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Bootstrap module for HMPO framework


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hmpo-app forms framework bootstrap


Simple usage

const { setup } = require('hmpo-app');
const { router } = setup();

router.use('/', require('./routes/example'));

Extended usage

const {
} = require('hmpo-app');

const {
} = setup({
    option: 'value'

See example app for more details


  • setup(options) Bootstrap the app. run this as early on as possible to init the logger before it is used.

Returned object:

  • app the top-level express app
  • staticRouter an express router before session is initialised
  • router an express router after session is initialised
  • errorRouter an express router before the generic error handling used to handle custom errors

Options object:

Any of these options (except for config) can also be specified in a config file. The options passed to setup() override the options loaded from config files.

  • config if false no config will be loaded
    • APP_ROOT override app root directory detection
    • files = 'config/default(.json|.yaml|.yml)' array of config files to try to load. Missing files will fail silently.
    • envVarName = 'HMPO_CONFIG' environment variable to parse to override config values.
    • commandLineSwitch = '-c' command line switch to load additional config files.
    • merge = true merge new config with config from previous calls to setup.
  • env = NODE_ENV environment variable or 'development' environment.
  • port = 3000 port to bind to. If false the app will not listen to a port.
  • host = '' host to bind to.
  • logs see hmpo-logger options passed to logger. See hmpo-logger for defaults. If false no logger is initialised.
  • requestLogging = true enable request logging (excluding public static files).
  • redis if false redis is not initialised
    • connectionString connection url used for connecting to a redis instance
    • host host name for connecting to a redis instance
    • port = 6379 port for connection to a redis instance
    • ...otherOptions any other options are passed to redis
    • If neither connectionString or host and port are specified an in-memory redis is used
  • errors if false no error handler is set
    • startUrl = '/' url to redirect to if a deep page is accessed as a new browser. Can be a function(req, res).
    • pageNotFoundView = 'errors/page-not-found' view to render for page not found.
    • sessionEndedView = 'errors/session-ended' view to render if session is not found/expired.
    • defaultErrorView = 'errors/error' view to render for other errors.
  • urls
    • public = '/public' base URL for public static assets.
    • publicImages = '/public/images' base URL for public sttic images.
    • version = '/version' base URL for version endpoint, or false to disable.
    • healthcheck = '/healthcheck' base URL for healthcheck endpoint, or false to disable.
  • publicDirs = ['public'] array of paths to mount on the public route, relative to APP_ROOT.
  • publicImagesDirs = ['assets/images'] array of paths to mount on the public images route, relative to APP_ROOT.
  • publicOptions = {maxAge: 86400000} options passed to the express static middleware.
  • views = 'views' array of view directories relative to APP_ROOT.
  • nunjucks options passed to nunjucks templatinng contructor, or false to disable
    • dev = env==='development' run nunjucks in developer mode for more verbose errors.
    • noCache = env==='development' don't cache compiled template files.
    • watch = env==='development' watch for changes to template files.
    • ...otherOptions any other options are passed to nunjucks.configure
  • locales = '.' array of locales base directories (containing a 'locales' directory) relative to APP_ROOT.
  • translation options passed to hmpo-i18n translation library, or false to disable
    • noCache = env==='development' don't cache templated localisation strings.
    • watch = env==='development' watch for changes to localisation files.
    • allowedLangs = ['en','cy'] array of allowed languages.
    • fallbackLang = ['en'] array of languages to use if translation not found is current language.
    • cookie = {name: 'lang'} cookie settings to use to store current language.
    • query = 'lang' query parameter to use to change language, or false to disable.
    • ...otherOptions any other options are passed to hmpo-i18n
  • modelOptions configuration for model options helper to be used with hmpo-model
    • sessionIDHeader = 'X-SESSION-ID' session ID request header to pass through to models.
    • scenarioIDHeader = 'X-SCENARIO-ID' stub scenario ID request header to pass through to models.
  • helmet configuration for Helmet, or false to only use frameguard and disable x-powered-by.
  • disableCompression = false disable compression middleware.
  • cookies configuration for cookie parsing middleware


  • getFlags(req) return all session and config feature flags
  • isEnabled(flag, req) check if a feature flag is enabled in session or config
  • isDisabled(flag, req) check if a feature flag is disabled in session or config
  • redirectIfEnabled(flag, url) middleware to redirect if a flag is enabled
  • redirectIfDisabled(flag, url) middleware to redirect if a flag is disabled
  • routeIf(flag, handlerIf, handlerElse) middleware to run different handler depending on status of a feature flag
const { featureFlag } = require('hmpo-app');

const enabledMiddleware = (req, res, next) => res.send('flag enabled');
const disabledMiddleware = (req, res, next) => res.send('flag disabled');

router.use(featureFlag.routeIf('flagname', enabledMiddleware, disabledMiddleware));


  • config(path, defaultIfUndefined) get a value from loaded config by dot separated path, or a default if not found or undefined. Id any part of the path is not found, the default will be returned.
const { config } = require('hmpo-app');
const value = config.get('config.path.string', 'default value');


  • logger(name) get a new logger with an optional name
const { logger } = require('hmpo-app');

const log = logger(':name');'log message', { req, err, other: 'metedata' });

// or

logger().info('log message', { req, err, other: 'metedata' });


  • redisClient() return redis client
const { redisClient } = require('hmpo-app');
redisClient().set('key', 'value');


Bootstrap module for HMPO framework







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