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2020 10 01

zaven edited this page Oct 1, 2020 · 1 revision

Domain Entities

Verbiage: trees -> captures

trees to verify: not actually 'to verify'. meant to have a number

trees vs captures vs verify tools


domain entities discussion leads to UX needs

ux support to make more clear up the verify/search captures pane

  • what's the UX team up to?
  • can we get a UX designer on this?
  • is verify and trees(captures) panes combined?

Nick can put some thoughts together on the UX

  • signage when entering app is poor
  • remove unused/unauthorized menus options


  • Questions for Ezra
  • Main users: Seb, Jon Trimarco
  • QC user: Elm
  • New users: Freetown operators
  • Other new users?

API Gateways

  • Start thinking about first step for API gateway
  • DB team will migration 'trees' to 'capture' table and expose a view called trees into capture
  • Need a dedicated admin panel devops individual
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