

let close_process_in_pid (inchan, pid) =
close_in inchan;
snd(waitpid_non_intr pid)

let close_process_out_pid (outchan, pid) =
(* The application may have closed [outchan] already to signal
end-of-input to the process. *)
begin try close_out outchan with Sys_error _ -> () end;
snd(waitpid_non_intr pid)

let close_process_pid (inchan, outchan, pid) =
close_in inchan;
begin try close_out outchan with Sys_error _ -> () end;
snd(waitpid_non_intr pid)

let close_process_full_pid (inchan, outchan, errchan, pid) =
close_in inchan;
begin try close_out outchan with Sys_error _ -> () end;
close_in errchan;
snd(waitpid_non_intr pid)
(* end ocaml<4.08/4.12 compat *)

let command cmd args =
let args = Array.of_list (cmd::args) in
let pin, pout, pid = open_process_args_pid cmd args in
let ret = close_process_pid (pin,pout,pid) in
match ret with
| Unix.WEXITED code -> code
| _ -> 255
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions src/context/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -322,6 +322,7 @@ type context = {
mutable get_messages : unit -> compiler_message list;
mutable filter_messages : (compiler_message -> bool) -> unit;
mutable run_command : string -> int;
mutable run_command_args : string -> string list -> int;
(* typing setup *)
mutable load_extern_type : (string * (path -> pos -> Ast.package option)) list; (* allow finding types which are not in sources *)
callbacks : compiler_callbacks;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -716,7 +717,7 @@ let memory_marker = [|Unix.time()|]

let create compilation_step cs version args =
let m = Type.mk_mono() in
let rec com = {
compilation_step = compilation_step;
cs = cs;
cache = None;
Expand All @@ -743,6 +744,7 @@ let create compilation_step cs version args =
config = default_config;
print = (fun s -> print_string s; flush stdout);
run_command = Sys.command;
run_command_args = (fun s args -> com.run_command (Printf.sprintf "%s %s" s (String.concat " " args)));
std_path = [];
class_path = [];
main_class = None;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -798,7 +800,8 @@ let create compilation_step cs version args =
has_error = false;
report_mode = RMNone;
is_macro_context = false;
} in

let is_diagnostics com = match com.report_mode with
| RMDiagnostics _ -> true
Expand Down
21 changes: 9 additions & 12 deletions src/generators/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6971,9 +6971,9 @@ let write_build_options common_ctx filename defines =
PMap.iter ( fun name value -> match name with
| "true" | "sys" | "dce" | "cpp" | "debug" -> ()
| _ -> writer#write (Printf.sprintf "%s=%s\n" name (escape_command value))) defines;
let cmd = Unix.open_process_in "haxelib path hxcpp" in
writer#write (Printf.sprintf "hxcpp=%s\n" (Pervasives.input_line cmd));
Pervasives.ignore (Unix.close_process_in cmd);
let pin,pid = Process_helper.open_process_args_in_pid "haxelib" [|"haxelib"; "path"; "hxcpp"|] in
writer#write (Printf.sprintf "hxcpp=%s\n" (Pervasives.input_line pin));
Pervasives.ignore (Process_helper.close_process_in_pid (pin,pid));

let create_member_types common_ctx =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -8588,18 +8588,15 @@ let generate_source ctx =
let t = Timer.timer ["generate";"cpp";"native compilation"] in
let old_dir = Sys.getcwd() in
Sys.chdir common_ctx.file;
let cmd_buffer = Buffer.create 128 in
Buffer.add_string cmd_buffer "haxelib run hxcpp Build.xml haxe";
if (common_ctx.debug) then Buffer.add_string cmd_buffer " -Ddebug";
let cmd = ref ["run"; "hxcpp"; "Build.xml"; "haxe"] in
if (common_ctx.debug) then cmd := !cmd @ ["-Ddebug"];
PMap.iter ( fun name value -> match name with
| "true" | "sys" | "dce" | "cpp" | "debug" -> ();
| _ -> Printf.bprintf cmd_buffer " -D%s=\"%s\"" name (escape_command value);
| _ -> cmd := !cmd @ [Printf.sprintf "-D%s=\"%s\"" name (escape_command value)];
) common_ctx.defines.values;
List.iter (fun path -> Printf.bprintf cmd_buffer " -I\"%s\"" (escape_command path)) common_ctx.class_path;
Buffer.add_char cmd_buffer '\n';
let cmd = Buffer.contents cmd_buffer in
common_ctx.print cmd;
if common_ctx.run_command cmd <> 0 then failwith "Build failed";
List.iter (fun path -> cmd := !cmd @ [Printf.sprintf "-I%s" (escape_command path)]) common_ctx.class_path;
common_ctx.print ("haxelib " ^ (String.concat " " !cmd) ^ "\n");
if common_ctx.run_command_args "haxelib" !cmd <> 0 then failwith "Build failed";
Sys.chdir old_dir;
Expand Down
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions src/generators/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3548,17 +3548,18 @@ let generate con =
if ( not (Common.defined gen.gcon Define.NoCompilation) ) then begin
let old_dir = Sys.getcwd() in
Sys.chdir gen.gcon.file;
let cmd = "haxelib run hxcs hxcs_build.txt --haxe-version " ^ (string_of_int gen.gcon.version) ^ " --feature-level 1" in
let cmd =
let cmd = "haxelib" in
let args = ["run"; "hxcs"; "hxcs_build.txt"; "--haxe-version"; (string_of_int gen.gcon.version); "--feature-level"; "1"] in
let args =
match gen.gentry_point with
| Some (name,_,_) ->
let name = if gen.gcon.debug then name ^ "-Debug" else name in
cmd ^ " --out " ^ gen.gcon.file ^ "/bin/" ^ name
args@["--out"; gen.gcon.file ^ "/bin/" ^ name]
| _ ->
print_endline cmd;
if gen.gcon.run_command cmd <> 0 then failwith "Build failed";
print_endline (cmd ^ " " ^ (String.concat " " args));
if gen.gcon.run_command_args cmd args <> 0 then failwith "Build failed";
Sys.chdir old_dir;

