As an alternative to using the ansible vault, this role delegates to localhost to retrieve a config file - expected to be in either YAML or JSON format - from an s3 bucket and converts the file to playbook vars.
- boto
- caller needs credentials with read access on bucket and config file being requested. Credentials are retrieved from a specified AWS profile, or we fall back to environment variables as detailed in the s3 ansible module (
- s3_vars_file_dest: where s3 file is stored locally, defaults to /tmp
- s3_vars_bucket: the s3 bucket where yaml/json file is located
- s3_vars_object: path/to/YAML/OR/JSON/file in bucket
- s3_vars_aws_profile: the AWS profile used by play caller as credentials to read from the target bucket, omitted by default
- s3_vars_config_local_file_name: destination file name of config file on local machine. Defaults to dash-delimited combination of bucket and object, where object folder references are converted to dashes.
- s3_vars_config_cleanup: whether to remove the config file after including it, defaults to true
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: servers
- { role: ansible-role-s3-vars, s3_vars_bucket: app-secrets, s3_vars_object: path/to/config.yml }