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2. Identity Provider

Antonio Calatayud edited this page Jun 18, 2020 · 7 revisions

Identity Provider

The Identity Provider (IDP) is one of the key components of the solution. Has been built using .Net Core.

Docker Container Configuration

It is important to clarify that are many different ways to configure the ipmdecisions/identityproviderservice image when building it. Depending on the needs during the deployment, you might choose one.

When .Net Core applications are loaded, they use default configuration files: appsettings.json or/and appsettings.{Environment}.json. See in the repository the file that is included inside the docker image. As expected, the default configuration is very generic.

Finally, when deploying using docker-compose, you can also add environmental variables. These variables will override the appsettings.json ones.


This microservice needs a MySQL database to run. The database will run in its own container. To create the database structure and add default data, an SQL script has been created. It is located on the repository. This script can be run the first time the database container is created adding in it on the volumes section of the docker-compose. Also, you can do a backup of an existing database and applied to MySQL instance.


Name Possible Values Description Notes
ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT Development/Staging/Production Set the application environment Production enforces HTTPS, so only use when certificates installed
ASPNETCORE_URLS http://+:80 Sets entry port of the solution. Must match docker ports Use https://+:443;http://+:80 when valid HTTPS certificates installed
ASPNETCORE_HTTPS_PORT 443 Enforces HHTPS entry port Use when valid HTTPS certificates installed
ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Path /https/YourCertificate.pfx Internal path to your HTTPS certificate Use when valid HTTPS certificates installed
ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Password abc1234 Password of your internal HTTPS certificate Use when valid HTTPS certificates installed
ConnectionStrings:MySqlDbConnection Server=yourServer;Database=yourDatabase;Uid=your_mysql_user;Pwd=your_mysql_password Location of the database Server, if using docker, should be the hostname. If using the SQL script to create DB, the database, username and password should match the values of the script.
JwtSettings:TokenLifetimeMinutes 100 Sets the expiration time of the JWT before the user needs to get a new one Needs to be a number. The default value is 80
JwtSettings:SecretKey 12345abcd This API and others are protected by JWT, this secret key signs the token This secret key MUST match theother microservices
JwtSettings:IssuerServerUrl IDPServerURL Identifies the principal that issued the JWT, in this case, this server This issuer MUST match the other microservices
JwtSettings:ValidAudiences Audience1;Audience2 Identifies the recipients that the JWT is intended for Values must be separated by ;
AllowedHosts;;* Cross-Origin Requests Allowlist origins that can make request into the application. Values must be separated by ;
IPMEmailMicroservice:ApiGatewayAddress http://apg.api/ The API gateway URL Use internal URL from docker compose
IPMEmailMicroservice:EmailMicroservice api/eml/ The Email Service route for the microservice Use the value in the API Gateway Ocelot configuration file.
IPMEmailMicroservice:ContentTypeHeader myCustomTypeHeader This is a custom header using for security. This header MUST be the same in the email microservice
IPMEmailMicroservice:SecurityTokenCustomHeader myCustomHeader This header also adds security for the email microservice This header MUST be the same in the email microservice
IPMEmailMicroservice:SecurityToken theValueOfSecurityTokenCustomHeader This value adds security for the email microservice This value MUST be the same in the email microservice
NLog:targets:logfile:fileName ./your/logPath/andFileName.log Where your logs are going to be saved and name of the file ./logs/imp-decisions-IDP-$${shortdate}.log is a good value.
NLog:rules:logfile:minLevel Warn The level of logging that you want to record on the lof file Possible values in this link
NLog:rules:logconsole:minLevel Warn The level of logging that you want to write on the console Possible values in this link
UIPageAddresses:ResetPasswordFormPageAddress The URL of the UI that the user will be redirected when clicking on the reset password email Should
UIPageAddresses:ConfirmUserFormPageAddress The URL of the UI that the user will be redirected when clicking on the confirm your email email



If you prefer to change load your own appsettings.json, you can achieve this by mounting them using docker-compose volumes. Bellow is the location inside the container where you should copy the files:

   - ./your/localPath/appsettings.json:/app/appsettings.json
   - ./your/localPath/appsettings.Development.json:/app/appsettings.Development.json

Docker Compose section from the APG

Below is an example of the Identity Provider and its database section in the docker-compose file: