This guide outlines the setup of a Docker-based "malware" research environment, featuring Ubuntu 18.04. This environment facilitates the study of malware behavior and network vulnerabilities in a controlled and isolated setting.
Launch the script
docker network inspect vulture_net
make sure that the subnet displayed is the same as the subnet in the in /config (ex: If not change it.
docker-compose up --build -d
docker-compose exec ubuntu1 bash / docker-compose exec ubuntu2 bash
on both machine :
launch the ./ in the root to setup the firewall NOTES:
-> Now the machines can ping each other but not the outside world
if you want to test it :
- ping should NOT succeed
- ping ubuntu2 (if you are on ubuntu1) should succeed
Replication mechanism (vulnerability, regular chron file sharing, network scanning from the malware prototype ...)
A simple morphism mechanism from the malware prototype depending on an event (when it is copied, shifted from a place to another, executed, debugged ...)