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/generators/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4143,7 +4143,7 @@ let generate com =
Hl2c.write_c com com.file code gnames;
let t = Timer.timer ["nativecompile";"hl"] in
if not (Common.defined com Define.NoCompilation) && com.run_command ("haxelib run hashlink build " ^ escape_command com.file) <> 0 then failwith "Build failed";
if not (Common.defined com Define.NoCompilation) && com.run_command_args "haxelib" ["run";"hashlink";"build";escape_command com.file] <> 0 then failwith "Build failed";
end else begin
let ch = IO.output_string() in
Expand All @@ -4158,7 +4158,7 @@ let generate com =
if Common.raw_defined com "run" then begin
if com.run_command ("haxelib run hashlink run " ^ escape_command com.file) <> 0 then failwith "Failed to run HL";
if com.run_command_args "haxelib" ["run";"hashlink";"run";escape_command com.file] <> 0 then failwith "Failed to run HL";
if Common.defined com Define.Interp then
Expand Down
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions src/generators/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2707,17 +2707,18 @@ let generate con =
if ( not (Common.defined gen.gcon Define.NoCompilation) ) then begin
let old_dir = Sys.getcwd() in
Sys.chdir gen.gcon.file;
let cmd = "haxelib run hxjava hxjava_build.txt --haxe-version " ^ (string_of_int gen.gcon.version) ^ " --feature-level 1" in
let cmd =
let cmd = "haxelib" in
let args = ["run";"hxjava";"hxjava_build.txt";"--haxe-version";(string_of_int gen.gcon.version);"--feature-level";"1"] in
let args =
match gen.gentry_point with
| Some (name,_,_) ->
let name = if gen.gcon.debug then name ^ "-Debug" else name in
cmd ^ " --out " ^ gen.gcon.file ^ "/" ^ name
args @ ["--out";gen.gcon.file ^ "/" ^ name]
| _ ->
print_endline cmd;
if gen.gcon.run_command cmd <> 0 then failwith "Build failed";
print_endline (cmd ^ " " ^ (String.concat " " args));
if gen.gcon.run_command_args cmd args <> 0 then failwith "Build failed";
Sys.chdir old_dir;

Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/generators/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -810,16 +810,16 @@ let generate com =
abort msg (loop 0)
let command cmd = try com.run_command cmd with _ -> -1 in
let command cmd args = try com.run_command_args cmd args with _ -> -1 in
let neko_file = (try Filename.chop_extension com.file with _ -> com.file) ^ ".neko" in
if source || use_nekoc then begin
let ch = IO.output_channel (open_out_bin neko_file) in
Binast.write ch e;
IO.close_out ch;
if use_nekoc && command ("nekoc" ^ (if ctx.version > 1 then " -version " ^ string_of_int ctx.version else "") ^ " \"" ^ neko_file ^ "\"") <> 0 then failwith "Neko compilation failure";
if use_nekoc && command "nekoc" (if ctx.version > 1 then ["-version"; (string_of_int ctx.version); neko_file] else [neko_file]) <> 0 then failwith "Neko compilation failure";
if source then begin
if command ("nekoc -p \"" ^ neko_file ^ "\"") <> 0 then failwith "Failed to print neko code";
if command "nekoc" ["-p"; neko_file] <> 0 then failwith "Failed to print neko code";
Sys.remove neko_file;
Sys.rename ((try Filename.chop_extension com.file with _ -> com.file) ^ "2.neko") neko_file;
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/generators/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1533,12 +1533,12 @@ let load_native ctx lib name t =
(match !cached_sys_name with
| Some n -> n
| None ->
let ic = Unix.open_process_in "uname" in
let ic, pid = Process_helper.open_process_args_in_pid "uname" [| "uname" |] in
let uname = (match input_line ic with
| "Darwin" -> "Mac"
| n -> n
) in
close_in ic;
Pervasives.ignore (Process_helper.close_process_in_pid (ic, pid));
cached_sys_name := Some uname;
| "Win32" | "Cygwin" -> "Windows"
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/macro/eval/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2680,12 +2680,12 @@ module StdSys = struct
(match !cached_sys_name with
| Some n -> n
| None ->
let ic = catch_unix_error Unix.open_process_in "uname" in
let ic, pid = catch_unix_error Process_helper.open_process_args_in_pid "uname" [| "uname" |] in
let uname = (match input_line ic with
| "Darwin" -> "Mac"
| n -> n
) in
close_in ic;
Pervasives.ignore (Process_helper.close_process_in_pid (ic, pid));
cached_sys_name := Some uname;
| "Win32" | "Cygwin" -> "Windows"
Expand Down

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