- Problem: Predict the Items Instacart Costumers Purchase
- Data: The Instacart Online Grocery Shopping Dataset
instacart-report.pdf: Report <--- Start here! This is a detailed description of the project.
instacart-presentation.pdf: Slides <--- Slides provide a partial overview.
Execute in the order listed to respect the data flow.
- instacart-exploratory-data-analysis.ipynb: Exploratory Data Analysis
- instacart-feature-engineering.ipynb: Feature Engineering
- instacart-lda-gridsearchcv-course.ipynb: Latent Dirichlet Allocation GridSearchCV Part 1: Coarse Search
- instacart-lda-gridsearchcv-fine.ipynb: Latent Dirichlet Allocation GridSearchCV Part 2: Fine Search
- instacart-random-forest-parametergrid-search.ipynb: Random Forest ParameterGrid Search
- instacart-top-n-random-forest-model.ipynb: Top-$N$ Random Forest Model
- instacart-prediction-explorer.ipynb: Prediction Explorer